Application of needle roller for fixing bulk


In recent years, it becomes more popular with independent resolution of issues with repairs, including with laying of bulk floors. If you also decided to accomplish this operation yourself, then you can not do without a number of specialized tools. One of them is a needle roller for a bulk sex that allows to obtain a uniform distribution of the mixture and a homogeneous floor covering.

In the process of filling the floors absolutely needed a liquid solution. Otherwise, in it, the voids filled with air are formed in it, which will clearly spoil the appearance of the floor and its operational characteristics. The fact is that when frozen with bubbles inside the floor will receive an undesirable porous structure, which will increase its fragility.

Application of needle roller for fixing bulk

Rolling allows you to get rid of even from the smallest bubbles, allowing you to avoid problems in the future, including when installing enough hard furniture on the floor. Properly treated with a roller, the bulk floor does not seek and not break, which means he can serve a very long time.

Specialists who constantly work on finishing or repairing apartments, or houses, there are similar items of different sizes in the arsenal and for different needs. But with an independent solution to the issue with the arrangement of the bulk sex, it is necessary to take care of the acquisition of such things. In this material, we will look at what rules it is necessary to be guided by choosing rollers.

Principle of operation

Application of needle roller for fixing bulk

The needle roller is of different sizes and different purposes. The width of this tool can be as 20 and 60 centimeters. It is most convenient to work with a roller, which has a sufficiently large working surface, but there are situations where you need to walk in a narrow or hard-to-reach place, and then small tools come to the rescue, which penetrate where a massive tool will not pass. If there is no desire to buy a whole "family", it is worth paying attention to the rollers of medium sizes.

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Also an important part for which you need to pay attention when buying a roller is the length of spikes. Their size ranges from 8 to 35 millimeters. This parameter must be chosen based on the presentation, what thickness coverage you are going to do. The main thing is to thoroughly mix the layers so as not to give the air to destroy your desire to get a strong durable coating.

Where are used

The puff roller is useful when pouring the floor of any type. This concerns:

  • Gypsum-based mixtures;
  • cement mixtures;
  • Polymer bulk floors.

In the latter case, the thickness of the floors is relatively small, it is only 1.5 centimeters, so it will be necessary to stop on rollers with small spikes. When pouring the floors of another type, their thickness can already be up to 3 centimeters, respectively, it will be necessary to choose a roller with longer spikes.

If you intend to process the floor, the thickness of which is less than five centimeters, then it is better to stop the choice on the roller, which has not rounded, and sharp needles for better work.

Application of needle roller for fixing bulk

Most rollers are made from plastic, so before buying it is worth clarifying the consultant, how much needle roller is resistant to the effects of solvents and other chemicals used in the finishing.

What looks like

Two types of needle rollers are distinguished - these are tools for working with plasterboard and an account of the Polik for processing bulk floors. The cylindrical base of the device is finished with spikes and is attached to a special handle.

The most common material, as already noted, for the manufacture of roller is plastic. It is pretty light and practical, so the roller can use a long time, not tired and without reducing the pace of work. However, there are also options that are made from metal. Such products are heavier, they are more often used where it is necessary to treat a large area.

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For ease of use, manufacturers often equip the needle roller with a special telescopic handle, which allows you to handle a rather extensive area without effort. Such a handle is also made of plastic or wood, which allows you to achieve greater lightness and maneuverability of a product that provides a normal operation.

How to work roller

Working with a roller of this type assumes that you need every time with pouring the mixture through it with such a tool. That is why it is better not to risk and immediately choose not the most budget, and the most qualitative and appropriate situation option.

The roller helps to distribute the mixture on the surface evenly, but in most cases the special leveling rail is useful to help.

For better execution of the bulk sex, other rules must be observed:

  • Before the fill of the floor is carefully removed on the ground;
  • use only high-quality materials and tools;
  • Allow the floor to dry in the conditions specified in the instructions;
  • use for processing and painting only high-quality materials;
  • Remember that such a floor, first of all, is necessary in the premises, where you need to strictly withstand sanitary standards.

Application of needle roller for fixing bulk

Where can I buy a tool

Such a tool can be found in different places if necessary. If you wish to feel and check the goods before purchase, you can go to a specialized store. This method is good for inexperienced finishers who will probably have a useful consultation of a specialist.

Good options at lower prices can be found on any construction market. True, these rollers will not always correspond to high quality. However, the price will allow you to acquire several options at once.

Those who have already decided on the manufacturer and material, you can also choose a suitable roller in the online store. In this case, it will not even have to go anywhere, buying can be made lying on the sofa.

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