Painting of the walls in the interior - technology and technology of application (+ photo)


The painting of walls in the interior is widely used for many centuries. Medieval frescoes, antique painting, modern painting on the walls - all this testifies to the sophistication of the room and the high feeling of taste of his inhabitants.

It is not necessary to be the owner of a large house with columns to use the artistic painting of the interior as the wall decoration. Small pattern can be decorated with a wall in a nursery or any other room. Modern materials and technologies make it possible to make a real work of art from a dull, monophonic surface. And most importantly - for this you do not need to be a professional artist or designer.

wall painting in the interior

The article will describe the most simple and affordable ways to revive the living room, make it more interesting for perception and cozy. Everyone can apply them, the main thing is to make a room with your own hands so that she looked like a masterpiece from a professional designer.

wall painting in the interior

Choose artist

To date, there are many specialists who are ready to make painting in the interior, a separate room in any, even the most incredible techniques.

It can be:

  • plane painting;
  • Relief painting;
  • 3D drawing on the wall.

wall painting in the interior

Naturally, the harder work, the greater value for its implementation will take a specialist. But the trouble, not everyone can create a drawing corresponding to all customer requirements. And money for work, anyway, you have to give decent. And sometimes you want to get a room with your own hands. And let the wall painting in the interior won't become a work of art. But with what a sense of pride you will look at the surface painted by yourself.

wall painting in the interior

This work can be accomplished collectively. For example, to paint the interior in the nursery will always be glad. Of course - if his age will allow to keep a bruster in his hands. And the luxurious painting of the wall in the bedroom interior will kick for romantic feelings if you perform the drawing together.

The main thing is to believe that there is nothing complicated in the mural of the walls. On the courtyard of the 21st century, modern materials have high quality characteristics, allowing you to create a beautiful drawing on the wall even to those who do not know how to draw. The main thing is not to neglect the simple rules when painting the walls.

wall painting in the interior

Engineering painting walls

Fortunately, modern artists offer ample opportunities to create incredible drawings on the walls. Once applied only one, very complex technology - frescoes. Now it is enough just to buy several cans with acrylic or water-emulsion paint in the construction store, and proceed to the pattern on the wall.

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wall painting in the interior

You decided to create a masterpiece yourself, but do not have real experience in this area?

So, the painting should be drawn to such techniques:

  • stencil;
  • simple drawing along the contour;
  • drawing a picture of the projection of the slide.

wall painting in the interior

Stencil is a great way to make painting walls in the interior with your own hands, apply a simple monophonic or multicolor pattern on the wall. In the children's room you can help the child, because to apply the drawing, it is enough to make a stencil to the wall and walk on it with a tassel or roller. With the help of a stencil, you can apply not only an ornament from the same elements, but also other images.

The drawing along the contour is easy enough. The main thing is to find a simple, but beautiful image and with the help of an ordinary soft pencil, play it on the wall. If something does not work, the contours can be easily wiped out with a damp sponge and draw everything again.

wall painting in the interior

Even a person far from skill in visual art will cope with work. When the contours are deposited on the wall, it is enough to decorate the pattern with interior paints. The technology is ideal for children's decoration, especially if the child loves to draw.

If you have a device for the slide projections, you can apply a picture on the wall with it. For example, to reproduce the desired image on the wall surface, redraw its contours on the wall, and then decorate it.

wall painting in the interior

Select drawing

Art painting of walls in the interior is easy.

It is important to choose the pattern of the drawing for a specific room:

  • Decided to paint the wall in the living room? Flowers, trees and natural landscapes are ideal. Forest or mountains can draw only a professional on the wall. But lilies, dandelions or snowdrops are not so difficult to reproduce themselves. You can use a simple stencil for applying ornaments.
  • The optimal solution for the kitchen is the painting of the walls in the interior still lifes from fruits and vegetables, images of any meal. Many will be able to draw a plate with fruit or cheese head. The main thing is to choose a simple drawing.
  • In the nursery, you can depict cartoon characters. For girls, images of flowers, butterflies, fairytale castle will be suitable. Need to make a wall in a children's boy? The images of superheroes and cars are suitable. When a boy and a girl live in a nursery, in the room on different walls you can depict various pictures. Clouds or Star Sky - Universal Solution for Children's Bedroom.

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When painting walls in the bathroom, special attention should be paid to the type of paint. The bathroom has high humidity. In another room, it is possible to use water-emulsion paint, it is better to take acrylic for the bathroom. The bathroom will fit the images of waterfalls, Roman term, oceanium, fish. Is it too difficult for you? So, the image of large soap bubbles on the wall is suitable.

wall painting in the interior

Wall drawing technology

The wall will be written in the bedroom, or another room, you should adhere to the technology of applying paint on the wall. The wall painting is to decorate the room. But all work with wall leveling begins.

wall painting in the interior

It is not necessary to apply plaster or align walls with plasterboard yourself. You can entrust this process to professionals.

If you decide to produce these work yourself, they should include such steps:

  • Alignment of the wall with plaster or plasterboard;
  • layer of starting putty;
  • layer of finishing putty;
  • Staining the wall in the background color.

wall painting in the interior

On plaster or plasterboard, as well as - layers of putty, you should apply a primer, otherwise it will start to settle over time. After applying the wallpaper on the wall, it opens with a transparent varnish. This measure allows you to make an image as resistant to mechanical damage, and the paints will not burn out for a long time and fill.

wall painting in the interior

Where to place Figure

Figure for the wall selected? Paint bought, and walls prepared? Now you need to decide on the image of the image. To begin with, the entire design of the room should be planned. The painting of the wall in the interior should not contrast with the color of the furniture, it must correspond to the stylistics and destination of the room. As a result, there was no unpleasant surprise, you need to put the room with furniture on paper, and, depending on it, look for a place for drawing.

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wall painting in the interior

It is better if the wall with the pattern will be well covered. If possible, it should be a surface located opposite the window.

If the drawing is placed on a far, poorly lit wall, a LED tape can be paved under the ceiling. Either - hang on the wall a small lamp.

wall painting in the interior

A drawing in a nursery or bedroom will love to decorate the zone above the bed, or - near her. Do not necessarily decorate the whole wall. You can choose a small drawing, which approached the room. For example, in the children's room we draw a cloud or stars under the ceiling wall. In the kitchen - still life or image of fruit over the table.

wall painting in the interior

Interesting solutions

To make the interior of the room with artistic painting even more interesting, you can resort to some designer tricks.

Use fluorescent paint. Even a simple drawing with fluorescent elements will look as impressive and unusual.

wall painting in the interior

The drawing can be applied to the decorative plaster, or - to surround it the image. If the skill level allows, we use relief painting technology, some of the elements are performed here using plaster or putty. Do not be afraid to experiment, and your creative ideas will be pronounced in the interior of the room with an exclusive hand painted.

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

wall painting in the interior

wall painting in the interior

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

Wall painting with their own hands: choice and placement of drawing

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