Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself


Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

A frequent situation when in the construction of an individual house there is a need that the outdoor hatch closes the entrance to the basement. To a greater extent, it is located under the residential structure, sometimes next to him.

The procedure for creating the so-called door for the basement is to choose and acquiring materials, developing drawings and installation of the designed design.

It should be noted that, as a rule, it is under the kitchen of a residential building.

General design of Luca

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

Luke device

The useful properties of the basement are indisputable. To a greater extent, they play the role of not only the utility room, but also increase the total area of ​​the house. In addition, the presence of such space guarantees a permanent dry and warm floor on the first floor.

Separately, it is worth noting that in some cases the cost of arrangement of the basement is sometimes estimated at a quarter lower than the price of the entire building. This consists of statistics related to the fact that most of the owners are trying to save at this stage of construction.

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

Outdoor hatch to the basement has long been considered the main point of savings in the construction of a residential building.

First of all, this applies not to the cost of work, but superficial opinions about this value.

In fact, the price of the hatch underground is not so high, it depends on the value of the following materials:

  • loops;
  • pens;
  • Boards or metal.

Before planning a hatch device, it should be initially determined from which the lid itself will be manufactured. It depends on the material to be finished outdoor coating, for the planned arrangement of the hatch in the floor.


Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

The lid material should be light, but durable

Make a hidden hatch in the floor for your home is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, it is necessary to develop its device on paper.

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This will allow all the work correctly and rationally.

This is especially true when the installation of the outdoor hatch of the hidden type is performed.

To do this, it is desirable to adhere to the following requirements:

  • The drawings should indicate the location of the hatch;
  • sizes, ideal for the hole in the cellar, must be in the range from 0.5 to 1 m;
  • The material from which the lid will be made should be light and durable, but at the same time, the handles for the hatch must also withstand such a load;
  • The basement hatch must comply with the requirements for tightness and thermal insulation. It must be insulated and hermetic.

For a visual example, a scheme is shown to look like a sanitary or basement hatch.

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself


Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

Despite the fact that at first glance, all outdoor hatches have a similar device, with more close review there are a number of issues related to their installation. Initially, this applies to the following situation:

  • The choice of material from which the hatches are made in the basement compartment;
  • Principle of operation and device , which has a sexy hatch.

Hidden design

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

The manufacture of a secret door to the subfield requires the implementation of certain conditions. The hidden outdoor hatch under the tile is considered the most practical option for equipping the entrance to the basement.

For this case, the mechanisms of the lid and looping system are the most optimal, safe and practical in further operation. To perform this item, you will need the following tools:

  1. Ush.
  2. Drill.
  3. Welding machine.
  4. Sculpture.

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

Carpet will hide the traces of the hatch perfectly

Initially, it will be necessary to develop a principle for which a secret handle and hatch hinge will operate. Then, it is recommended to consider the process that performs the correct operation of the door opening.

After the scheme is designed, you can proceed to the manufacture of the hatch for the floor of the hidden sample.

To do this, you need to mount the basement hatch on the finished scheme, install it on the loop and fix the handle.

It is possible to fix the hidden loops for the hatch using welding, gas closers or mount the door with shock absorbers.

Luke under the tile

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

Close the hatch with a tile only after installing the design

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When the question arises, how to make a hatch hidden under the tile, laminate or linoleum, you should follow the following recommendations. First, at the preliminary step, it is necessary to determine the size of the opening.

Secondly, insulate it and make a preliminary layout of a tile or any other material used for finishing finish. This is necessary in order to avoid the reign under the tile with your own hands. On how to make a hidden construction under the tile, see this useful video:

It should be borne in mind that to customize the floor hatches to the floor under the tile can only after the final measurement was performed.

Outdoor hatches for the basement: how to make it yourself

Make hatches to floor under linoleum, tile, laminate or any other flooring is not so difficult. In addition, the process is not considered time consuming. That is why, some hired brigades ignore it and consider not important enough during the construction of the house.

If you do not take into account their opinion and build your home according to the recommendations and advice of experienced builders, you can significantly extend the life of the structure due to the fact that access to the founding of the building will be performed.

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