Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors


Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Good afternoon friends!

Somehow I saw a photo of a beautiful pillow with volumetric colors and wanted to certainly associate such. The idea was embodied in reality almost immediately. This was a pillow in green with white flowers from iris yarn. Pillows and plaid crochet in such a scheme with volumetric colors can be associated in different interpretation. Well, what about what they are beautiful!

Before the blanket, the hands will not reach anywhere, but I knage another new pillow. I wanted exactly in such white - pink and certainly with twisted roses.

Let's tell me about everything in order.

Plaids Crochet Cushion Schemes

Green Crochet Pillow with Volumetric Colors

As I said, I used yaris yarn green and white, hook number 1.

My pillow consists of 16 motifs.

I knit it for quite a long time, but as the new motives appeared, the final result was already visible - a very beautiful decorative pillow.

Knitting Motive Crochet Pillow Begin with separate volume colors according to the scheme:

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

The flower center I knitted green yarn, and the petals are white.

You can connect the flower and a little differently, the so-called Irish flower. Watch the video.

When the flower is ready, the thread of a green color should be tied around it a chain of air loops, capturing the flower for the edges of the petal with semi-brass in four central parts of the motive and columns with an attachment in the corners of the motive (3c1n, closed together, in the same loop of the petal, 9VP, 3c1n).

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

In the next row, we bind the chain with the columns with an attachment, in the corners - 5 VP.

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For clarity, you can see the video tutorial from Knitting Lessons Crochet and Knitting

Finished cushion motifs sew with each other with an invalo side with a thread or crochet.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Thus, it turned out the top front side of the cushion cover. The lower part can be tied with crocheted columns without an ingredient and connect it with the top.

Then tie the binding according to the scheme around the perimeter of the pillow.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Since the cover on the pillow turned out to be openwork, then the inner case should be from a beautiful monophonic tissue. I decided not to knit the lower part of the cover, knitted to the top and sewed this item on the fabric case.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

I would advise you to connect a pillow of thicker yarn, and the flower will be better to keep the shape, and the knitting process will work much faster.

Photo plaid crochet. Scheme with volumetric colors

According to the same scheme as the pillow, you can link the beautiful plaid crocheted. These options can offer you.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

And the next plaid consists of simple square motifs and only on the edge of the motifs with volumetric colors. Well, about what a gentle!

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

Crochet pillows and plaids with volumetric flowers - it is a pleasure! Here you want to knit and knit. So I got another pillow.

Crochet pillow with knitted roses

For knitting pillows with roses, I used a white thin half-walled yarn a few additions. What consumption of her, I do not know, a little at all. This yarn in large quantities remained from me since Soviet times. I decorated my bag my bag. A little half-walled yarn (semide / acrylic / polyester) of the middle thickness of the green color and about 150 grams of the same pink yarn. Hook number 2.7.

I did not use the scheme, I came up with the pattern itself. He is very simple.

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At first knitted a flat flower of green yarn.

6 VP closing in the ring.

1st row: 3VP, 1 VP, * 1C1N, 1VP * - 11 times.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

2nd row: 4VP and 23c2H in each VP and PICTURE of the previous series.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

3rd row: knitting the leaves and form a square: 4VP, 2C2H, swaying together, 5VP, 3С2H together, 9VP, 3С2H together, 5VP, 3С2H together, 9VP, 3С2H together, 5VP, 3С2H together, 9VP, 3С2H together, 5VP, 3S2H together, 9VP.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

4th row: we are taking the arches from air loops by columns with two white-colored yarn making: above the arch of 5VP - 5 columns, from 9VP - 12 columns.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

I have connected 9 such motifs. Spleded iron, they acquired a more flat look.

She sewed motifs on the front side of the columns without Nakid.

Twisted 9 roses and sewed them with a needle with a thread into the center of each motive.

How to tie roses with crochet I told on the example of another pillow. Follow the link, look, there are also schemes of different roses.

Kaima knitted very simple: in the 1st row - the arches out of 5 VP and the semi-sololbik in each 4th loop of the base, in the 2nd row, in each army 2SBN, 3С1H, 2SBN.

Pillows and crochet plaids with volumetric colors

This pillow with roses along with the story about my needlework participates in the contest "We are creative people" on the blog Alena Kravchenko. Take part and you!

Plaids and cushions with crochet can be associated according to other schemes, both in the kit and separately.

I really like pillows and plaid connected by a grandmother square, pillows from openwork square motifs and others. For example, a very beautiful pillow on a sofa with a crochet with a popcorn pattern.

  • Crochet motifs with sunflowers and daisies
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