How to glue duplex wallpaper: instruction


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  • Historical fact
  • The main quality of duplex wallpapers and their types
  • How to kill duplex wallpaper
  • detailed instructions
  • How to glue wallpaper
  • Summing up about how to glue wallpaper

Wallpaper is one of the most popular and demanded facing materials for wall decoration and not only. Currently, there is a huge choice in the building materials market. They can be textile and vinyl, jute and even liquid. All of them are selected based on the properties of the room for which they are intended.

How to glue duplex wallpaper: instruction

Duplex wallpapers are universal and environmentally friendly in composition.

Duplex wallpapers are particularly popular and demand among all this diversity, which are in some kind of universal and environmentally friendly in their composition.

Historical fact

In the history of the use of wallpaper, more than three centuries ago are mentioned. Then the fabric, closing cracks and gaps nailed to the ceilings and walls and creating a certain illumination in the premises. The skin was widely used, which did not lose its relevance and today, even if not everyone can afford the leather wallpapers on the walls of the dwelling.

The first paper covers that have become the progenitors of duplex wallpapers were made in China in the first half of the II century. n. e. They made them from rice paper, they had a bright coloring with images of people and animals.

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The main quality of duplex wallpapers and their types

Duplex wallpapers are several layers of pressed paper, which is covered with special moisture-resistant and light-resistant compositions capable of protecting them from exposure to the external environment. Therefore, this type of wallpaper is applicable even in rooms with high humidity or with specific conditions. Duplex wallpapers are well passed by air, thus preventing the occurrence of fungus on the walls of the rooms. They have a sufficiently large thickness, which is why you can hide small irregularities and surface defects on which they are glued.

How to glue duplex wallpaper: instruction

Duplex wallpapers are classified as heavy wallpaper.

The manufacturer produces several varieties of duplex wallpaper: rough fiber and embossed.

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Duplex wallpapers are accepted to belong to the heavy category of wallpaper.

Rough fiber duplex wallpaper is made of two very dense layers of paper, between which there is a small wooden chip, which determines their structure. From the fact that a wooden chip is added, it completely depends on what the structure of the wallpaper is coarse-grained or fine-grained. They are convenient for allowing not to follow the drawing rapport.

Embedded duplex wallpaper rolled rolled with various patterns, while still wet canvas. These patterns can be both large geometric and small with the image of flowers, fruits, etc. After sticking these wallpapers, they are painted.

When choosing wallpaper, you should decide on their pattern and texture, while the color decision plays such an important role that first of all it is worth paying attention to it. The selected color of the wallpaper will harmoniously join the interior of the room, corresponding to its size and lighting. For example, blue tones will look at large rooms, and saturated and bright will be, without a doubt, to make a small room even less.

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How to kill duplex wallpaper

Tools for sticking duplex wallpaper.

With self-sticking duplex wallpaper, you need to know that the technology of work with them is the same as with ordinary, but there is one highlight.

Since these wallpaper is a rather heavy material, special glue is applied for their blowing.


  • construction knife;
  • roller;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • Construction plumb or level;
  • spatula for surface cleaning;

Accessories: bucket, foam sponge and dry clean rag.

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detailed instructions

In order to practice duplex wallpaper yourself, it is necessary to prepare the working surface of the room in which the adhesive will be made.

From the walls of the room, it is necessary to remove the old coating with a spatula, best before it is pre-wetted them with water. If the walls in the rooms used the water paint, it should also be removed before sticking.

It is important not to skip roughness and cracks. Special mortar must be sharpened, and then process to. Small cracks do not need to touch, because they will not be visible.

How to glue duplex wallpaper: instruction

Duplex wallpapers in the corners.

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You can, of course, do not primitive, but then adhesion will be much smaller and there is no guarantee that they will not fall off with time.

Drying the primer is pretty quickly, in about 5 hours you can carry out further work.

When preparing directly to stick duplex wallpapers, all rolls should be laid in one place and make sure that they have the same pattern, color shade and the party number, which is specified on the package. This must be done to avoid subsequently unexpected incidents with the difference and incomprehension of these properties.

Then proceed to the preparation of glue for sticking.

For them, special glue is applied, which is suitable for heavy wallpaper types.

Next, the wallpaper rolls are cut into stripes, the length of the bands depends on the height of the ceiling in the room - it is worth considering and not to forget to add to each side of the battery for about 5 cm. When bleaching wallpaper with drawings, it is necessary to fully match each of the bands.

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How to glue wallpaper

After the preparation of the wallpaper, their sticking on the walls begins. For this, the glue is applied to a uniform layer on the strip, while you need to follow so that there are no empty places without it. Then the band with the glue applied to it is two-thirds and leaves for five minutes to give glue well to absorb on paper. The bands on which glue is applied is to be soaked equally in time.

How to glue duplex wallpaper: instruction

The order of sticking duplex wallpapers in the room.

If the duplex wallpaper glue into the room with windows, the first strip is glued from the window. Before that, the smooth vertical line is drawn.

The line when sticking the first web wallpaper, you need to draw in order to subsequent save in a strictly vertical position and do not spoil the drawing.

It is desirable to use a construction plumb or long construction level.

When the vertical band is drawn, the cloth rises with both hands and is applied to the upper part to the wall, while leveled on the line by leaving small edges that can be cut later. After the band is glued on top and leveled, it is started to spill with a roller or a soft cloth from the center to the edges, while watching attentively for the output of air bubbles and tightly gluing the strip to the surface.

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If necessary, you can additionally apply glue to the joints of the bands at the top and bottom.

The next lane of the wallpaper is glued to the previous junction into the joint, while the overall drawing is adjusted.

When sticking duplex wallpapers, light tones should be put under the roller sheet of paper, and when the glue is performed on the edges or hitting the glue on the wallpaper, it is necessary to immediately remove it with a foam sponge. In no case cannot be removed the glue with the wallpaper with a rag, and even more so rub or rub it.

How to glue duplex wallpaper: instruction

Scheme of the order of attacks of attic duplex wallpaper.

You can not dismantle the wallpapers and sockets that fall when the wallpapers can be dismantled, but just remove the covers, leaving the room before that. Then the wallpaper band without glue is applied to another strip with the combination of the pattern of both and mark the cruciform cut center of the switch or socket. The incision will help better glue the strip and eliminate the mismatch.

Wallpaper sticking is completed by circumcision of protruding areas with a construction knife, after which the layer is superimposed specifically designed for this paint.

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Summing up about how to glue wallpaper

Punching duplex wallpaper does not imply large amounts of work.

This work can even be done by one person, provided that the material is selected without a picture that must be observed.

In return, the owner of the apartment receives an excellent version of the wallpaper, which will not have to transfer every 3-4 years, and it will only be enough to paint them, thereby refreshing and diverse the interior of their rooms.

You can repaint this surface up to 15 times, which is a big plus and indicates a significant savings.

Duplex wallpapers have a number of excellent qualities, such as sound insulation capacity and small heat loss.

In terms of design opportunities, I would like to note the unusual and attractiveness that has this material, and highlights them among all other types of paper wallpaper.

It is impossible not to say a few words about a sufficiently low cost of duplex wallpaper.

All this made them the most popular and popular among finishing materials. Glued wallpaper simply, you only need a little knowledge and patience.

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