Wall design in the kitchen


Wall design in the kitchen

The kitchen is a place where we are not only Eat, but also treat friends, other guests, sometimes we read until midnight for a cup of tea with delicious cookies. The design of walls in the kitchen should be not only beautiful, but also practical. Choose a coating for the walls in your own taste, but listen to the masters.


It is well known that the kitchen space is divided into zones:

  1. The zone in which food is preparing is working.
  2. The zone in which the trapes are dining.

Usually, in the zone where it is prepared, the design of the walls are made with tiles. Place a tile on the wall where they plan to put kitchen furniture. Those who want to save, not buy so much expensive tile, only the kitchen apron is stacked. The seams between the tiles per year are very dirty, apron from glass is practical and can be laid on their own.

Wall design in the kitchen

As an alternative to the listed materials, the design of walls in the kitchen can be issued using kitchen panels. They are fixed or glued to the wall:

  1. PVC plastic.
  2. Chipboard (laminated).
  3. Wood wallboard. Lacquered.

The panels are inexpensive and the design of the walls can be made with their own hands.

Materials varieties

How to arrange the walls in the kitchen? This question is puzzled by many wishing to make overhaul or planning wall design in the new apartment. Suitable finishing materials are very much. We mention popular.

Glass apron

Wall design in the kitchen

Walls in the kitchen with a glass apron look beautiful. Design invent your own. Glass for the working area - practical material. The apron is easily clean, the humidity does not harm him. It can be decorated with photos, stickers and drawings.

The design of the working wall in the kitchen glass is perfect. Design of other walls. Perform from another material. Cuisine design glass can do independently or invite professionals.


Wall design in the kitchen

Most masters advise customers to tile, as a practical kitchen design. It is universal: withstands the temperature differences, moisture resistant, is perfectly clean. The assortment of tiles of different sizes and colors is huge.

A tile with drawings is made and designers have a space for creating unusual compositions and original combinations. But the tile is expensive and for its laying you need experience.

Deciding to issue a kitchen design with tiles, carefully all check it out to be even and shades coincided. Caringly checking, producing installation, you will avoid problems.

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Wall design in the kitchen

When customers are interested in masters, how to make a wall design? Those often forget to recommend paint. Usually, people are interested in practical materials and they will not take a decision to paint the walls on their own, as they do not know what to choose and not sure what will come out beautifully. And designers paint the walls in several colors or create, pleasing eyes patterns.

If you decide to paint the walls, choose a paint-resistant paint that does not contain lead and zinc. The paint is relatively cheap, and the design of the kitchen is due to your fantasy, it may turn out to be wonderful. If you want to paint the walls in the kitchen yourself, take care of inventory (brushes) and patterns to create beautiful patterns.


On the Family Council, how to issue kitchen walls with wallpaper, they rarely think. Everyone knows that even moisture-resistant wallpaper will not be equal in operational qualities with tiles or other trim. Over time rules. But, if you apply the paint on the wallpaper, you can exploit them longer without repairing capital.

Like liquid wallpaper pretty. They are practical enough and you can apply them yourself for a day. Read about this technology. If you like - try. Wallpaper for designing a kitchen, you can use it.

The problem is that for washing wallpapers from vinyl, there is no reliable glue. In the kitchen, it is usually wet from the pair, cooking on a plate of dishes and heavy wallpapers under the influence of moisture will be dug in different places. We will have to lolidate. Therefore, preference is given to other materials.

The material is firm

Planning the design of the walls, read the video materials - the tips of the masters. Professionals are not recommended in the kitchen to use siding or lining, drywall and other materials to make installation for which frames (rails, profiles) are needed. Kitchen room and so small, save space.


Now it is clear that only wear-resistant, special qualitative materials are suitable for walls of the kitchen. They have cheap and expensive, choose your money. Given the service life (decades), the costs of expensive design walls are justified. Most preferred tile on the entire area of ​​walls of the kitchen or tiled apron. And you choose the material that looks outwardly and practically in operation.

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