Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots


Often after repair or replacing windows appear on the surface of the walls of black spots. It started the mold under the wallpaper, and you urgently need to take measures to eliminate it. Favorable conditions for the occurrence of fungus - dampness and high temperature, lack of air circulation. Causes can be different. Get rid of mold need immediately. It not only spoils the appearance of the corners and walls. Pores penetrate the lungs and cause many diseases.

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots

Mold under the wallpaper

Fungus is dangerous on its pores

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots

Mold in the house

Mold is a fungus that can be formed not only from above, but also inside the wall. Usually, black rough stains begin to appear a couple of months after repair or replacing windows. This means a violation of work technology and poor waterproofing.

Most often to me with a request to help remove mold appeal to lovers save. They were not set up rates for my company, and they found cheaper workers. Those who are taken to do in half prices are saved on the quality and number of material. As a result, black spots appear, and the miser pays twice.

Mold is formed after:

  • completion of construction;
  • insulation;
  • overhaul;
  • plastic windows;
  • Accommodation in the room of new cabinet furniture.

Do not try to simply paint the mold on the wallpaper or disguise the damaged wall by the cabinet. After such actions, the fungus will grow even faster. Stain will increase. This will adversely affect the well-being living in the apartment of people and even animals. Small, visible only under the microscope, pores millions will fly in the air and in respiration to fall into the lungs. They can cause a number of pulmonary diseases and allergies.

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Small stains on wallpaper can be removed

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots

Mold in the apartment under the wallpaper

The main problem is that the mold on the wallpaper is late. At the initial stage, small spots appear on wallpaper. Such mold can be removed without the destruction of the walls of the walls. It is necessary to do everything quickly and in the complex.

  1. Before removing mold from wallpaper, determine the reason for its appearance.
  2. Wipe the wallpaper with a sponge dipped in water. After that, the sharpened dark stains are treated with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar.
  3. It is good to dry the angle and the walls adjacent to it.
  4. Make a wet cleaning and with the help of a quartz lamp to irradiate the ultraviolet rays the affected place. Regularly do it after removing the stains in all rooms of the apartment.
  5. Strengthen ventilation in the room. Pull off the walls of cabinet furniture. Regularly conduct ventilation.

Before getting rid of mold on the wallpaper, it is necessary to determine the reasons for its appearance and eliminate them. Then you can avoid the appearance of black spots fungus after repair.

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots

Mold on the walls

Mold penetrates the depth of the wall

Mold fungus develops in a wet warm environment. It falls into the wall with dust and poor-quality materials. Pores can lie for several years and a proportion after the appearance of favorable conditions - damp.

Even with the formation of the first colonies directly under the wallpaper, the fungus applies to actively deep into the walls, hitting the finish and masonry. If you did not find a mold after repairing in the initial stage of its development - the first few stains, then without removing the wallpaper and the layer of affected stucco, do not do. To remove the fungus require a set of measures.

  1. Remove the wallpaper from the affected area.
  2. Remove the affected plaster.
  3. Treat the wall by fungicidal composition killing fungus, at least 3 times, better than 5, with an interval of more than 6 hours. It is advisable to apply a quartz lamp after that.
  4. After complete drying, cover the surface with an antiseptic, before sticking the wallpaper also apply an antibacterial solution. Dry treated area with construction hairdryer.
  5. Align the wall with a stucco, cover with putty and stick new wallpaper.

Attention! All work on the removal of the affected part of the wall must be performed in the respirator. Pores can cause a serious illness, up to the cancer of the respiratory tract.

After that, the room must be regularly ventilated. If necessary, strengthen ventilation, make it forced. A good effect, especially in rooms overlooking the northern direction, gives regular quartzing of 1 -2 times a month.

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Causes of the appearance of mold

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots


Mold fungus appears with dampness. Causes of different:

  • The flow of pipes in the kitchen and in the bathroom;
  • disruption of tightness in the heating system;
  • raw adjacent premises;
  • Plastic windows are incorrectly installed and condensate is formed in them;
  • The insulation of the walls without the calculation of the vapor permeability of the materials has shifted the dew point to the inner surface;
  • sharp temperature differences indoors;
  • Violated air ventilation by cabinet furniture installed close to the wall.

Solving the question of how to remove mold from wallpaper, it is necessary to eliminate the reason for the appearance of dampness. Otherwise, after time it will appear again under the wallpaper and get out and you will have to do everything first.

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots

Mold on the walls

Start with the analysis of events, conducted 2 - 3 months ago:

  • installation of plastic windows;
  • Wall insulation;
  • repair of the ventilation system;
  • Installing new massive furniture;
  • repairs.

If nothing like this was done, then make the revision of all pipes. When the spots appear from the bottom, check the room under you. Conversely, the inhabitants of the upper floor should be inspected by the attic.

In the panel houses, the sealing of the joints between the stoves is disturbed. Then contact the appropriate boobs and require immediately repair the walls and the replacement of waterproofing outside.

Road and dry air after wall processing

Mold under the wallpaper manifested on the walls of black spots

Mold and means of dealing with it

Often the cause of the fungus becomes plastic windows. In violation of the installation technology, condensate is formed in them. Therefore, cover the slopes of hydrophobic paint, and open windows to ventilating at least 2 times a day.

Tip! Experts do not recommend putting plastic windows in rooms without external air conditioners or forced ventilation.

Adjust the hood in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Make a stronger ventilation in the apartment or install the air conditioner.

Move furniture from walls by 15 - 20 mm. This gap will be enough to circulate air.

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