Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition


Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

A new heating system is a water warm floor every year conquering increasing popularity in people around the world. Water heat floors can serve as the main type of heating and auxiliary, and will be applied in rooms of various areas.

Depending on the requirements of each host, a new type of heating can perform different functions, and in advance in each room you can make different distances between the pipes of the warm floor.

Heating elements of water heating floor and their calculation

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

In private houses, warm floors are heated using electrical or gas heating

Water warm floor is a popular heating system in which the heat carrier is water that is taken from the heating system or the central "hot water supply".

Also for heating the coolant, electrical and gas boilers are used. The coolant before getting into the heating elements is fed to the collector, which is the main distribution center of this type of heating.

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

The water temperature in the heated floor circuit should be no more than 30 - 40 degrees

In the central heating system and water supply water, water has a sufficiently large temperature (60-800 ° C), and the warm floor itself should heat up to 30-400s.

To do this, the collector establishes flowmeters that control the flow of the coolant into each contour.

The contour in the water heating heating system is a separate pipeline. Since the collector is installed one on the entire apartment or the house, a plurality of pipes are connected to it when installing this type of heating throughout the apartment. Pipes, being a heating element, must have a flexible structure and are performed from reliable materials, without deforming when temperatures change.

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

There are several varieties of heating elements that have certain features:

  • polypropylene pipes;
  • copper pipes;
  • Corrugated metal pipes;
  • Metal plastic heating elements.

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Copper and steel elements of the system have the best thermal conductivity, but not so often apply as metal-plastic and polypropylene, due to its value.

It should be known that on the basis of the bottom, it is recommended to create a "pie" of warm water floors in residential premises with a thickness of up to 8 cm. It should be remembered that the pie includes:

Waterproofing, reinforcing mesh, to which heating elements are attached, the pipes themselves, the cement-concrete screed and the finish coating.

Methods of laying pipes

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

To date, two methods of laying heating elements are widely applied:

  • zigzag;
  • spiral.

Laying pipes with a spiral or snail (2 name) is carried out in large rooms, places with long-term frost and northern regions of the country. Since this laying system implies the high cost of coolant, respectively, it turns out intensive heated rooms.

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

Laying the helix will allow evenly cutting the room

Warm water floor with a pipe styling method Spiral is often used to organize the main heating source. Such a new type of heating is able to evenly warm the finishing flooring and the entire room as a whole, creating a great microclimate.

You can put the heating elements with zigzag in any room. This method requires a smaller (than with a helix) the amount of heat carrier to create a comfortable room in the room. But there is one disadvantage of this pipe system - this is uneven heating. Since water is submitted at the beginning of the contour, and it is closed at its end, the smooth drop of the floor temperature is felt, having the same direction.

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

When laying a zigzag there is a risk that the floors warm up uneven

To avoid such phenomena, the system of pipes "double zigzag", with water supply from different heating circuits. This allows you to organize uniform heating. When laying pipes Zigzag often use a warm floor as an additional type of heating for small rooms (bathrooms, balconies).

It should be remembered that depending on the atmospheric features of the installation site of the warm floor and the climatic belt, as well as taking into account the requirements of the host itself to room temperature, the distance between the pipes of the warm floor with both methods of laying can be different.

Parameters for calculating the distance between the pipes of the warm floor

The installation of warm water floors is calculated for the effective operation of the new heating system. For details on the laying of a water circuit, see this video:

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Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

It depends on several important indicators:

  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material from which the pipes are made;
  • diameter of heating elements;
  • Wall insulation of the house or apartment;
  • climatic features of the territory;
  • Finish flooring the highest floor.

Distance between the pipes of the warm floor: Tips for definition

Copper pipes are best carried out heat

All these parameters directly or indirectly affect the pitch laying for warm water floors. If you do not take into account the above parameters, your heating flooring may turn out to be an inefficient heater, creating discomfort indoors.

Choosing what the distance between the pipes should be, the parameters of the thermal conductivity of all materials, of which heating elements are produced. The best indicators "boast" copper and steel pipes, respectively, with their choice should increase step (relative to the average data). Polypropylene pipes are firmly stolen, since the material is weakly conducting heat.

When installing pipes, one truth should be remembered than the diameter of the heating elements, the farther they are located apart.

The dependence of the pipe diameter and the floor laying step can be seen from the table.

Pipe diameter, mmStacking step, mm

These dependencies are calculated for metal-plastic pipes. Accordingly, for metal products, the laying step must be increased by 15-20%, and for polypropylene - reduce by 20-25%.

For residential premises, a variable step of laying pipes of a warm floor is used. It gradually increases from the outer walls (the greatest weight loss), where 10 cm is.

Summing up the above, it is worth saying that the correct determination of the heating elements of the heating floor, its corresponding installation and connection ensures the effective and long operation of the heating system. The distance between the pipes in the system is directly related to the heat loss in the room.

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