[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors


The soil in pots for indoor flowers depletes its own supply of nutrients for several weeks. In the poor substrate, the plants suffer: do not develop, sick.

Enrich the ground purchased fertilizers. But there is another way - rented home remedies.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

Sweet subordinate

In winter, indoor flowers supports water sweetened with sugar.

When plants lack power:

  • Leaves dry, yellow;
  • Buds fall away;
  • The stem is pulling.

Feed sugar. In the ground, it disintegrates on the useless fructose colors and the glucose it is necessary.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

Methods of feeding:

  • Sugar scattered over the surface, watered. Bakery yeast dissolve in water, or the drug Baikal EM;
  • Sugar syrup is prepared (1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water), and the political plant is fertile;
  • Spray green mass with a sweet solution - extractive feeding.

Important! To feed potted potted cultures with sugar no more than 1 time per month. Otherwise, mold and mushrooms appear.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

Iodine as a growth stimulator

In any body, including plants, there is iodine. The amount depends on the water and soil. Natural antiseptic, he disinfects the wounds on the human body, fights with various diseases. The same picture with flowers.

Iodine improves metabolism, protects against disease. Indoor crops are fed by iodine at the stage of seedlings, and already adult plants . They develop well, bloom. Faster appears buds, ovary, fruits.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

The iodine is not dangerous for soil and colors when they comply with the norm, it is properly dosed.

Stepping action:

  • The substrate does not become rented bacteria and fungi;
  • Plants harnessed, get an incentive to grow.

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The solution for fertilizer is prepared at the rate of: 1 drop per liter of water . Water when a lounge in a pot is wet.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

Important! Iodine solution is poured with caution, along the walls of the flower pot, so as not to burn the roots.

Aquarium water for watering

Aquarium is a miniature ecosystem. Water is saturated with productivity products inhabitants, smallest microorganisms, nitrates. Floating pieces of fish feed, algae.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

Aquarium water does not contain chlorine, always has room temperature. It has a lot of nutrients, useful decorative cultures.

When the water is partially replaced in the aquarium, it is used to watering home plants. If the water is simply poured into the container instead of the evaporated, then in the vessel it becomes tough. From watering such water on the soil in the flower pots, salt performs. Therefore, it is important to take a substituted liquid.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

It makes the effect of "living" water. Plants become fresh, juicy leaves. Green mass is rapidly growing, the bloom of violets and geranium does not stop.

Tip: Before irrigated, aquarium water needs to be aimed - enrich oxygen by purging.

Nettle - a source of vitamins

Nitrogen is rich in nitrogen, silicon, organic acids.

Infusion make root and extractive feeding. In plants, chlorophyll is actively synthesized, the roots absorb minerals from the soil. Plants become lush, healthy.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

Raw materials for fertilizer are collecting seeds. Grind, fold into glass or plastic dishes. Poured with water, put in the sun for fermentation. Periodically mix.

Two weeks, organic fertilizer is ready. To spray the leaves, it is filled with, dilute 1:10. Under the root poured a concentrated not filtered solution.

Aloe juice as a fertilizer

Aloe juice is a powerful stimulator of decorative cultures. Use a perennial plant with fleshy leaves. Cut the lower, withstand in the refrigerator 10 days. Fertilizer rushing. Then grind, push juice.

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

A teaspoon is bred in 1.5 liters of water, watering under root or spray potted flowers twice a month.

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6 unusual fertilizers for room colors (1 video)

Non-standard fertilizers for indoor plants (9 photos)

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

[Plants in the house] 5 non-standard fertilizers for room colors

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