Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction


Reflections on the future of mankind have always worried a human mind. No matter what time he lives. How will people live in 50 or 100 years? At the beginning of the last century, a boom occurred and the flourishing of the era of science fiction writers. Writers fantasized about the future, about the text of the life of the future generation. Some assumptions perhaps now, after a long time, may seem ridiculous and funny. But it strives that much of the described fully came true, especially the prediction of farts in everyday life. Perhaps most of the household appliances were predicted in works belonging to Peru science fiction writers.

For example, the American ficture of the Russian origin of Isaac Azimov predicted that in the future, electrical devices can work without electrical wires. What we can observe in the modern world.

And what other items of the modern interior managed to predict science fiction? Let's try to figure out.

Household appliances as an integral attribute of the life of the heroes of fiction

Isaac Azimov, perhaps the most important predictor of the current home appliances. In one of his works, he described special kitchen cabinets, which can make coffee themselves, cook the necessary food, and the person will not need to do anything and watch themselves so that nothing burned and spoiled. Modern coffee makers, multicookers and microwave ovens are probably fully responsible to these criteria. They really do almost everything themselves, a person simply stifles the necessary parameters and can do their own affairs, leaving the technique without supervision.

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Special machines themselves preparing foods were invented not only in the works of Azimov, but also Sphrida Geinstein. He described the kitchen appliance to the microwave in his fantastic work "Electrofolis".

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Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

In addition to the kitchen appliances, the sciences in their work retell another household appliances. In his fantastic work "Coventry", American writer Robert Sainline first described the device that automatically dries hands with a stream of air. And after some 10 years, such dryers first saw the light. Heinline made a description of the machine-robot capable of independently remove all the garbage from the floor. Now there are such robots vacuum cleaners, similar to those that were in the writer's book, who themselves roaming around the house, hovering purity.

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Surveillance cameras and communications

"Big Brother is watching you" everyone remembers this phrase from the greatest work "1984" George Orwell. But these chambers with screens with screens, observation cameras exactly repeat the camera. They look like those that are attached around the perimeter of the residential area and together with the intercom. This is perhaps one of the most accurate predicted household inventions of the modern world.

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Portable wireless communications facilities favorite theme of all science fictions, therefore, no matter who the first described them: Bradbury, Wells, Azimov, Huxley. Writers were obsessed with the idea that in the future there will be an opportunity to have a phone that can be stored in your pocket and call, without connecting any person to the electric wires, anywhere in the world, at any time. Perhaps such interest is due to the fact that during the life of writers, phones in everyday life were not uncommon, but were inconvenient to use. And now compare them with the current smartphones. Incredible.

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Automatic doors

The appearance of such doors was predicted by Herbert Wells, even at the end of the 19th century, in the work "when sleeping will wake up. In it, he described the door, independently spread when the person approaches. Then it seemed to be something unusual and too futuristic, but in the modern world such doors have long come to everyday life.

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Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

In addition to things in the modern interior, the appearance of which the authors of fantastic novels predicted, they predicted the emergence of many other inventions of humanity. Perhaps that now it seems to us unreal and fantastic for our descendants will be familiar.

As the future presented in old films (1 video)

Picture predicted technique (14 photos)

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

Things in the modern interior who predicted science fiction

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