Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes


The skirt is one of the oldest women's items (and in some countries and male) wardrobe, the basis of which is a rectangular piece of fabric, fixed on the waist. Simple skirt models require minimal strength and time costs in order to turn the tissue cut in the cabinet to a stylish upgrade.

Tutu - dancer skirt

Unusual for our ear Word Tutu in English is called a ballet pack, as well as high-popular magnificent fatenowlets . In order to make such an outfit, you do not need a sewing machine. Everything you need to create a spectacular skirt for a children's holiday, dancing, photo shoot, and if you wish for a ball or even a wedding dress - this is about one and a half hours of time, a sufficient amount of the fatama strip, belt band (2-3 cm. Width ) and decorations.

It is best to use a narrow fatin in a 3-width bands. With its absence, the tissue of the conventional width is cut into strips. It is convenient to do this with a cardboard template. The length of such a template should be equal to the length of the skirt plus 1 cm.

Creating a skirt starts with a belt. Lightly pulling, determine the desired waist amount, add 4 cm and stitched (Fig. 1).

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

After that, with the help of the template, the fateband strips are cut, the length of which will be double the skirt length plus 2 cm. For the decorative effect, their ends can be cut off the corner.

Then the ring from the gum is put on the back of the chair and fastened on it a fateband (Fig. 3). For this, the strip is folded in half and both ends are passed through the resulting loop. All nodes need to be done the same, in no case taking a gum, otherwise the skirt will slide down.

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Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

For greater beauty in the skirt alternate several colors. Approximately on the volume of the waist of 60 cm you will need 70 strips . The finished skirt is decorated with ribbons, artificial colors and other decor (Fig. 4)

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Romantic "Tatyanka"

Tatyanka skirt is well suited to thin women with narrow hips. This model does not require the construction of cuttings and fitting on the figure, it can be sewn, able to perform only a straight line.

For Tatiana, there will be a wide gum and a watery tissue (not too dense). First, the waist is measured with a thick gum, slightly stretching it. Two centimeters are added to the measured length and cut off.

The ends of the gum compassionate, the resulting ring stretch as much as possible and measured the resulting length - it will be half the width of the finished skirt (in conventional patterns the width "Tathyanka" is equal to the one-and-and-half volume of the thighs). The fabric is folded in half through a metered width (Fig. 5).

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Then the stitched belt is fixed on the waist line and measure the desired length of the skirt. We add toputs to the bending and the preache of the belt, and the rectangle of the desired size is cut.

The cut-off rectangle is folded in half the front sides inside, they rock the side seams with pins and paste.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Next, they are separated and treated with the bottom, after which they begin to the most complex operation - to the belt to the belt. To do this, on the skirt and on the gum marks the pins 4 main points - 2 boc lines, middle of the back and transmission, after which they combine them.

Uniformly pulling the belt, fasten the pins skirt and the belt at intermediate points, after which they compare them, the maximum stretching the gum. It is best to make it a stitching zigzag.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

For nursery and beach clothes, you can simply stop the tip of the skirt and put the gum into the resulting tunnel.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Skirt with folds

Skirts Bellolik

Okruged skirts are suitable for any figure . They look simply and elegant, often run right on the fabric, have a minimum number of seams and require the removal of only two standards - the waist and length. The design of such skirts is based on the circle (sun), with a central hole for the waist. This circle, in turn, cuts out of the square, which, with a high length, requires a lot of fabric consumption. More economical skirts that are sewed from part of the circle, for example, a "quarter of the Sun" skirt. It is based on the square, two times folded diagonally (Fig. 9)

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Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

The upper cut of the skirt corresponds to the waist line. Its length should correspond to the volume of the waist, so the radius of the upper circle is determined as a double waist, divided by three. For example, with a waist volume of 60 cm This radius will be 60 * 2/3 = 40 cm. To this magnitude, it is necessary to add a skirt length, for example, with a desired length of 110 cm, the cloth with a width of more than 150 cm and the same length is needed.

On a folded piece of fabric, we mark the chalk boundary of two partial circles. It is convenient to do with a braid fixed by a pin in the upper left corner of the fabric. The radius of the first part of the circle corresponds to the volume of the waist, as calculated above, the radius of the second is equal to this value plus the length, add an allowance to the seams.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Since with a string tissue can reach, the length of the upper radius is recommended to take a little less and adjust the size when sewing and fitting. This skirt has a small expansion of the book, therefore it is necessary to control the length of the arc corresponding to the volume of the thighs, its radius will be 20 cm more than the radius of the upper cut. If the hips are wide, you need to omit 1-2 cm to the line of the upper cut, and when sewing it is charged. The skirt is connected by the rear seam, into which the zipper is sewn, the belt is sewn from above, the length of which is 4 cm more than the amount of the waist.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Skirt "Halp" is easy to cut and sew, it is suitable for any shape and looks simple and elegant . Its base is half a circle (Fig. 12), and the radius of the upper semicircle is calculated, as the volume of the waist, divided by 3, that is, with a waist of 60 cm, the radius of the upper semicircle is 20 cm. To determine the radius of the lower semicircle, the skirt length is added to this number. That is, a rectangular segment of the tissue is needed for a 110 cm long skirt, the width of which is more than 130 cm, and the length is more than 260 cm.

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Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Circling such a skirt is needed on a folded twice as a piece of fabric at half the pattern or making markup right on the fabric.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Flying Sun skirt is very effectful, it is suitable for slender women . It is linked on the basis of a complete circle. The radius of the inner circle is calculated as the waist amount divided by 6 (10 cm for a waist of 60 cm), for the radius of the outer circle, the skirt length is added to this magnitude.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

A short skirt can be carved out of the square of the fabric without side seams, in this case its top is planted on the gum. Long skirts are lying out of two semicircles, in this case, it is possible to determine the tissue consumption, only placing the pattern as much as possible on it.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

With the owners of a thin waist, you can simplify the tailoring, collecting the top of the gum (as in the Skirt "Tatyanka"). However, in this case, for the radius of the upper part, it is necessary to take into account not the amount of the waist, but the volume of the hips, which, accordingly, will increase the flow rate of the tissue.

Simple skirts do it yourself, 5 master classes

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