Which plinth is suitable for the stretch ceiling and how to glue it


After completing the installation of the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to install the finishing elements. The fact is that there are gaps between him and the walls that need to be hidden that the plinth for the stretch ceiling just allows you to do. In this case it is very important to choose the right model of the plinth under the stretch ceiling so that it will serve for a long time, without deforming and not requiring a change. The second name of the ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings is a hall. Remember this so that consultants in the construction store are not in a dead end, using the word unknown for you.

We choose the plinth - the main criteria

First you need to decide on the type. It is very important to decide whether you will use a plastic or polyurethane product. The fact is that if you choose plastic, then it will be possible to make a sticking of wallpaper at first, since it is not difficult to combine these two decoration elements. Such a plinth for the stretch ceiling will last long time.

Which plinth is suitable for the stretch ceiling and how to glue it

The above-mentioned plastic forms are also popular due to the fact that they are produced in a variety of color solutions and even with imitation of wood or metal. With their help, you can even implement the most bold interior solutions. Forms can also be very different. I want to note that if after a while the selected plinth for the stretch ceiling you get bored, it can be repainted without any problems.

The second possible option to implement the ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings is an element of foam. It has many positive sides, among which the ease, simplicity of installation and low cost.

Which plinth is suitable for the stretch ceiling and how to glue it

Naturally, it will not cost and without flaws. It does not have flexibility, it is very fragile and absolutely not plastic, it can be very easy to the Ceing.

Another point of working with him, to which I would like to draw your attention is a reaction to solvents that are located as part of most building adhesives. That is why glue is chosen extremely carefully. If you want to protect yourself in this matter at all, you can use an ordinary putty for sticking.

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Which plinth is suitable for the stretch ceiling and how to glue it

Another minus foam plinth for the stretch ceiling - it is extremely difficult to cut down so that the slice is smooth. And this aspect is extremely important during the docking of the corners. Among other things, many fighters activists oppose the use of foam in residential buildings, since during combustion this material allocates toxic substances that can seriously harm human health.

Much more positive qualities at the plinth for the stretch ceiling made of polyurethane. This material is characterized by good flexibility and high strength, respectively, it is almost impossible for the ceiling. These forms are used during the decoration of the room with rounded elements. In addition, polyurethane does not respond to solvents, which means that you have no reason to spend a lot of time on the selection of glue.

Of course, I can not lack the lack of polyurethane ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings. The first thing you need to say is the high cost of a material that is at times exceeds the cost of foam.

That is why the ceiling polyurethane plinth under the stretch ceiling is not suitable for people who have scheduled to carry out repair work in economy mode. Another disadvantage that can affect the choice is a big weight of the hallver, which undertakes to install, at least four hands.

I want to warn you about the fact that the plinth under the stretch ceiling is not recommended to stick directly on the web itself, since it can be very easy to spoil it in the process.

Foam products are extremely low weight, because they can be placed on the walls without any problems, but polyurethane weigh much more, which means that they should be glued at the same time and on the walls and on the stretch ceiling. In addition, after time, the plinth of polyurethane can be fed under the severity of its own weight, which is why the gaps between the profile and the canvas appear. In such cases, the probability of the need to replace the tension flow is high. Since the canvas loses its elasticity and initial appearance.

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When choosing a ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings, I recommend paying attention to the weight, and give your preference easier models. The reasons for this rule are described slightly higher. The second moment to pay attention to is the area of ​​fitting cartel to the wall, the more it is, the better.

Which plinth is suitable for the stretch ceiling and how to glue it

I recommend not saving at this stage. Everyone is well known to the saying about the miser, which always has to pay twice. So, here, attempts to save on materials will cost you that all the finishing will have to be created again in a few years, since the installed will lose its initial appearance and will only spoil the view of the room.

Krepim Plintus

When all the preparations are completed, you can begin to stick the ceiling plinth under the stretch ceiling. As I mentioned above, it is better that the wallpaper is pasted in advance. The best profile is glued to the clean wall using a special glue. If you plan to paint the ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings, then I recommend to do it in advance before installation. The locations of the plinth jacks under the stretch ceiling need to be crushed after the fact.

Before the installation of the plinth under the stretch ceiling is completed, you need to finish all finishing works on the surfaces of the walls. The fact is that only in this way you can avoid the appearance of gaps between the upper edges of the wallpaper and the profile. If this is not done on time, you will have every chance to engage in a fit of wallpapers for the junction, because of what the repair will require additional time resources. If on the walls in the place where the plinth ceiling ceiling under the stretch ceiling during the repair was hammered by dirt or dust, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly.

Always remember that it is not necessary to glue the quilt directly to the surface of the canvas, since if it is necessary to disassemble the web to remove it, it will be extremely uncomfortable - you can damage the integrity, as well as break the ceiling plinth under the stretch ceiling. But it is separated from the walls without any problems.

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In order to protect all the working surfaces to protect all the working surfaces from entering them the adhesive solution, a polyethylene film can be used. The film is located between the plinth ceiling under the stretch ceiling and directly the web itself. After drying the glue, the film is easily removed without damaging the finished design.

Which plinth is suitable for the stretch ceiling and how to glue it

If you need to equip with a plinth under the stretch ceiling corners in the room, then chop carts are better using a special tool called stuslo. But its use is relevant only for premises, where all the angles are 90 degrees. Otherwise, the quilt squeezes. And in the first, and in the second case, it is possible to use a stationery knife or hacksaw on a tree and metal with a fine tooth for cutting. If it is necessary, the edge of the ceiling plinth under the stretch ceiling is polished with shallow emery paper. Thus, the formed junction will be more dense and durable, respectively, the probability of the appearance of gaps there is minimized.

In the event of an occurrence in the location of the plinth under the stretch ceiling of the gaps, you can miss them with a sealant or an ordinary putty. To make joints more durable, they are missing glue. This moment is very important, as it is a fundamental aspect in creating a general aesthetic presentation of the room after the completion of all stages of repair work. The disregard of this Council may cause the integrity of the interior and will not be achieved, and the decorations will become too distinguished on a general background, which will make the appearance of the room completely unattractive.

Video Installation

On the video, a man talks about the nuances that it is worth paying attention to the sticking of ceiling plinths.

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