5 ways to easily and quickly clean the grenade


Pomegranate is a very useful fruit that is tasty not only by itself, it can serve as an excellent decoration of a festive dish. Its grains covered with juicy pulp, contain a whole pantry vitamins and microelements, among which is iron, the element without which is impossible to properly function the human body.

5 ways to easily and quickly clean the grenade

How to choose a delicious and ripe grenade

In order to enjoy a truly delicious fruit, you need to make sure of its maturity. A banging pomegranate will be difficult to clean it in food, it is unlikely to bring a lot of pleasure.

Find out whether the fruit is sold in the store can be easily used to correctly evaluate a number of parameters:

  1. In the color of the peel:
  • Ripe grenade can be burgundy, red, pink and even white;
  • The green color will talk about the immaturity of the fetus.
  1. According to the appearance of internal content:
  • juiciness, the presence of smooth and shiny grains with thin streaks, speaks of the ripeness of the fetus;
  • Soft branches of a brownish shade indicate that the grenade has already started to deteriety;
  • Spotted grains with moss traces - reason to throw such a fruit.
  1. By smell:
  • Strong fragrance suggests that the grenade fell;
  • Neutral smell with a small touch of sweetness - a sign of ripe fruit.
  1. Aurally:
  • Juicy and ripe fetus will make a thick sound of the impact of metal;
  • bothering fruit will sound very quietly, as if published;
  • Overreated pomegranate after exposure to it will definitely retain the reflection or cracks.
  1. To the touch:
  • It is necessary to quickly squeeze the fetus, its softness is a sign of overripe;
  • Very solid fruit says that he has not yet matured;
  • Elastic grenades, which bending under pressure, immediately returns his form - this is ripe fruit.

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Sometimes to choose a high-quality and ripe fruit, you should use the Council of the familiar seller.

How to clean the grenade in 30 seconds

The Internet is quite popular by Lifehak, in which they tell about the rapid version of the purification of this fruit. The method is rather simple, it does not imply the removal of the peel, therefore the treacherous shooting of pomegranate juice throughout the kitchen can also be not afraid.

Pomegranate cleansing technology:

The method is incredibly simple and fast, everyone can use it. It can be used when grains are required. If it is planned to just fool the juicy fruit, you can cut it on the slices and eat.

5 ways to easily and quickly clean the grenade

Cleaning a grenade in 6 movements

To properly clean the whole pomegranate during the time less than 1 minute, you need to prepare a number of auxiliary items in advance:
  • A small knife having a sharp blade;
  • cutting board;
  • Capacity for grenade grains;
  • Large spoon;
  • silicone baking form;
  • form that allows you to sculpt dumplings;
  • Big sieve for flour.

This method allows you to quickly clean the pomegranate and not lose a drop of precious and useful juice, not blocked and do not disorder the kitchen. There are several options for this cleansing, consider step by step each of them:

1 option

5 ways to easily and quickly clean the grenade

Option 2

  • Rinse a fruit in hot running water;
  • remove the top with a knife;
  • Place a grenade on the board;
  • Make 5 cuts in such a way that the fruit is not cleared into parts;
  • remove the peel to the base so that the pomegranate is similar to the blossomy lotus;
  • Place a fruit over a bowl with water;
  • by tapping with a spoon, knock out all the grains from the peel;
  • Now it remains to remove all films and separate with the help of sieves, trash from grains.

3 option

  • Washing grenades put on the board;
  • cut it into 2 parts in cross section;
  • On a bowl put shape for dumplings;
  • on top to put 1 half a grenade;
  • cover the fruit of silicone shape and knock on it with a spoon;
  • The grains will fall in the supplied cup.
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The last method is good in the case when it is planned to prepare juice from a grenade, because some grains can lose their integrity and flatter.

How to clean the grenade so that he remains the whole

You can clean the fruit from the peel not only with a knife, but without it. Someone will say that in this case, the risk of damaging the flesh, but it is not. The whole process of cleansing looks like this:

5 ways to easily and quickly clean the grenade

Clean grenades in half

This homemade garnet cleaning method is rather peculiar, it is necessary to act here carefully so that the splashes do not fly throughout the kitchen. In addition, it is important to protect your hands with gloves.

It is necessary to extract branches from a grenade:

  • After careful washing, from the top of the fruit you need to cut off the peel, removing all the plates under it;
  • Now you need to cut a dyshko, about the grain level;
  • Circling only the peel, you need to split the fruit in two;
  • Having placed the back to the plate, you need to push both halves to the souls to the sides, so that the bones began to raise down;
  • With the help of the midst, you need to knock out the residues of grains from the pomegranate peel.

This method can be called relatively easy, allowing beautifully and without extra effort to get the grains from the bowels of the grenade.

5 ways to easily and quickly clean the grenade

How to clean the pomegranate?

In order to make a beautiful decor at home on a festive table with a pomegranate, you need to clean it as gently and beautifully. You can do it like this:

Cleansing the pomegranate from the peel and the extraction of useful and juicy berries is not such a difficult task, as it may seem at first glance. It is enough to arma several tools, a mixtalk and a good mood. Literally 2-3 minutes and juicy grains will already decorate the table and delight the eyes with their abundance.

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