Customize the motion sensor with your own hands


In many articles in the Street Lighting section, we told you that we recommend installing the motion sensor. In this article, we decided to tell you how to configure the motion sensor on the spotlight and make it truly functional. Such a device will not come to the rescue, but only if you configure it correctly. All features, schemes and the correct installation angle we will tell you.

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands

Motion sensor installation angle

How to connect the motion sensor We have already considered you, now consider the main question: how to configure the motion sensor on the spotlight depending on the angle of installation. Of course, now modern models can be called functional and thoughtful, as manufacturers promise - they will grab everything that moves. But, it is only in words, actually set up an infrared motion sensor needs to be correct, otherwise it will not work normally. And here even the role does not play its cost, the wrong setting is poor-quality work.

This is how the optimal installation scheme should look like:

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands

Try to do only as on the drawing shown, then you should not have any problems.

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands

These are the options exist.

The wrong angle means the motion sensor constantly triggers, remember this. Also, see that no branches fall into the viewing angle, they will constantly provoke his triggering.

How to configure traffic sensor at spotlight: Main steps

Any motion sensor consists of several parameters, as shown in the photo.

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands

Proper setting will save more than 50% of electricity consumed, remember this, and take all seriousness to the installation. Learn about how to make lighting in the garage.

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See how the motion sensor works, so you will understand what you need to configure.


The first setting is the light threshold, on the motion sensor housing it is displayed as "LUX". We recommend installing it to the maximum, in this case the sensor will be turned on only in the dark. In the afternoon there is no meaning from him, therefore, there is no particular sense.

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands

There are modern sensors where you can even install the time of operation, they are at the cost of an order of magnitude higher, so we cannot recommend this option. If your sensor does not work well or this parameter is missing at all, then we can connect the photogele.

Delay time

Next, configure the motion sensor depending on the inclusion range, on the sensor, such a regulator is denoted by "TIME". Time to customize the easiest way, you choose the time when the sensor must work, the range from 5 seconds to 10 minutes. We recommend setting one minute, then look in our situation.

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands


This parameter on the sensor is indicated by "SENS", it is adjusted by the "+" and "-" mark. When it is configured, be careful, and constantly check your work. We recommend installing averages, further watch, as the sensor will work. In no case should he have enough small animals.

Customize the motion sensor with your own hands

Note. If you have a rather big dog in the yard (German Shepherd), then the sensor will work on it. To do so that he does not work can not, because in this case he will not capture people.

How to set up a motion sensor: video

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