When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles


When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying the tiles, experienced masters know, but for those who independently perform repair and construction work, this question is one of the most important.

The answer may be one - do it immediately after the installation is not complete. Owners of apartments where such works are being conducted, are interested in why and when it is to connect the system. Both the design itself and laying tiles on the warm floor have some features that need to be considered when connecting the equipment.

Design features

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

For durability of the coating, make a screed under the warm floor and above it

Performing laying ceramic tiles on a warm floor system, you should remember some moments. Even before the installation starts, you need to perform all the necessary calculations to be sure that the tiles will not exceed the level of the finishing flooring in other rooms.

So, you should consider and properly select the diameter of the pipes acquired design. In some cases, the thickness of the screed layer increases on which the warm floor is stacked, in other options it is necessary to make shifts to deepen the design.

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

For the construction of high-quality flooring, it will be necessary to make a screed both under the heap system and above it.

To fill the screed, you must use the cement-sandy mixture or adhesive composition.

Experts argue that the screed made of tile glue is distinguished by increased strength.

When performing work using adhesive composition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the uniform distribution of the substance and the absence of air pockets.

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

After filling the screed and laying tiles Leave the floor to dry out from 3 to 5 days

Tile glue must be evenly distributed over the surface to protect the design from subsequent cracking and premature destruction.

Drying time screed after fill will be a few days. The composition is gaining strength for 3-5 days, after which you can start laying tiles.

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For a start, the area of ​​the room is measured and make a preliminary calculation, selecting the drawing. Then the tile glue layer is applied to the screed, to which the first row will be laid. The glue works, applying the toothed spatula and trying to lay the tile on a layer with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm.

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

For a warm floor, they choose a special floor tile, as a rule, porcelain stoneware.

He retains longer and well gives warmth.

Work is performed using cross, guaranteeing the creation of smooth seams and the lack of undesirable joints.

Lay the surface only with whole tiles, leaving the clearance by the walls, which later will be laid "trimming".

Connecting system

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

After how many days after laying the tile, you can turn on the heap system, it is stated in the rules of installation and operation of the system.

Specifying what a warm floor is when it is possible to include it and for what time it is not allowed to shut down, proceed to the sputs of the seams.

It is necessary to consider that the tile fastens on the surface after 5 days, but in a day it can already be attached. Screed must dry up gradually. During the first three days it is constantly moisturized, providing gradual drying. Read more about connecting the warm floor, see this video:

If the pouring of the solution was used by pipes as construction lights, then the removal of them after 3 days, the freed space is filled with a solution and thoroughly rub, aligning the surface and preventing the formation of drops.

When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

Premature floor switching on may cause defects in the screed

Include the system only after the complete drying of the adhesive composition. The design will be ready for operation in 25 days - the time of the complete set of strength mixture. After that, you can run the equipment that was checked before the construction of the screed.

The inclusion is carried out after the expiration of the specified time, since the premature start of operation can be the causal formation of air bubbles in the created coating.

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When you can turn on the warm floor after laying tiles

Because of such air, the tendency towards cracking increases sharply and the destruction of the screed is accelerated. It becomes the cause of overheating of equipment and the exit of it. Cables burn out, you need urgent replacement, which means a complete dismantling of the design.

Perform similar work is better in the warm season, when there is no difference between the ambient temperature and the floor itself. It is better if the owners of the housing leave the apartment for the time of work on the creation of an outdoor coating. This will be guaranteed that premature pressure will not be provided to the coating and the time will be withstanding until the screed, tile glue and grouts will be sustained. For details on the connection of the floor, see this video:

Another important condition for proper operation is a gradual increase in temperature in the system. But the main thing is to include the system only after complete drying of all solutions. From the screed must completely escape all the moisture, otherwise, with a rapid heating, it will immediately begin to crack and collapse.

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