Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos


There is not a single thing that experienced craftswomen would not try to repeat at home. And their work is fully justified, because it is impossible to buy everything, and even if it is possible, then done with your own hands it turns out much more beautiful, it is more environmentally friendly and the family budget saves. So, for example, have you ever wondered that even the wash can be associated? It turns out that it is about knitting with a crochet's washcloth in today's article.

There are several ways to knit washcloths:

  • ordinary loops;

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

  • Loops elongated.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Materials for knitting

Knit such washcloths can be made of polypropylene threads. Such threads can be found in any economic store.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

In order for your urine to turn out to be volumetric, you need to knit in two threads, so you need to stock other intake of threads.

You can combine several colors and techniques knitting, everything is in your hands of your imagination. As for the tool, we will have enough hook and scissors. The hook is better to select the thoroughly, for example, №4 or number 5, with a rounded head, since the pointed head can break the thread in the process.

Mill with ordinary loops

If you never knit down, it is better to start working with simple schemes, for example, like this:

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

In order to confirm on this scheme, you need to tie a chain of 40 air loops, the number of loops depends on the desired washbox.

And then let's knocked in conventional columns or columns with Nakud in a circle, it all depends on your desire. If you knit by columns with Nakid, the process does not take much time.

With elongated loops

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

We recruit a chain of air loops.

If you want to get a wash with a size of 10 cm, you need to dial two times more loops.

We connect our chain into the ring and tie 3-4 rows by conventional columns without a Nakid. Now proceed to the stretching of our loops. In the diagram it looks like this:

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Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

This technique can be learned in more detail by the video provided below. In order for your loops to be the same, use the auxiliary tool, for example, a ruler.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

When a circular row is cluttered, it is recommended to twist the washcloth, so it will be easier for you to continue knitting.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

In this way, we continue to knit until the desired length.

Universal option

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Universal urine must be in every home. Try to diversify it with multicolored threads.

We recruit a chain of 56 air loops and connect it into the ring.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

We are proving 4 rows by columns without Nakid.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

We proceed to knitting the elongated loops.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

And so to the end of the row.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

The next row to the columns without Nakida. Alternating the ranks in this way, in line by 14 rows.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Further attach the thread of another color and insert another 7 rows.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

We attach another thread of another color and knit is similar to the previous scheme.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

We complete our washcloth with 3 row of columns without Caida and tie the handle.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Having learned these basic rules of knitting, it is possible to experiment, for example, tie the original children's washcloths.

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Crochet's knitting: Master classes with photos and videos

Video on the topic

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