Takes "Hedgehog": video lessons with description and master class


Method of mating with such a funny name "Hedgehog" is not very famous, and it is very bad, because it looks so interesting, takes, tied in such a technique, definitely does not look like any other, besides, it looks very neatly, suitable for any Facial type and age will save from cold to bad weather. If you are interested in such an unusual technique, we recommend you to read this article in which it will be described how to tie the "hedgehog", the video lessons will help to understand the technique quickly.


We will offer you two options for the master class on the embodiment of this technique, and you already choose what you like more, maybe you will want to do both options, because they are different, but everyone is attractive in their own way.


As it takes, made in any other technique, the "hedgehog" will be perfectly combined with almost any object of wardrobe, perfectly complement your image, it can be decorated with some interesting brooch, beads, embroidery, appliqués, in general, anything.


First method


For a start, we give a description of the pattern itself, and then beret. To begin with, learn the scheme:


The first row - knit a gum 1: 1 as follows: 1 p. Edid, 1 p. Facial, 1 p. Pouring, finish 1 facial and 1 edge.

The second row - facial loops, lie face, hidden with nakid, clean, without tissing.

The third row is to the loop with one nakid, add the second nakid and throw on the other knitting needle to another knitting needle without tissing. Publishing hinges are facial.

The fourth row is a loop with two embers in the involving, and the purple is pounded.

Knit himself

Knit takes with circular spokes under the numbers 3 and 4.5.

  • On the spokes number 3 tightly score 88 kettles and knit gum 2: 2 with a height of about 7 centimeters.
  • Now the knitting needles №4.5 go to the move and continue to be viscous "hedgehog" (describing above), knit about 12 centimeters (this is 12 rapports).
  • Next, in the thirteenth rapport, the "hedgehings" closure for three loops together 15 times, then two reports in the hedgehog height knit without add-ons and in the sixteenth rapport, close 10 times three loops.
  • Now one rapport of the hedgehogs in heights in height without add-ons, and after the seventeenth rapport, collect all the loops on the thread and torn.

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So, our takes ready.


If after reading the master class you have any questions or you just want to clarify some moments, we recommend seeing you this video lesson in which every step is explained.

Option with tail


This option also looks very unusual, the owner of such a headdress will definitely collect many compliments, so let's try to tie an interesting takes.


We will work with knitting number 3 or 3.5, yarn will need about two hundred grams.

Stages of work

  • Type 90 kettles on the knitting needles and knit about 6 centimeters in a circle.
  • Then check one row here in this way: 2 loops are tied together and one nakid before the end of the row.
  • And now again knit facial stroke 6 centimeters.
  • Now we take extra knitting needles and raise the loops of the first set of the first set. We knit at once two loops together: one looping from the working knitting needles, and the other with auxiliary.
  • Now dispense your loops for intervals of three pieces. We will form needles that will be 30 pieces.
  • Each needle is preserved as follows: 2 facial hinges, 1 Initial loop.
  • Now in the next rows we will make an increase in one. You need to add 6 kettles on each side of the outbreak loop. The loops, which add, knit the tent mating behind the back wall.
  • Thus, the finished needle of us turned out to be like this: 2 facial kettops, 6 boiled viscous, 1 1 Ancient loop, 6 tent vesty.
  • Now we start to subscribe loops through a row in those places where they added.
  • Remove the loops until 90 stacked on the knitting needles.
  • Now knit off the hinges two strips and between them one facial.
  • Again we divide the loop, but already six sections of 15 pieces in each, and reduce the loops in each of them through one row.
  • We do it before it remains 6 kettops, with their help, we sew a tail, which length you want.

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Our wonderful beret is ready!


If it is more convenient for you to start from the top, you can do so, only in this case, the stages of work should be considered in the reverse order, start from the tail, and in those places where we did the lubrication, you will need to add, and, accordingly, where add adds You will make a dispatch.


Video on the topic

It takes in the style of "hedgehog" not in the easiest technique, but if it is good to figure it out, everything will definitely work out, and so that you feel easier to understand, we offer you this video selection.

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