Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands


The deaf fence is needed to protect and protect the private territory of the land or dacha. Naturally, the fence must have an input. At first there was enough wicket, then the gate was required for the crew, and in consequences for the car.

Metal gates and gate will provide entry / entry into the courtyard and guarantee security for residents of the house. Previously, the iron gate was sheathed with sheet metal 3-5 mm, in modern conditions a professional flooring is popular.

By the method of opening, all types of gates from metal / tree can be divided into two groups: swing and sliding.

By type of device wicket: built-in (inside) and separately standing (nearby).

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Scheme of swing gates from corrugated floor with built-in and separate wicket

You can buy a ready-made gate from the professionalist, order the manufacturer in size or make it yourself. Let us consider in detail the last option - homemade gates, like a cheap and affordable option.

Since swing, are simpler in the manufacture

Design, we describe how to make a swing gate from professional flooring on your own.

The strength and aesthetic properties of the professional sheet, as well as the ratio

"Price / Quality" allows you to talk about the feasibility of such a cladding.

As for the wicket, we describe two variants of the device.

The gate from the professional flooring do it yourself -

step-by-step instruction

Stepped construction manufacturing technology with a separate gate.

1 stage - the size of the gate from the professional flooring with the gate and without

Note that the installation of the swollen gate involves the accounting of the planning of the area / courtyard.

Width of the gate of the corrugation

The width of the opening for the gate is determined based on the width

Car (including mirrors) Plus one meter additionally, reserve.

The width of the support pillars (column) is also taken into account. With the method of setting the gate with a separate gate, there will be three columns. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the gaps between the support pillars and the frame frame. As well as the size of the gap between the sashs of the swollen gate, taking into account the parameters of the fittings.

  • The optimal width of the opening for the gate is 4500-5000 mm.
  • The standard width of the wicket from the corrugated floor is 1200 mm.

Council. Since, you can't cost one sheet on the sash,

It is advisable to calculate the width of the sash based on the width of the sheet of professional flooring.

The table shows the dependence of the width of the goal sash from the width of the proflist.

Type of professional flooring and wave width, mm.Note
Number of sheetsPS-8.

(1 200/1150)


(1 200/1180)


(1 150/1100)

one1 200.1 200.1 150.Total width of sheets
1.51 775.1 790.1,700Half working width + total sheet width
2.2 350.2 380.2 250.Working Width + Total Sheet Width
2.52 925.2 970.2 800.Fewer width + total sheet width

Material prepared for site www.moydomik.net

The height of the gate from the professional flooring

The height of the swollen gates from the proflist is 2200-2500 mm.

This is explained by the standard length of the sheet of professional flooring - 2,000 mm. Although

The manufacturer can offer any length with a discreteness of 50 mm.

In addition, the clearance is taken into account from below (between the flaps of the gate and

land), which is necessary to ensure the functioning of the gate with

Forming toes and high snow cover. Clearance at the goal is

150-300 mm.

At the height of the gate affects the presence of decorative elements

from above. For example, the use of forging allows you to increase the height of the gate from

professional flooring and decoratively decorate the design, resulting in the entrance

The group looks more respectable.

Council. If the gap from the ground seems too big, you can

Install the bottom of the gate removable bar that you need to shoot at the beginning of winter.

2 Stage - Drawing of the gate of the corrugated

The diagram or drawing of the swing gate is required to simplify

calculation of the amount of material and evaluation of stiffness of the structure.

Two ways to make swing gates:

  • with one big sash (single) . Disadvantageways can be considered what a lot of space is needed for the gate maneuver, as well as them

    Large sailboat. Reducing sailbo at the expense of additional parts

    The framework leads to an increase in the load on the loop, which in turn leads to

    Locking sash. This method is suitable only for the gate with a small width.

    opening or for the device wicket;

  • With two sash (duplex) . Excluded everything

    The disadvantages described above, but the cost of manufacturing is increasing due to

    Add loops and frame elements. It is possible a device with the same or with

    Different in the width of the sash. There are advantage of bivalve swollen gates

    They are more resistant to wind load.

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The circuit of the swollen gate from the professional flooring should contain:

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The circuit of the swollen gate from the professional flooring

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The circuit of the swollen gate from the profile with dimensions

  • The overall width of the opening. It will be needed if necessary

    Make a maneuver - with increasing gaps or changing the size of the accessories;

  • the width of each sash;
  • the amount, the width of the racks and the depth of the racks;
  • Configuration of the frame with the width of the components of it


  • Area information and width of wicket. This is an important aspect.

    Making the wicket from the professional flooring simultaneously with the frame for the gate will allow

    Reduce the implementation period of the project. And if the wicket is located inside the frame

    Gate, the drawing will allow you to take into account its location when markup and cutting


  • Place installation loops;
  • place and method of installing the castle;
  • Location of the internal door lock

    (vertical spinlet).

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Gate Fold Clamp (Vertical Sewing)

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Fixer of swing gates from corrugated

The drawing of the gate from the professional flooring is obligatory elements of the routing of the frame. It is the visualization of the future gate that allows you to understand which of the elements to use and determine the place of its installation, taking into account the wind load.

Ways to strengthen the gate of the professional flooring:

1. Navigar the corner for rigidity.

This method is suitable if the width of the flaps is insignificant

(up to 1,500 mm, each). Corner can be solid (cake) or in the form of an angular jumper (strut). The wider the corner or the closer to the center the jumper is installed, the tougher the gate frame will be.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Strengthening the frame of the swollen gate from corrugated corners

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Strengthening the frame of the gate from brawlings with brazers

2. Make a frame inside the frame or above it.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The welding of the frame inside the framework of the top of the first case of the billet of a smaller cross section is placed in the frame of the frame, and stick to the welding in a step of 200-300 mm.

The solid seam is not allowed to exclude the deformation of the metal due to heating (so as not to be bored and did not twist).

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The welding of the frame outside the frame is the second, the pipe of a smaller cross section is welded above the main framework. The figure shows the top view of this amplification.

3. Install transverse or diagonal jumpers.

It is important to install jumpers correctly. If Kitka

from the professional flooring has a slight sailing and enough to install

one transverse jumper perpendicular to the long frame elements, then

The goal is more complicated. In this case, it is wiser to use diagonal


Methods for installing jumpers on the gate from the professional flooring are shown in the photo.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Variants of the installation of jumpers (rigidity edges) on the gate of the professional flooring

Ribbing ribs - location options:

but) Despite the seeming simplicity, this option is enough

Thoughtful because it guarantees the integrity of the gate sash. One side,

It will be held with loops, the possibility of deformation is excluded from above.

Thanks to the amplification of the corners. Horizontal clamps will hold it below


b) It is the most economical of the presented options, but he

Creates gain only in the middle of the frame. The only dignity is that

It allows you to set the lock on the jumper.

At the same time, the options "A" and "B" cannot be considered reliable when

The width of the goal sash is more than 1,500 mm.

in) Lack of this option in a weak strengthening of the upper

Inner corners. Strong wind can deform the sash;

d) In this case, there is no amplification of the left inner corner;

e) In this case, there is no amplification of both internal angles;

e) perfect option. The locations of the lock, the installation of the loops, the lower locks and the upper corners are reinforced. This method eliminates the cutting of the frame.

Council. The wider the sash, the stronger the framework.

3 Stage - Tool and Material for Gate from Profile

The drawing of the gate from the professional leaf is a visual manual for

Calculation of material. For the manufacture you will need:

  • Professional flooring - for the trim. It is preferable to take a wall,

    Because It has a large working width.

  • self-tapping screws or rivets for fixing the proflist;
  • Metal pipe with a cross section from 60x60 mm and above - for

    reference pillars;

  • Pipe with a cross section of 40x40 or 60x20 ... 60 mm. - for frame elements

    sash (frame);

  • Pipe 20x20 to enhance the frame (if necessary). 20x20

    Suitable for a frame made of pipe 60x20. 30x30 - if

    A tube 60x30 was used.

Masters advise to buy all pipes with a thickness of 3 mm, and not 2.

Their price is somewhat more expensive, but novice will be much easier to cook them. Metal

Slowly heats up and not so quickly deformed.

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Studying recommendations, how to make the gate from the professional flooring, you

You will not find suggestions to use wood for a frame, because Wooden frame

It is not able to level the flexibility of the professional flooring.

  • Metal sheet to form slaves (with


  • Loops, locks (latches, valves, plugs), bottom


  • primer for metal and paint;
  • Decor elements (forging).

From the tool you will need: welding machine, Bulgarian,

Screwdriver (drill and riveter), roulette, level, plumb, scissors for metal,

Tassels and consumables to the tool.

4 Stage - Installation of support pillars for gates from professional flooring

Installation of the gate from the corrugated floor begins with the installation of support

Pillars. The most common way to put the columns of the gate is to execute

Point with subsequent concreting.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Installing brick support pillars for gates from professional flooring

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Handful column for gates from the proflist

How to install columns for gates

  • Drop the deepening garden brown. Use shovelIncreases concrete consumption. The greater the diameter of the support, the greater should be

    Diameter of recess. For pipe with a cross section of 60x60, the diameter of the borax should be 120


What depth to dig posts for the gate? Depth

Installations is 1/3 from the length of the support

  • Pour a mixture of rubble and sand into the recess. Pillow thickness -

    150-300 mm. The pillow is designed to prevent the influence of frosty powder and

    ensure the outflow of water from the base of the support, thereby slowing down its destruction;

  • Prepare support (coat of corrosion primer);
  • Install the support strictly vertically. The slightest deviation

    will lead to the distortion of the whole design. Correct installation check with a plumb

    or level;

  • Relieve support. While concrete will be captured, you can

    proceed to the manufacture of frame;

  • close the top of the support with a metal overlay or

    Special decorative element. In the extreme case, pour into the rack of concrete

    (Relieve from the inside) to avoid entering the water and thereby

    Prevent column destruction.

What poles for the gate from the professional flooring can be used?

In addition to supports from metal pipes, you can install a concrete

Pole or use piles. Beautifully look at the supports, decorated

(lined) brick or stone (brick pillars). When calculating width

The opening of the gate should take into account the material of manufacturing and the width of the support.


5 Stage - Production of frames of flaps for gates from corrugated

Before starting the manufacture, you need to measure the width again

The opening of the gate and wickets to make changes in the sizes in time.

Manufacturing technology:

  • Metal is dismissed on the workpiece. Aggregate to do under

    An angle of 45 ° for a more reliable fastening. Although the welding of parts is found

    Job is so easier to cut the blanks and weld them;

Council. Masters advise to weld upper corners at an angle in

45 degrees, this is allowed to avoid watering in them, and the lower can be joined.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Welding of the upper corner of the gate from the professional flooring at an angle of 45 degrees

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Welding of the inner corner of the gate from the straw

  • Each billet is cleaned of dirt and rust;
  • Weld the framework elements among themselves. And first

    The billets are bent, and after checking the geometry is welded with a solid seam;

  • The frame is enhanced (if necessary);
  • Welded seams are carefully cleaned;
  • Degrease the framework, cover with primer and paint places

    welding. After the paint dries - paint the frame completely.

Council. Production of the gate from the professional flooring requires a big

Accuracy in size compliance. When making a frame of a sash better to do

The frame is slightly less than more. In the first case to eliminate the gap between

Solders of the swollen gate will sufficiently welcome the nickname on one sash

Rama, where she is adjacent to the second. In the second - you will need to cut the framework,

and reduce its width.

6 Stage - installation of hinges for swing gates from corrugated

Garage loops are used to install the garage hinges.

How to reveal the loops on the gate from the professional flooring?

First, the loop is welded on the support rack, then on

Gate frame at a distance of 200-300 mm from the edge of the sash frame. Note,

The location of the loop affects the position of the door in the open state. If a

It is necessary that the gate be opened in both directions, the loop is welded to the conjunction of the jack.

If only in one - the loop is imposed on the frame. So that the sash did not take to

Fence, install limiter.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Welding loops for swing gates from corrugated

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Installation of hinges for gates from the proflist

How many loops to fight on the gate?

If the gate is reinforced, it takes three loops for each

sash. If the lungs are enough two.

7 Stage - Installation of corrugated flooring on the gate

Professional is mounted with one or two sides of the frame.

Mounting rules are not difficult, but their knowledge and compliance will help to establish

Professional flooring on the gate correctly.

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In general: you need to ensure reliable fastening sheet to

Frame, fixing a professional owl through one left wave of sheet. At the same time K.

diagonal or perpendicular jumpers profiled sheet also

screwed. And two sheets are connected to each other at the top of the wave (on


Rivets or screws are used for attachment. Rivets

look elegant (especially chosen in color proflist), self-tapping screws exclude

The possibility of watering water into place of installation. Of course, this is not so critical

As on the roof, but the appearance with the time of rusty outers can not be avoided.

We recommend a detailed description of the installation technology

Professional flooring on the gate / fence / wall with their own hands.

8 Stage - Installation of accessories (components for the gate)

Additional elements:

  • Castle for swing gates from professional flooring. Installed

    Already after the sash are naked.

Types of locks and how to embed / put (installation rules):

  • Hinged. It is necessary to provide loops for the lock when welding

    Frame and fastening sheets of professional flooring;

  • overhead. Installed on the transverse jumper more often

    A total of an additional wired flat sheet of metal. Or screws it

    Hardware directly to the frame. Use welding for mounting lock design

    The mechanism of the master is not advised, because The castle needs to be careful;

  • mortise. The lock is crashed into the plane of the pipe to

    Hide / decorate installation location use metal pocket.

  • Nizhny Fixtur Fold Swing Gate - Need to

    redistribute the load from the lock and additionally fix the lower part

    Open / closed shutters from wind (wind load).

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Bottom Fixtur Swing Gate

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Swing Gate Fold Limiter

  • Latch on the gate (Casov), designed to close the gate

    From the inside (blocking). The latch is more suitable for the wicket, but for swinging

    The gates use constipation (CASS).

  • Automation for swing gates. Allows you to open the gate

    remotely, which is very convenient when it is cold, it is raining or dark.

  • Security system: outdoor surveillance chamber, signal

    Lamp, alarm.

Swing gates from a professional flooring with a built-in gate

Separately, tell about how to make a swing gate with

The gate of the professional flooring. This option is used when the opening is not enough

Wide to set the gate and separate wicket.


Location options for gate at gates

Accommodation places:

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Rate sash as a califry of making frames of sash, they are made of different sizes. Then a narrower sash serves as a gate.

This is the best option, since the load is increasing only on one gate rack, which will require the installation of an additional loop and the routine of the frame. In general, costs will decrease.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The location of the wicket in the middle of the middle of the goal sash. The option with the location in the middle is good because the wicket frame performs the function of the wave frame amplifier. And the installation of the loops is not in the center, and closer to the top and the bottom of the gate will allow you to further strengthen the design.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The location of the wicket closer to the support poleblace to the support post. In this case, the main load falls on the support pillar, because the gate frame is based on it, and the gate frame.

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

The location of the wicket closer to the inner edge of the sash closer to the inner edge of the sash. This design is the most "hip", its weak link is a joint place of two sash and wickets.

In the last three cases, in the process of manufacturing a frame, an additional framework for the wicket is provided. Moreover, it is done more enhanced than for separately worthwhile, since it accounts for a wind load, which acts on the sash of the gate of the corrugated floor. Consider, the wicket will strongly overload the framework, which means that additional loops will need and enhance the frame frame.

In general, the technology of manufacturing the gate from the professional flooring with

The gate inside is performed similar to the manufacture of the gate with a separate gate.

All nuances are thinking about the process of creating the drawing.

Council. Lower fixator for such models of swing gates from

The professional sheet is obligatory.

Advantages and disadvantages of swing gates from professional flooring

Advantages (advantages):

  • Comparative simplicity of design and manufacture;
  • low, compared to the sliding gate, cost;
  • ease of operation and care;
  • availability to install automation;
  • Minor load on fence support.

Disadvantages (minuses):

  • Requirements for free space for maneuver (openingwill require the liberation of the area equal to the width of the goal sash);
  • the need to account for wind load;
  • the need to foresee the attachment of the open gate to

    avoid their unauthorized closure (lock, focus, locking devices);

  • Installing the limiter so that the open gate does not damage

    the fence canvas, and did not block access to the gate;

  • The difficulty of leaving the winter season, which is

    Necess to remove snow at a significant area.

Approximate prices for swing gates from professional flooring

Swing Gate from Profile Dacha - Manufacturing and installation with your own hands

Prices for swing gates from corrugated


As you can see, applying some efforts in 1-2 weeks

make and install the swing gate from the professional flooring with your own hands, which

Decorate the entrance group and will reliably serve as a beautiful business card of a private house.

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