How to make rings on the curtains: instruction, tools


Today is unlikely, and it is inconvenient to use heavy curtains on hooks. In the world, where they appreciate every minute, the curtains on the rings are increasingly used in the decor.

How to make rings on the curtains: instruction, tools

In order to be perfectly uniform wave, it is recommended to use an even rings.

Make rings on curtains - this is not a very difficult operation, which can be carried out at home. Of course, there are some nuances, thanks to which you can significantly increase the decorative effect, for example, correctly punch the rings on the curtains.

Before independent tailoring, the curtain should pay attention to the choice of rings. They can be made of different materials (plastic, metal) and decorated under the skin, wood, steel, etc. It is quite easy to find them, just go to a specialized store.

How to make rings on the curtains: instructions and necessary tools

How to make rings on the curtains: instruction, tools

Accessories for curtains.

So, starting to sewing the curtains on the rings (lover), you need to know from which items to sew and which of the tools will be useful. Below is a list:

  1. Fabric (it is important to choose the right material).
  2. Scissors.
  3. Reelness (rings).
  4. Pencil for marking.
  5. The lover ribbon (it can be replaced with phlizelin).
  6. Iron.
  7. Sewing machine.

Basic skills of working with a conventional sewing machine should be enough to fulfill such a type of work.

The number of rings on the curtains should always be even. Only then will get a beautiful and almost perfectly uniform wave.

How to make rings on the curtains: instruction, tools

Scheme of fastening of chalks in the holes done.

But the distance between the rings (lover) must be calculated before the sewing itself, based on what depth and frequency of folds I want to get. For deep and rather relief folds, a distance of about 22 cm between them will be required. For soft folds, it will be enough and 15 cm. You should be careful because too much space between rings on the curtains can lead to ugly sagging of the tissue itself, especially if it is very dense. End into each other, lover will not give a welcome effect. Therefore, the preferred distance between the two rings will be 18 cm.

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When fixing two identical curtains on one, folds are laid in a strictly mirror position, otherwise all symmetry will be broken, they will look not as thought at the beginning.

It is very important to determine the distance from the top edge of the fabric very important, but it should be viewed on the density of the material itself, because the soft cloth is much worse preserves the shape. And if the records make up 3.5-4 cm in diameter, for organza or tulle, the bend is made about 5-6 cm.

How to make measurements

How to make rings on the curtains: instruction, tools

Scheme of the markup of the curtains under the lover.

To make rings on the curtains, after removing the measure from the window, you need to go to the store and choose a cloth. Curtains on the rings are very valued for evenly draped waves, to achieve which a lot of fabric is required. Typically, take a 3-fold width of the initial width of the curtain. It should not take more and less tissue, otherwise you can get a completely reverse anti-flavored effect.

Before you break through the rings on the curtains, you need to make sure that the curtain is ready, that is, the edges of it passed processing and the top is tightly reinforced with phlizelin or ribbon. If everything is completed, you can start the main part of the work - the markup on the fabric. Before that, it is necessary to thoroughly double-check all the calculations so that there are no situations when the holes are already cut out and made incorrectly or not in those places. Marked the pencil is made only on the top of the curtains, where the champs themselves will be attached later, and the round holes are taken carefully.

But when you mark on the fabric, it is still necessary to take into account the possibility of its offset to the side, so there will be a good solution to use some additional funds for its fixation.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make rings on the curtains: instruction, tools

Scheme of installing chalks on the curtains.

  1. If the curtains will consist of two symmetrical parts, then they must be unzipted next to each other face down and fit down the entire length (to sew records it is much more convenient). Then the tape with the champs should be smoothly decomposed along the entire length so that the middle seam is between two rings. Next can be measured at 7.5-8 cm from the edges of the ribbon with rings and trim the slot to remove unnecessary.
  2. The lower edge of the details need to be adjusted strictly on the width of the left reserve (7.5-8 cm) and try. Now you need to wrap this bending inside out and stroke.
  3. It is necessary to deploy the lower edge of the curtains and, forming a neat double bending, manually fit it.
  4. Next, one of the lateral sides of the curtains is boosted exactly 7.5 cm and stubs it. The bending is extension and slightly wrapped back, combining the sub-line-stimpled line. It is stroked again. Similarly, the second side of the part is processed.
  5. The top edge of the curtains is cooled by 5 cm and strokes. The ribbon with rings is folded on the wrong. The edges of the tape must be compared with the strokes strokes strokes, and the upper edge must defend from the bend slice by 3.8 cm. Then the tape is pinned with pins and sews along the entire length of the curtains along the upper side.
  6. Now the side pods unfold. Then the top bending is started on the tape and in the same way is sewn.
  7. At the next stage, it is necessary to break the rings on the curtains.
  8. Now you can decompose the chart on a flat surface and close the trimming of the fabric in the chief with the help of special decorative linings.
  9. Final stage. The curtain is going to the so-called harmonica in order for beautiful folds formed on it. The cornice passes through all the chalks, then the curtains hangs over the window. Now you can distribute the draper over the entire width of the product.

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How to wash it right

Consider another question that interests many: how to make the curtains with plastic or metal rings.

They are much easier to shoot and hang back after washing, which is a big advantage in comparison with ordinary curtains.

Wash in machine

First you need to find out if you can wash the curtains with rings in a washing machine. It is best to put the curtains in a special bag for washing, so that the rings do not damage the drum. In the absence of this bag, it will replace the ordinary pillowcase. If the rings are high-quality, the rust will not appear on them. Tulle after washing is not pressed, it is hanging wet.

Manual washing curtains

If you do not want to risk the curtains and machine, put the curtains with your hands. For this you need, without removing the rings, soak the curtains in a slight warm water for 2 hours, and then thoroughly rinse so that there are no divorces left. They will definitely not be from an ordinary shampoo.

Sometimes it happens that during washing in a typewriter from under the browsing fabric can be embarrassed, but it is usually associated only with their improper installation during sewing. The problem is easily solved by reinstalling incorrectly fixed chalves.

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