Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]


Many warehouse plastic bottles in the hope that someday they will come in handy. And when the containers become too much, ask the question "What to do with it?". There are a lot of ideas of decorative crafts from the cast material, which will be useful not only for the house, but also for the country area, the garden.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]


The most obvious option is to perform flowers, animals and painted in bright colors from plastic. However, such simple solutions are already surprised to surprise, and the very owner of the plot I want to see something unusual.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Size matters

The strongest impression is usually produced by the composition of impressive dimensions. Therefore, if the bottles in the reserve are enough, it is worth considering the design of large structures. For example, to cut the tops of the bottles to pose them alone to another and thus to build the trunk of palm trees, and pull the top, cutting the long gear leaves. In principle, the source color of the raw material does not have, if desired, the bottle is quick and easy to paint with aerosol paint . Thus, integer compositions are created with palm trees.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Many people were crushed as a row in the form of birds, usually swans, from old car tires. Approximately the same can be made of plastic bottles. It will look more elegant if you make a composition in the form of a big bright flower beds. Body swans will represent the bakers composed in the circle, inside which you need to plant any small white flowers.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

The neck and head cut out of long large bottles and paint into the appropriate colors. Around two swans turned by face to each other, put a fence from bottles with a cut tip and paint them into blue. Accordingly, around swans to plant blue or blue flowers. Thus, during the flowering period, flowers and crafts from plastic are alive in a romantic composition.

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Cartoons in the country

If children often have children, it is worth pleased with their original again by large-scale compositions from cartoon characters. Adults and children will be pleased to admire the figures of the cartoon characters "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all." To do this, you will need a volumetric packaging for Winnie Pooh, a little smaller for the patch and about the same for the donkey IA. The base of the figures can also play the role of flower beds or some useful herbs. Already on top of the cropped and painted bottles, paws and faces of characters are glued.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

If there is a tree on the plot, you can build a real bees hive on it with its inhabitants. The composition can be placed both next to the above and separately. For the hive, a large 5 or 10-liter bottle is suitable, and from smaller can be made of bees and hang them next to the hives.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Eternal flowers

Floral crafts are relevant if there is a gazebo or a terrace for recreation. Summer in the evening I want to see beautiful summer bouquets on the table, but unfortunately they quickly wither, so it is worth decorating the recreation areas with flowers made of plastic.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

To create truly graceful bouquets, you will need a lot of time and patience. Roses will acquire curved natural petals if plastic is preheated and gently bend in the right places. Using such a reception, you can create unusual pita, chamomile and other flowers that look impurities at the expense of natural bends and paints.

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Having a standard set in the form of plastic bottles, wires, sharp scissors and paints, you can create a variety of manual masterpieces for the country area. The main thing is not to be limited to banal ideas and not be afraid to experiment.

Cachepot pot of plastic bottles of piglets. Crafts for the garden or cottage (1 video)

Crafts Figures for a garden of plastic bottles (10 photos)

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

Decorative figures for giving from bottles [5 non-standard options]

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