Small rooms (50 photos): design, rules


It is not so easy to issue the interior of a small room, because it wants to do it at the same time functional and beautiful.

Simple rules will help make a small room design perfect.

Design of small rooms

Small rooms can be found in apartments and private houses, in a megalopolis and a small town. Often they are practically empty because it is difficult to imagine, in demand, with a minimal area of ​​free space.

Design of small rooms

But the photo of small rooms with a properly decorated interior show that such premises can be used in direct intended. The main thing is to issue the interior correctly and select only the really necessary elements of furniture, capable of making comfort and comfort in every corner.

Design of small rooms

Golden Rules for Small Premises

In modern apartments and homes, a small room can be highlighted below the living room, kitchen, bedroom or any other room. It is not always possible to re-equip the apartment and demolish a couple of unnecessary walls to make it more spacious and bright. Yes, and not always there is a need for this.

Design of small rooms

A competent designer approach will help even the apartment with small rooms make a great room for a pleasant pastime. It is necessary to do everything so that the space of a small room was filled with light, literally breathing the scope.

The biggest enemies of close areas are dark and closedness.

Design of small rooms

To achieve such an effect of spacious premises simply. You need to make the room as light as possible. This will help the decoration of walls, furniture, multi-tiered lighting and other design elements. The photo of the most successful interiors of small rooms show that light tones visually increase the space, deceiving perception. Light trim stands all surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor.

Design of small rooms

One of the walls of a small room can be allocated. This is suitable for decorative plaster or photo wallpaper. This technique is better to apply on the wall located opposite the door. The landscapes depicted on the photo wallpaper are an excellent reception that allows you to more effectively deceive consciousness. Photos of large expanses, as it were, tolerates you to another, more spacious place. Excellent option - stretch walls. It is better to choose glossy.

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Design of small rooms

You can not glue wallpaper with small prints. Better let it be wide vertical stripes or large elements. Such an interior is a classic, which means that the premises.

A major art object will distract attention from the size of the room and no matter how paradoxically help the room seem more.

Design of small rooms

How to issue a window

Another economical and advantageous way to make the space more - the placement of small details in it. For example, bamboo curtains on the window. A small decor element makes the space visually large. Especially if it is placed in the room symmetrically. The window with a rectangular curtain in the center of the wall, focuses on the remaining area. It can be bright fabric rollers or blinds.

Design of small rooms

Do not decorate a window in a small room with long wide curtains or curtains in the floor. The interior of the large room they will decorate, but with little everything will be the opposite.

Heavy curtains or lungs in the Gardina floor visually will be very much free space.

Design of small rooms

Small tricks

As noted earlier, small design elements make the interior more saturated and create a false impression of extensive space.

Design of small rooms

Decor and additions that successfully complement the interior:

  • Small paintings and photos placed on the walls;
  • The carpet in the center of the room, which operates a significant part of the floor around the perimeter of the walls, it is better to choose an oval or round carpet;
  • Small elements of furniture, it is advisable to place a neat sofa and a pair of chairs than a big soft corner in the entire room;
  • In such a room, placing a small chandelier or a ceiling.

But it should be remembered that the interior of a small room does not tolerate the jet of objects. They need to be applied carefully and dosed. Before you sprinkle on the wall of the picture or photo, thoroughly think about their number and location. The same applies to other design elements.

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Design of small rooms

Bright juicy stains in the interior make a room visually less. Light inclusions, on the contrary, increase the space.

Important moment: photos, paintings and decor elements should be blond and neutral.

Design of small rooms

Thus, the ideal variants of the decor for a small room will be black and white photos on the walls, light scenery or futuristic motifs. The room should be the most bright, the atmosphere is fresh for perception. The most suitable shades are light blue, salad, cream, coffee with milk, peach.

Design of small rooms

Refrain from the use of bright furniture screaming shades. It should be preferred with natural colors. It may be dark brown cabinet furniture, but textile elements must be lighter.

Good shades for furniture - sand, light brown, light gray and beige.

Design of small rooms

Another favorable reception is the placement of mirrors. It can be a chandelier with mirror elements or furniture with reflective surfaces. The ideal option is a wardrobe on the whole wall with a mirror door, or inserts from mirrors. Cabinet furniture will not occupy a lot of space, solving the problem of placement of things and items.

Design of small rooms

Even if there is no window in a small room, the mirrors will help solve this problem. Fashionable and convenient option - a fake window from mirrors. It makes the space lighter, being a fairly functional piece of decor, especially with backlight.

Design of small rooms

Designer techniques

So that the room seemed more, all the details and items in it should be ordered. To do this, visually draw flat lines along and across the room. So the interior is divided into equal parts. Along these lines and the furniture should be placed, hang on the walls of the picture, to drain the carpet on the floor.

The room is desirable to leave free, even if the furniture is missing. Do not climb space.

Design of small rooms

If possible, all items should be hidden. This uses closed cabinets and niches in upholstered furniture. The smaller the subjects in the room, the greater it seems. As it were trite, it did not sound, but order significantly increases the free space.

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We divide the room to the zone

The aesthetic side is of great importance in the design of the room. But you should not forget about the functionality of a small room. It is necessary to initially imagine exactly how it will serve you. Maybe without something you can do and do it, and some item is worth adding.

Visually break the room to the functional zones, decide which furniture will be needed, and then get rid of all too much. Perhaps the best solution will be multifunctional modular furniture.

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Then the room should be divided into functional zones, and depending on their location, place furniture, techniques, lighting elements. For example, a recreation area must be separated from a working, at least a small space. The design of each functional zone may differ from the neighboring, but the total color solution must be uniform.

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Design of small rooms

Design of small rooms

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Design of small rooms

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Design of small rooms

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Design of small rooms

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Design of small rooms

Design of small rooms

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Design of small rooms

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Design of small rooms

Little Rooms: Interior Design Rules (+50 photos)

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Little Rooms: Interior Design Rules (+50 photos)

Design of small rooms

Little Rooms: Interior Design Rules (+50 photos)

Little Rooms: Interior Design Rules (+50 photos)

Little Rooms: Interior Design Rules (+50 photos)

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