Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms


Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms

The air surrounding us is the main habitat and distribution of various microorganisms. They are the cause and carriers of many infectious diseases that are transmitted to the air-droplet.

If a person infected with any viral infection appears in the working team or at home, the probability of surrounding disease increases repeatedly. To do this, it is not necessary to closely in contact with the fallen. Just just be with him in the same room. Feative becomes a source of virus spread. With breathing, a large number of pathogenic organisms falls into the surrounding air and settles on various surfaces. Many viruses can be saved for a long time and through the inhaled air to infect others.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Bacteria are very quickly distributed by air - drip, so with a large number of patients, the room must be disinfected

For people with a strong immune system, the presence of infectious microorganisms can be safe. The human body is designed so that it is capable of neutralizing many pathogens of diseases. For people with a weakened or not developed, as in children, the immune system, getting into the habitat of viruses will probably lead to infection. In any case, it is better to avoid contact with pathogenic microbes causing diseases.

To suppress the life of microorganisms in the surrounding air and on various surfaces, special devices are used, called quartz lamps for disinfection of the room.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
In the metro car, a huge number of bacteria accumulates, so the installation of a quartz lamp is a good move
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Quartz lamps are mandatory in the maternity hospital, since the newborn has not yet formed an immune system
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Quartz lamp can be installed in the toilet for the disinfection of the room

Ultraviolet action on pathogenic microorganisms

The possibility of destruction of bacteria using high temperatures is known, or using special chemical disinfectants. Such methods are not sufficiently convenient, not always effective, and in some cases are impracticable, so methods of combating microorganisms are needed more convenient and efficient.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
In the photo under ultraviolet radiation, you can see the number of bacteria that remain on your hands from various things.
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Distribution of bacteria in the air

For a long time, it was noted that an increase in the number of viral microorganisms prevents sunlight. Later it was determined that such an effect gives an invisible by a human look, a part of the spectrum, with a wavelength of less than 320 nm. Thanks to this discovery, over time, it was possible to create artificial sources of such radiation capable of destroying bacteria in the surrounding air and on surfaces.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Ultraviolet rays - one of the effects of sunlight

The effect of rays causes the destruction of the DNA of bacteria, a violation of their cellular respiration and synthesis, this leads to the impossibility of reproduction and death of the microbial cell. Ultraviolet rays emitted by quartz lamps for disinfection are able to effectively deal with causative agents of infections, efficiently cleaning the room from them. The antimicrobial effect of UV rays is effectively destroyed by various microorganisms: bacteria, disputes, viruses and mushrooms, so a quartz lamp for a home can have a versatile application.

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Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Impact of ultraviolet on DNA structure

Design features of devices

Quartz lamps for disinfection are a source of powerful ultraviolet radiation that kills microorganisms harmful to humans. They are divided into ozone and inspired. When oxygen interacts with oxygen, the ozone lamps form a large amount of ozone, which is harmful at elevated concentration for people. Therefore, using such a lamp it is necessary, at the end of quartzing, to air the room.

Ozone formation under the influence of UV rays and oxygen

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Ozone quartz lamp
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
After ozonization, it is necessary to ventilate the room

In the cheap lamps, the emitter is placed in a special flask made of quartz glass. The generation of ozone, when operating a terminal lamp, occurs in minimal quantities, harmless to people, so the air ventilation is not required.

Manufacturers produce quartz irradiators with the possibility of various locations:

  • ceiling;
  • wall;
  • desktop;
  • Mobile.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Scheme of a simplified quartz lamp device
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
You can place quartz lamps as on the ceiling, so on the wall and on the floor

According to the design and method of processing the surrounding space, they are divided into two groups: open and closed.

Open quartz lamp

The work of an open quartz lamp is to spread the stream of ultraviolet radiation to the entire space of the room and disinfection of air and all items from malicious microorganisms that fall under direct rays. The open-type quartzing lamp should not work in constant mode, but according to the schedule specified in the instruction. Purification of the room occurs quite quickly and efficiently. UV rays are effective only in the open space, so the places falling into the shadow are not exposed to irradiation, and therefore, in such sites, harmful microorganisms do not die. The strength of the ray is small, they cannot deeply penetrate deep into. If microorganisms are located in several layers, only the upper reservoir will die, protecting the lower layers from the harmful effect of the emitter. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the removal of dust and the regularity of the processing of the room.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Processing of the room open quartz lamp in the hospital ward

The intensity and efficiency of irradiation depend on the distance between the lamp and surfaces, the more objects are removed, the lower the effectiveness of the processing. Depending on the size of the processed room, a quartz lamp for the room must be selected, its size and power. A large selection of mobile open models allows you to use one device in various apartments.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
When being under quartz rays, you can get burns, so there should be no one in the quartzing room

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The use of an open lamp requires compliance with certain security measures. When conducting quartzing, there should be no people and animals in the room. Increasing UV rays on open skin sections or retina can cause sufficiently serious burns, lead to exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases or create other heavy health problems. The rays of a quartz homemade lamp adversely affect the decoration of the room and interior items. Over time, they can fad, as well as when exposed to sunlight.

Closed quartz lamp

Closed quartz lamps are called recirculators, in them the ultraviolet emitter is inside the housing and the rays do not have exit outside. Disinfection occurs as a result of the air run inside the hull is suused with special fans. Polluted air, falling inside the case, irradiated with a lamp located there, and purified comes out.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Closed quartz lamp

The power of the recyclarator depends on the number of fans and their strength. Various models can drive from 15 to 100 cubic meters of air in an hour. The bactericidal efficiency of disinfection of closed lamps is from 90 to 99%.

Recirculators can operate in constant mode, with a low intensity of operation, they can not be turned off within 7 days. During the work period, the closed lamp can be indoors, they are safe for people and animals. The amount of ozone allocated during the operation is minimal, so there is no need to air the room after their use.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Circuit diagram of the device of a closed quartz lamp

Recirculators have high air purification efficiency, but does not occur to disinfection of objects and surfaces. During operation, fans create a slight noise. The inconvenience to use is due to the fact that they produce recirculators mainly for wall mount, so they are deprived of mobility and a separate model is needed for each room.

Depending on the requirements for air purification and the room, the design of a quartz lamp is selected. For convenience and the ability to handle various rooms, you can purchase a double-acting model, which, if necessary, can switch or into open quartzing mode, or recycling. Numerous reviewers of quartz lamps will make the right choice.

Bactericidal lamp

A quartz bactericidal lamp is not really a quartz, but has the same appointment and principle of operation, as well as the usual. Their differences are only in the design features. The quartz lamp uses quartz glass, hence the name. In the device of a bactericidal lamp, an uvery glass is used, which passes only the UV rays of a certain spectrum. This glass is capable of filtering the harmful ozone spectrum, so during the period of operation of the bactericidal lamp does not form ozone harmful to human health.

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Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Scheme of bactericidal quartz lamp

"Sunshine" for health

Ultraviolet rays are capable not only to kill malicious bacteria and viruses, but also have a high therapeutic effect, in the treatment of many diseases. To improve the overall condition of the body and improving immunity, special quartz lamps are used. They have low power not harmful to health. Some models can be used for infant children, which indicates their positive properties and absolute security, subject to the rules of operation.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Quartz lamp "Sunny" is used in the treatment of ENT diseases

A quartz lamp "Sunny" received widespread, thanks to the positive reviews of users who rated her beneficial effects. Under its impact, blood circulation is improved, metabolic processes are accelerated, vitamin d reserves are replenished, immunity increases and the body's overall strengthening occurs. A positive effect with many diseases of the skin, joints, hair and ENT organs makes it possible to widely use the Sunshine Quartz lamp and makes it necessary in everyday life. It can be easily used at home alone. All the necessary nozzles and detailed instructions for use will help correctly, with health benefits to use the device.

A quartz lamp "Sunny" has several modifications. They are distinguished by the appearance and number of functions performed. The most simple model of a Quartz Sun Lamp OUFK 01 is a compact and mobile device, convenient for use at home. His kit includes special nozzles for various healthcare procedures and detailed instructions.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Interestingly, the Soviet Quartz Lamp "Sunny" was actively used in kindergartens and sanatoriums

The second and subsequent models have a more complex design and are intended for holding other therapeutic measures, but they are all based on the use of ultraviolet radiation.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Use a quartz lamp "Sunny" needed in safety glasses

Hazards ultraviolet

With a mass of positive qualities to improve well-being and accelerating recovery in various diseases, the use of ultraviolet radiation can have negative consequences, so before using the device, you must be consulted with a specialist.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
You need to use a quartz lamp with caution

The use of a quartz lamp has a number of contraindications on health, which must be taken into account: tuberculosis, at the active stage, oncology, tendency to bleeding, diseases of the vessels and the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of any of the disease can be a contraindication to the use of a quartz lamp. Only a qualified doctor will be able to establish the possibility of using such an appliance, and correctly determine the time of its work.

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Types of quartz lamps for power
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
There are portable quartz lamps
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Quartz lamp for the combustion of the house can be installed above the children's bed
Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms
Interestingly, quartz lamps are used to disinfect protective suits with dangerous viruses

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