Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?


Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?

Treat carefully to plumbing devices, to the sewer system at home is a guarantee of their long-term exploitation. Probably, to say that fat and oil sediments are the main cause of dumpors of sewage pipes and plumbing siphones, it is not a secret for many. Of course, you can solve the problem of blockages in different ways, but there is one very effective method - this is a household grease trap under the sink. A small device from plastic that effectively catches fat and oil, not allowing them to flow into the sewer house.

What is the grease trap

Its design is built on the physical condition of fats and oils, which are known to be lighter than water, therefore their main location is the upper layer of drainage drains. On this and built the principle of work of the grease trap under the sink.

Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?

By the way, it should be noted that the separation of one whole component is called in a separation technique, and the device that is engaged in the separation is separator. So many specialists Zhiroccuit (Zhirolovka) are called a household separator for sewage drain

Principle of operation

Currently, a large number of manufacturers of plumbers are produced and grease traps. And each of them tries to improve the design of the device, bringing some novelties into it in terms of technological separation of water and fats. But the essence of the work is the same.

Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?

So, first we will deal with the grease trap device. In fact, it is a plastic container, and which on the one hand includes sewage drains, the purified water comes from the other. That is, there are two nozzles in it. From above it closes the lid tightly.

Inside the same tank is divided by one or more partitions. By the way, the number of partitions is the quality of cleaning. What they are more, the better. Partitions separate the container on the compartments, where the process of wastewater treatment occurs.

  • The first partition of the upper part rests on the grease trap cover. And at the bottom of the bottom of the device remains a small gap. Through it, water will flow into the second compartment. That is, it turns out that the sewage drains from under the sink fall into the first compartment, which is gradually filled. Oils and fats remain in the upper layers, and water passes through the gap, filling the second compartment.
  • The second partition, on the contrary, is tight pressed to the bottom of the gyubochlorine, and the top of its edges does not reach the lid. That is, the upper gap is formed. Clean water will be blown through it, and heavy suspended particles will settle on the bottom of the device.
  • Next, water falls into the third compartment, from which it overflows into the sewer system.

It should be noted that for the grease trap the second compartment, in principle, is not needed, because the fats and oils will be collected entirely in the first compartment. But, as already mentioned above, the more partitions install, the cleaner the water at the exit.

Attention! Since all zirowolar compartments are a system of communicating vessels, the water level in them will always be the same.

To work efficiently, it is necessary to take into account several very important points.

  • In order for the sewer drainage to the first compartment, the sewer should not be stirred strongly, which makes it difficult for separation, it is necessary to think over the chipper. The easiest option is to install the knee inside the device at the inlet nozzle so that its lower edge can be supplied to the bottom of the gyroid. Thus, the pressure of the drainage drain will be fried.
  • Exactly the same knee must be installed inside the device and on the outlet. The depth of the location of the lower edge is approximately 50-60% of the water mirror level. Thus, purified water is reset into the sewer, but before that, the remaining small amount of fats and oils will remain in the last compartment on the surface of the collected fluid. It is clear that clean water will be from the bottom, climbing the knee, leave the nozzle into the sewer.
  • The inlet nozzle must be above the drain (output) by 30-50 mm.

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Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?

It should be noted that the installation of the knee in the last compartment is not the most efficient option. It is best to install a tee here, turning it so that one pipe is inserted into the outlet nozzle of the grease separator, the second was directed to the bottom of the device. It will be necessary to connect a small piece of a pipe that would have reached almost to the bottom. And the third should look up, and its edge should always be higher than the water level. The latter will perform three functions:

  1. Ventilation of the sewer system.
  2. The revision window through which it can be cleaned.
  3. If the main pipe will be clogged, it means that the compartment will be filled. Having reached the edge of the awards of the tee, water will go through it into the house sewage system.

Materials for grease trap

A huge number of productivity offers and sizes did not make it a range of large in the plan used for the production of material. Basically, domestic grease trap are made of plastic (polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene), stainless steel and fiberglass.

Plastic models are the devices used in the household sector. Low price, good service life, good efficiency of wastewater treatment made them very popular. These are the most selling models. Depending on the performance, the installation of greasers can be made under the sink or several miles, under the dishwasher.

Greasers from fiberglass are large-sized tanks. They are usually installed before septhes in the system of the house sewer system. Their installation is made or in basements, or in special wells. The main requirement for them is a positive temperature.

Stainless steel devices in large part These are appliances related to the category of "industrial aggregates". They are equipped with all sorts of sensors, pumps, various filters. That is, it is a very expensive option. Most often, they are installed in the sewer system of cafes and restaurants.

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Classification of girobovels

In principle, there is no challenging classification at the greasers. Basically, they are divided into two groups:

  • Conventional tanks with sewer sewage drain. They are called instruments with passive operation.
  • The aggregates, which include an electric pump. It is he who distinguishes the drains inside the tank. In this case, this design is supplied with several additional filters that increase cleaning efficiency. Modern models are equipped with an electronic unit and control panel. By the way, they are most often out of order.

Additionally, grease trap can be divided by a method for taking water from under the sink.

  • Uniform flow. Small dimensions, low price - here are distinctive characteristics. But it should be noted that in such devices, water consumption is large.
  • Volley collection. This is when the washing washed with dishes, and the drain hole was closed with a plug. Opening the drain, the large volume of polluted water is discharged. Such aggregates have large sizes.

Separator installation rules

Go with an important part of the article - the installation of the grease trap under the sink. This process is simple, install the device with your own hands is not a problem. You can familiarize yourself with the instructions for greater confidence, the benefit of it is included in the package.

Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?

Now about the requirements for the installation of the grease trap.

  • The basis for which the unit will be mounted must be durable. Plastic models weigh a little, but they will collect a decent amount of water. So the total weight can reach 40 kg. In addition, when draining drain from the washing, the device will vibrate. And this is a decent load on the pedestal. Therefore, it is not necessary to install it on the lower shelf of the cabinet for sink sink. It is better to install on the floor, removing this shelf.
  • The inlet and output tube should be located in the same space with the grease trap. That is, it is not recommended to keep the tank in one compartment of the kitchen headset, and the pipes in the other. Everything must be compact, but with free access to all the details and nodes of the grease trap.

Now, with regard to the installation of the grease trap do it yourself. In principle, nothing is difficult. It is necessary to install the device at the destination, that is, under the sink. Connect its drain corrugated hose with an inlet nozzle of the unit, and the output nozzle is such a corrugation with a sewage pipe. In the set of the grease trap go rubber gaskets that are installed in the connection places. They are durable and will serve not one year. But experts recommend to lubricate them with silicone sealant before compound. It will simply increase the sealing of the joints.

Homemade grease trap

Collect the cleansing module of this type under the sink with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to know how it should work. Everything else is purely technical moments. But there is one position that must be taken into account. This is the volume of capacity.

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In order for you to understand what is about, it is necessary to give an example of calculation. First, it is necessary to determine the performance of the device. In fact, this is a value that is determined by multiplying the amount of miles for which the grease trap is installed, and the water velocity in the water supply. If the unit is installed under one sink, then the first value is "1". The second position is standard - 0.1 l / s. Multiplying one on the other, that is: 1x0.1 = 0.1. This is performance.

Secondly, it is determined by the volume of the tank. Here is another formula: v = 60 x t x n, where:

t - this is the time for which water separation occurs from fat, it is believed that it is equal to 6 minutes;

N is the productivity that was calculated above.

Now we substitute the values ​​in the formula: V = 60x6x0.1 = 36 l

Under this value it will be necessary to find a hermetically container. It can have a different form, the main volume is not less than the calculated one. By the way, the photo below shows the homemade grease trap of the round section made of metal barrel. It is only one partition and a small first compartment. But this design is enough to remove fat and oils from under one sink in the kitchen. The only requirement for it is a hermetically installed cover.

Why do you need a grease trap under the sink?

It should be noted that the diversity of homemade grease trap is huge. As practice shows, the form of the product is unimportant here, the properly organized passage of effluents through partitions is important. It is as described above in the article.

A few words about how to properly clean the device from accumulated fatty contaminants. Everything is simple enough.

  • It is necessary to remove the lid.
  • Floating on the surface of water in compartments Oil accumulations must be removed by any not very deep volumetric subject. It can even be a cup. The main thing is to collect pollution as much as possible.
  • All this is going to a bucket or a basin.
  • After that, the cover is installed in place.

The wardrobe on which the sink washing is installed, not always volumetric. Therefore, you can encounter difficulties in the process of cleaning the device. But it is not worth disconnecting it from washing and sewage, it is better to carry everything inside the cabinet. It will take a little time, so it is necessary to suffer.

Conclusion on the topic

Summing up on the topic of household grease traps, it is necessary to conclude that these separators will not be superfluous in the kitchen. Cheap and small, they will easily cope with fat and oil inclusion in sewage drain. And they are the main reasons for the appearance of blockages in the pipes, from which, by the way, to separate is very difficult. At the same time, the greasers easily hold and suspended particles. And this plus is doubly.

The most important thing is to choose the right to choose the device according to the required volume, and, given the rules of installation, to conduct an independent installation.

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