Aboutokonna Plank: In which cases it is possible


During the installation of siding panels, it is necessary to use a huge number of challenges. It is from them that the appearance of the entire facade depends. Today I will tell you about such an element as a missile plank siding. It immediately becomes clear that this element is associated with the window, but what functions it performs and how we will talk further.

Aboutokonna Plank: In which cases it is possible

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Aboutokonna Plank: In which cases it is possible

Finishing near square plate

If you look into European standards, the windows in the houses are completely deepened. This depth should not be more than 30 cm, so the size of a near-room plank allows its installation. However, in Russia, no one adheres such regulations, therefore a near-room plank can not always be used during the design of facades.

Having standard dimensions that make up 22 cm wide, the question remains for many: and how to install a near-room element if the window is heated with the wall, or the recess is greater than the standard value of the voltage element? That is why I decided to share my knowledge about installing a plank at certain window locations relative to the wall surface.

If the window is at the wall level

Aboutokonna Plank: In which cases it is possible

Independent finish with a questionor plank

Of course, the windows are located extremely rarely, however, how to do if the window is installed exactly to the Wall? Using the J-profile, you need to properly connect the planks in the corners. By installing with your own hands, you should act according to such a scheme:

  • By installing vertical rails that are on both sides of the window, you should make a horizontal profile about 3 cm longer than the window opening
  • Next, you need to cut the "bottom" of the protruding parts and bend on the sides of the vertical element. When the action is manufactured, then the same thing is done with vertical strips. The incision in size must match the horizontal profile
  • After that, we bring a bend for the side profile, so that the whole design with ease will fall into the window opening. The lower ray should be installed using this method.

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When all actions are completed correctly formed a complete design, which plays the role of window opening.

Optimal installation conditions of a near-room plank

Aboutokonna Plank: In which cases it is possible

Finishing windows

If the depth of the depth is less than twenty centimeters, then it is possible to install a near-room bar. This location is considered ideal for mounting. Agone bar is installed thanks to two stages that we consider below:

  1. Starting the installation follows from the finish plank, which is mounted throughout the perimeter of the opening
  2. Mounting of a near square element is performed

At first glance, everything seems simple enough, however, if you do not take into account some details of the installation, you can ruin design. Therefore, for those who have not yet triggered independently, I prepared some installations:

  • It should be remembered that the installation of a near-room plank begins with horizontal profiles, and already followed by the vertical elements are mounted. If you have a designed to install the windowsill, then the bottom plank will not need
  • In the corners, the connection occurs with bends and cutters - this course of action I described a little higher with a J-profile
  • Be sure to leave a small gap for the upper charter profile. It should be about four millimeters. This gap subsistence compensates for temperature changes.

When the installation of a near-room plank occurs on old houses, unnecessary slotted spaces between the panels may appear. Silicone sealant will help to get around this nuance, which is perfect for siding elements. The most important thing is that when the coil plank is installed, there is no need to arrange a low tide.

What to do with deep slopes

Aboutokonna Plank: In which cases it is possible

Installation Plank for window

These are the most common slopes and their width is usually more than 20 cm. It is due to the fact that due to the cold climate, the walls of houses are made quite thick. If you have exactly such an opening, it is best to apply the siding panel to cover this space. Act on this technology:

  1. Make the installation of the J-profile - it is attached to the recess near the window frame
  2. Following the outdoor profile, which are located on the outer corners of the window opening
  3. The latter action should be fixing the siding panels. Usually, for such purposes, it is customary to use the remaining pieces and trimming and that is why there should always be purchased with a reserve
  4. For the slopes of such a depth, the mandatory action is the installation of low tide. It must be flexible, thereby compensating for the temperature expansion. All the slots obtained during the attachment are blown away with the help of construction foam

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Important! Do not forget that, producing foam blade, you should load the tide with bricks for a certain time. It is necessary in order that the tide does not raise.


There is nothing complicated in the installation of a near-room plank, however, it is necessary to have certain dimensions. Of course, with the help of other elements, you can achieve an aesthetic appearance of the window and its opening, but it was not for nothing a coil plank was made. For those who make a facade of the facade of their house with the help of siding, it is worth thinking about the use of additional elements that give the finish completed. And if for your window it is possible to use a near square element, it should be used to use it, and for clarity you can see several video lessons that will help you to install the planks with your own hands. Also, do not forget about the gaps that are so necessary for the entire design of the facade - they are extremely important during the temperature expansion.

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