Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration


Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

The decor of the chairs is especially relevant in cases where the appearance of the furniture leaves much to be desired.

But why do people keep old chairs? Is it really not to buy new?

Many of those who are sitting on old stools and chairs, but managed to acquire new, noted that the quality and reliability of old furniture is much better.

Yes, and why throw away what else faith and the truth is ready to serve.

Of course, you can cover the chair with ordinary varnish, but this will not significantly improve its appearance. You can use one of the techniques to decorate the surfaces that we will consider.

Chair decor in decoupage technique

By itself, the decoupage is diverse. It is easy to implement in reality, and it is used almost everywhere: in creating crafts, furniture restoration, decoration of surfaces.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

What will be needed for the decoupage of the chair with their own hands:

  • Transparent primer (if wooden chairs - on wood);
  • acrylic putty;
  • varnish coating;
  • paint of any color;
  • paint for decoupage stool (better to buy in the needlework store);
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue (PVA recommended);
  • brushes;
  • Sponge (for washing dishes, for example).

How to make a decoupage on a chair

The decor of the chair in the technique of decoupage should begin with surface cleaning from all over.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

First, with the help of sandwich, the old paint or varnish is removed, and then the surface of the chair is sweeping.

The putty must be posted in two as thin layers, which should be applied very quickly. It makes no sense to output a few times the surface to distribute the material - only divorces will remain.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

Better, if after each layer you will leave the chair for half an hour so that it is good.

On the one hand, it may seem that the surface has already dried, but in fact it is one of the stages of setting.

After you have waited for drying, take the primer and cover the chair.

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That's all - we prepared for staining decoupage of the chair. However, it is important to take into account one nuance: some chairs contain metal elements.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

If they do not work with an anti-corrosion agent, rust will appear.

Even in the case of paint coating, the color may vary, exhibit yellowness and give unpleasant reflections in places of placement of a metal that reaches the reaction with other chemical elements.

Decoupage of furniture should be started when its surface is already painted, and the paint is completely dried. However, if you do not need to paint the chair, you can skip many steps.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

For example, there is no need to remove the old coating if it suits you, apply primer. However, in this case, it is necessary to clean the surface well, worked out with an alcohol composition, which degreases and remove the contamination.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

If you decide to buy paper for decoupage of the chair, everything is simple enough. It is necessary to simply cut images, think about how they will be placed, and then it is good to smear the working surface of the chair with glue and put pictures.

However, we do not work glue with glue, but in order so that he does not have time to dry or become thicker.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

Figures for decoupage Before they are applied to the surface of the chair, you need to moisten in water, and then flush with a towel.

In such a form of the image, one after another is glued.

The last stage - waiting until glue dries.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

Next, with the help of the brushes, paint places between the patterns, and we use conventional decoupage paints of light tones for this.

In the process of decoration of the chairs, you can improvise, creating gradients and divorces, stirring in some places of compound different shades.

Now it's small - you need to apply three finish lacquer layers on the chair, but it is important to remember that each of them will dry the day.

Decor with the restoration of the chair

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

To perform the chairs decor with your own hands, if only the framework remained from them, you can use a wooden board, which will be brought to the base, and to attach a soft pillow on the shape of the chair on top.

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Pillow for restoration of the chair is quite simple:

  • A robust fabric is taken, measured in the size of the base, cuts into account due to the crop;
  • Poropolone is bought, which can be, and in some cases it is even necessary, to use in several layers;
  • With the help of a construction stapler on the back of the chair, cloth fason, thereby making the upholstery.

To make the place of the frame of the frame and the soft pillow, it was not visible, it can be reappeted, consolidate wide openwork stripes. Design and ideas provide for the use of the restoration of different options for the decoration of fabrics, but predominantly for home decoration uses bright, motley and patterned ones.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

In the same way, you can reap the back of the chair. If you decide to take fabric in a monophonic version, you can decorate the legs and the frame of the chair. For this purpose, paint and varnish coating are useful.

Decor Chairs - Decoupage and Restoration

Paint can be, in principle, anyone, if the acrylic varnish you have already been stuck.

Also, if a chair is done with your own hands, you can develop appropriate covers to it, which are not at all difficult.

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