[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants


Beautiful, blooming, large plant - the result of painstaking, long care. But what to do when I want to quickly fill the surrounding space with bulk room. The answer is simple: get a fast-growing room plant. We present the top 5 best fast-growing room colors.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants


Numerous juicy shoots of this plant with bright, striated leaves very quickly float the space of flower porridge. Tradestice flowers are unpleasured, but they do not attract flowerflowers. Special attention is paid to the leaves of the plant: green and white, pink and red, with stripes and without, numerous forms and shades of leaves help create amazing compositions on the beauty.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

Tradestration does not require much care. Moderate watering, scattered light and periodic feeding will help very quickly from a small process of getting a magnificent plant.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

It is interesting: like chlorophyteum, the greens of the tradescania perfectly cleans the air from dust, malicious microbes.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants


For many, this flower, with large juicy leaves - taboo. All because the juice of Diffenbahia is poisonous. But besides the classic species of Diffenbahia, there are a large number of hybrids available for growing at home.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

Diffenbahia is a growing plant. For a very short period, the height of the leaves can reach 50-60 cm.

Diffenbachi bushes are often used as a bright outdoor accent in the interior, as an object of visual zoning of space.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

It is interesting: in comfortable conditions (warm, bright room without drafts), the diffenbachy leaf in the day grows by 5 cm.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants


The decorative plant for the growth of which is difficult to keep track of Begonia. Attracts the flower not only simple care and speed of growth. The bright, original coloring and shape of the leaves, something that resembling exotic flowers will not leave anyone indifferent.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

Provide an active growth of begonias will help moderate watering, periodic feeding and scattered lighting.

A variety of forms and colors of begonia leaves helps to create the necessary color accents in the interior. Especially winning Begonia looks on the shelves and high shelves.

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[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants


Medicine soft leaves, thickly covering branches, create a unique crown, which he constantly be touched by his hands. It is not difficult to care for asparagus. It is enough to place the vase in the bright, warm room, to abundantly water the plant and do not forget to occasionally feed.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

During the flowering period, AsParagus is covered with a network of small white colors, which are subsequently transformed into red fruits (poisonous).

Asparagus is actively growing. For seven days, 2-3 new processes grow, which from small shoots quickly turn into a full branch.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

It is interesting: asparagus is beautiful not only as a houseplant. His branches decorate live bouquets and flower arrangements.


A somewhat forgotten, the fabric beloved beloved by our grandmothers - Koleus (previously cluster) is gaining momentum of popularity. This fast-growing flower is capable of becoming a stunning bush from a small sprout in two months.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

Outwardly, Koleus resembles nettle - a bush with long shoots, four-sided stems and toothed leaves. But thanks to the work of breeders, Koleus shakes the colors. Barhaned leaves are distinguished by a variety of colors and shades: green, red, yellow, white, pink and even black.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

Fast growing amazing beauty flower will help abundant watering, feeding, bright sun. At the request of Koleus cut off, forming the crown of the desired form.

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

Quite a little time and effort will be needed to get a lush, beautiful flower from a small grinding process.

Top 10 best fast-growing indoor plants (1 video)

The best fast-growing indoor plants (14 photos)

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

[Plants in the house] Top 5 best fast-growing indoor plants

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