How to make fiddlecock with backlit with your own hands (29 photos)


Designer trends in the design of premises constantly offer us profitable solutions and new trends. Previously, the false window in the interior was considered an exceptional attribute of luxury, today designers increasingly use this course to create an original design.

Falseflower with backlit made with his own hands will bring a note of nostalgia to the interior and will help to remain in the trend of modern currents, where romanticism is appreciated.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

The main vocation of the imitation of the window is a visual expansion of space. Decorative window openings are applied in small rooms. It can be a living room, entrance hall, bedroom, kitchen or bathroom. Another purpose of this element in the interior is a purely decorative function. You can choose any landscape for the decor, and the frame can be the decoration of the room, if it is necessary to choose the appropriate materials and the design stylist.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

And if you make a fake window with backlight, it will become an additional light source. Often fiderly mounted in rooms with poor natural lighting due to the unprofitable location of the present windows or their complete absence. Do not want to pay a significant amount for the work of the artist and designer? In this article, you can read how to make a fiddle window with backlit yourself without the use of expensive materials and technologies.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

Fishing room with illuminated in the interior of the room

There are two main types of decorative windows in residential areas:

  • on the wall;
  • on the ceiling.

The second type of scenery requires much more expenses than the first. To make a decorative window on the ceiling, you should have certain skills and technologies. Therefore, let's stop the names in the wall.

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Fishokno backlit with your own hands

Wall-mounted decorative window openings are backlit and without. Niche without backlighting will not be able to fully perform the functions of visual expansion of the room and an additional source of lighting. In the interior of the backlit windows, the most commonly used in order to make a small room more spacious.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

How the window will fit into the design

Harmony in the interior is an important factor. It should be taken into account when creating Fishokna do it yourself. The window must be harmonized with the main accent in the interior. For example, if the room is decorated in the style of minimalism, it is better to make a window overlooking the megapolis. A thin plastic panel or baguettes from molding is suitable as a frame. The element can be done large, the window will significantly revive the room interior with a small number of furniture.

The room made in the modern style can be decorate with a small window with a thick frame made of natural wood or molding, but the panel must have a classic look.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

Rama from molding is easy to make it yourself. The window can be issued by real curtains for greater realism. As a landscape, you can choose a poster with a romantic image, for example - a flowering meadow, an ancient street or landscape with a mirror stitching of the lake.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

How to make a false window with backlit

It should be understood that the presence of backlight is associated with the need for a niche in the wall. It is in it that will be mounted backlight.

There are two ways used to create a niche under the window opening with illumination:

  • cut off a niche;
  • Make it with a design of plasterboard.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

If the opening is small, perhaps - it will be easier to make a deepening in the wall. But this process will take a lot of time, it will be associated with significant noise, and then for a long time will need to get rid of a huge amount of dust. If these factors are not a problem for you, it means that this method can be applied.

It is much easier to make a niche in a plasterboard wall. It is not necessary to mount the design from the profile and drywall to all the walls, it will be enough only one.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

This event does not require high costs. The only drawback of such a decision is the need to "steal" several centimeters from the free space of the room. But behind the panel you can hide the wiring leading to the backlight.

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Fishokno backlit with your own hands

What to make a frame for windows with backlight

Create a design of the falsecock with your own hands is easy, the main thing is to determine the materials used.

As a frame, the following options can be applied:

  • Old horse ram, it will need to sand, paint or open lacquer;
  • Specially ordered frame made of metal plastic panels with low-cost glass windows;
  • Molding frame.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

In a frame of wood and metalplastic can be inserted glass, and the picture will be located on some distance from it. This option looks particularly effectively, so the image will not distinguish from the present landscape outside the window.

Wall mural or poster must have good quality, otherwise the window will look at the interior cheap and inappropriate. Picture is better placed behind the glass.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

It should be taken care of the niche to be opened: although it is rare, but it will have to change the sources of light, and it is not advisable to dismantle the entire design for this.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

What will be backlit

Make backlight with your own hands is quite simple. But first you need to decide exactly which light elements will be used.

It can be:

  • LED elements;
  • Fluorescent Lamp;
  • Conventional incandescent lamps.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

LED tape is the easiest and most economical option. It can be used throughout the perimeter of the window, but sometimes a short ribbon in the lower or top of it. This decision is able to make a landscape more natural, for example - the light will only come out from the sky, or from water.

Luminescent lamp is another good option, but the lighting will be brighter. It is able to highlight the entire area of ​​the scenery.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

With incandescent lamps should be neat. From them, the surface of the picture and glass can be very hot, therefore we use only the bulbs of the minimum power.

Fishokno backlit with your own hands

Postage posts of lighting devices can be accepted for the installation of the frame and pattern. We remind you that the design should be removable. No need to forget that sometimes the backlight for the window performed with your own hands should be turned off. Before mounting the window with a backlight, it needs to be outline on the wall, then apply the scenery, and only after that proceed to assembly work.

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Fishokno backlit with your own hands

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Fishokno backlit with your own hands

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