Repair of valves


So, the valve on the water rudder. What functions does it perform? Where is located? How is the valve replacement? These and a number of other questions will consider in this article.

Repair of valves

Hand adjustment valve circuit.

Let's start with the fact that the location of the water valves in an apartment building is not equally equally. In such a house a lot of apartments, and each of them is an integral part of the building.

The valves responsible for the supply of hot and cold water in the apartment are most often in the toilet above the washed tank, and in the bathroom closer to the floor, below the heated towel rail. If the bathroom or kitchen is equipped with a gas flowing water heater, then in your apartment you will find only one intake of cold water with a valve installed on it.

Functions of the valves and their faults

Well, if each plumbing device in the apartment is equipped with a special valve responsible for overlapping water in the event of an accident. In the houses of the old building most often their only 2: for hot and cold water. And do not forget that search for a valve for overlapping hot water in an apartment where there is no centralized feeding, it is useless.

Repair of valves

Cutting valve drawing.

Now let's talk about problems. It happens that the valve at the input of water in the apartment becomes faulty: when tightening the flywheel with a rod, the water still continues to arrive (does not overlap). It should be noted that replace the gasket in the valve head - the problem is almost not solvable.

Many apartment owners have repeatedly encountered this problem. Of course, a specialist to replace the gasket failed without overlapping water. How will he do it? Very simple: Will open the cranes in the apartment at the moment when the most massive consumption of water occurs.

  1. Most often it happens at the end of the working day or early in the morning. After that, the faulty valve head is unscrewed and is replaced by temporary. Now on the removed head, you need to replace the gasket, after which the valve can be installed on its rightful place freed from the temporary analogue.
  2. If you are at least a bit disassembled in the plumbing, then you can bring your valve into the working condition, located on entering the apartment. To do this, do not forget to overlap the valves on the riser. In the event that your personal valves function properly, you will be guaranteed a life without unnecessary plumbing problems.

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How to find the right riser and correct water?

Installation circuit valve.

The pipeline, located vertical, is a riser. He passes through the whole house, more precisely through all his floors. To block the water into a common riser, you need to go down to the basement, since the valve is responsible for overlapping the cold water is located there. To overlap hot water supply, there are 2 valves in the basement and attic.

Here is another plumbing subtlety: each riser supplies water or 1, or 2 apartments. Horizontal pipes perform a connection through the valve of plumbing devices of an apartment with a riser.

You yourself are hardly looking for a riser you need related to your apartment. It is best if his location will show you the plumber, or someone else who has such information. If you decide to search for the necessary riser yourself, then listen to the following advice.

  1. Look in the kitchen window. What do you see there? Post, tree, entrance of another house? It does not matter what exactly the main thing is that you saw the same thing from the basement window. If it happened, it means next to you will find the riser you need.
  2. To determine with what water this riser is easier, pay attention to its temperature.
  3. Apartments of the corner location will also prompt you the place of riser.

If you blocked the required valve, then the apartment will be an absolute lack of water in plumbing devices.

Repair of valves

Scheme of a homemade mixer with valves.

You can proceed to eliminate the fault of the valve located on entering the apartment.

Best of all, if in the basement from the blocked valve you will leave reliable protection in case of unplanned opening. This may occur if there are numerous complaints of neighbors on the house on the lack of water in the hob.

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After all, breaking water for yourself, you will deprive her and the rest of the apartments. Charter Listen to claims, WEK will send plumbing. And he, in turn, descending into the basement and discovered the blocked riser, most likely will open it.

Replacing the valve and its repair

The faster you carry out the valves, the better for all. And for such operational work, you need to prepare everything in advance. What material most often produced valves? It can be brass and macked cast iron. The cabinet head made of brass quickly turns away. If there is a macke iron for its production, you will need to make an effort. Especially in case of long-term exploitation.

In order for this process to be faster and easier, you can use a soldering lamp or a burner (gas). With their help, heating the head. The replacement will happen faster.

In addition, you can cook:

  • pliers;
  • spanners;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife.

When repairing the valve, if it is pig-iron, you need to purchase a new head complete with a rod, since, most likely, the rod after long-term operation has become a single integer with the head of the housing due to rust. If you use a cast iron valve, but with brass rods, then here you can talk about a longer service life.

Repair of valves

Scheme of the valve.

The rod, or rather its end, which is stopped into the valve, has a spherical shape. And this means that on the valve there is a recess that performs crimping ball bowls. It is this design that provides a valve with a laying position "afloat": the gasket in any case will overlap the saddle.

If the printed wall of the valve has small destruction and there is a process of separating the latter from the rod, then this is the desired malfunction. In this case, you can add a new valve or use another valve with a rod, filmed from the same valve. It is easier to replace the entire head head. Do not forget that everything you need to get to get started before the work and overlapping of water on the riser.

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How to choose a new valve?

When purchasing a new valve, you must first pay attention to the valve, or rather its design. Carefully see it can be carefully with one of the sides of the pipe connection.

  1. You need to twist the stock for the flywheel and make sure that the valve is equipped with a gasket fixed with the nut. But the side of the valves adjacent to the saddle may be smooth. This kind of valve will not suit you for use at home. This valve is designed for steam, and retain water is not the task for it.
  2. On the valve case, there must be numbers and arrow. When installing the valve, the arrow should be located in the direction of the aqueous stream. The numbers show the diameter of the conditional passage for water.

Do you know what distinguished the valves and watershed cranes? Not? We'll see now. Installing the valve occurs between the pipes. With its incorrect installation, resistance (hydraulic) occurs. It interferes with functionality on the upper floors.

Change of valve on the finished eyeliner

If you need to replace the valve on the already performed eyeliner, then you need to know about the complexity of this task. Most often disassembling multiple pipes. If working in a small space, near the walls, then a more convenient option will be the winding of the valve (housing) with the head removed.

The destruction of the valve saddle, unlike the saddles of the cranes enclosures, is much less common. Used the valve, spinning it, very rarely: in cases where the repair of cranes, pipes and other plumbers are required. The usual valve position is open.

The rod and flywheel occupy the position from the edge, which is allowed when unscrewed. With the reverse position, the cape nut can pass water. The liquid will fall on the floor, which inevitably leads to a damage of the ceiling of the lower apartment.

But it happens that the valve is kept partially open. For example, the location in front of the drain tank in the bathrooms located on the lower floor in a high-rise building. Why? Because in this case, if the plastic flexible liner is bursting, located between the drain tank valve and the supplying pipe, the amount of water flowing to the floor will be much smaller.

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