Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.


Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

Parents, planning a small 10 or 12 square meter design. M Children's room are mistaken - you are not interested in the opinion of your child or two boys how will the child be equipped with? Ideas how to issue children's rooms 10 or 12 square meters. m, different. For example, in the sea.

Let you most of the ideas of a child or children discard, but the main thing will listen and equip the design of the children's room for two boys so that they will be satisfied.

When children are planned, consider the opinion of even the smallest son or two boys. Of course, the child is unlikely to help choose a quality material for the design of walls, gender, ceiling, but to determine the sea or other style to make a room (10 or 12 square meters), forces by him.

If the child chose a very bright shade for registration of a children's room for a boy (10 or 12 sq. M. M), do not discharge it, and add calm shades to the interior of a small bedroom.

Choose pastel curtains, bedspreads, carpet on the floor for one or two. Children's, beautiful with pastel furniture. Advance with the child to arrange the interior of the children's room for a boy (10 or 12 sq. M.). Son or sons will be nice.

Ask the baby or two, what they want to see children's rooms for a boy of 10 or 12 square meters. m with your furniture, things? Many people like design in the seabed. Let the design for one or two will be decorated in the sea, for example. Beautiful interior.

From birth to 1 g

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

Some parents with infancy teach little or two boys to independence. Making a children's room design for a boy of 10 or 12 square meters. M to 1 year, create it in calm colors. Place children's rooms for a boy of 10 or 12 square meters. m so that there is a lot of light. Son sleeps day? Close the curtains tightly.

Put a cot-cradle. Highlight a place in a small 10 or 12 square meters. m The room on which you will swaddle baby. Hang the shelves or a toy box. When renting children's rooms for a boy of 10 or 12 square meters. m per zones, place the game by the window. In the center of the little bedroom place the crib. Opposite the doors begun.

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On the floor, put a large carpet or a wool wool wool. Ideal when in the children's heated floor. The table on which you will swaddle, put from the bed. Place your favorite soft bears, bunnies, cats. Cozy. Buy original chairs in the form of animals. For example, a bear bed, a bed-tiger, chair-hare. Ideas, how to make baby rooms for the boy embody different things.

From 1 to 3 years

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

The wonderful age of the child, actively knowing the world. How to equip a children's room for a boy? The baby or two boys attract a variety of pictures, or stuck in the color. Do not stand all rooms to separate with photo wallpapers with cartoon characters. Such an arrangement is one small 10 or 12 square meters. m nursery.

From a set of impressions, the kid is badly falling asleep. Baby room for boy design make in soft colors. The ceiling is traditionally paint in white or any pastel color. Excellent if making up the design of a children's room for a boy, you cross the ceiling with a starry sky, which in the dark places glows. And someone will come up with arrangement in maritime design.

Where the gaming zone of the baby or two boys, walk the wallpaper with the characters of cartoons, your beloved animals. Children's rooms for boys make up alive, interesting.

When you read the fairy tales, you can ask to tell, who is a favorite one, what animals do you like? Lullaby change on the crib. The changing table is not needed. Children's rooms for boys will complement low tables with chairs. Put them near the window. Kids will conveniently draw, sculpt, collect the designer. Add low lockers in the storage of toys.

Together collecting toys to teach a child or two boys to order. Children's arrangement so that the floor was a comfortable natural carpet. The design of the curtains let it be memorable.

Planning, the design of children's little or two boys, hang enough lamps. One Hang the bed so that the little is not afraid. A children's room for two boys is complemented by toys.

From 3 to 5 years

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

Interesting age. In it, the baby actively imites his favorite heroes. He already understands who is kind, and who is evil? Therefore, the design of the boy's premises can be made by the image of the main character. The main color of the interior for the baby's children's room will choose himself.

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For this we need:

  1. Stylish wallpaper with this hero.
  2. Arrange the ceiling with wallpaper, mounted ceilings or whitewashing.
  3. Select Decor: Beautiful curtains, Favorite toys, Stylish pictures, Colored bedspread.

Rooms arrange so that the lighting focus the zones in the interior. If the family budget allows you to buy a ship, or a bed machine. Add a dresser and medium wardrobe in a small room, chair. The shelf in the closet, in which toys were stored, highlight the books.

If the little girl loves, in the middle of the game zone, install a train or a motorcycle with many cars. Need a zone for sports. For example, put the Swedish ladder for the son or two boys. Let the children's room for two boys or son will be with a sports corner.

Gradually, the child learns to carefully fold toys and things. Let the shelves be under different toys.

From 6 to 7 years

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

By this age, the Son will be serious. It's time to attend school classes. Need a nursery for a schoolboy. So, make the interior so that there was a place where to learn lessons. Put the desk or table for a schoolboy with a small comfortable chair with a back. Position the table by the window. Light let it fall in the center or more on the left.

In the evening, turn on the baby to the table lamp. If you are planning a children's design for two boys, but there are few places, put a two-tier bed. Design Wallpaper will definitely discuss with a grown son, children. The child will have a lot of ideas.

If the son is active, let the wallpaper be in pastel colors, for calmly good bright green, orange, lemon. Children's room for a schoolboy boy is not conceived without shelf to store textbooks. Do not throw toys, let her childhood last.

From 8 to 9 years

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

Working out the interior, planning the design for the boy, develop his tendency. If he got carried away karate, boxing, put a boxer pear in the corner. If there is little space, make a hook, to which you can hang, and then remove it. The design of the children's room for the boy let it be decorated in his taste.

Planning the interior, no longer take wallpaper with cartoon characters. Consume. Good monophonic. Curtain design in calm colors is preferred. Interests from the son or two boys become more mature. Do not need a big game area. Put there a table or tables with computers. Increase the place for books.

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From 10 to 12 years

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

Usually a schoolboy boy or two boys have their own hobbies. And they already know what I would like to see the interior and how to make the design of your room? Making the design, advise your son. Of course, not all ideas like, but always look for a compromise.

It will be good for children with photo wallpapers, help him decide on the image. Design make in a similar style. Help your child to choose things and accessories to decorate the interior. Such creativity is solid, and son with pleasure to the room, which issued himself, will invite friends, which will increase socialization.

From 13 to 14 years

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

For this age, the appearance of idols is characterized. A teenager will want to attach all the walls with them. The interior will lose this, try to convince the son or two boys and allocate one wall under the posters.

Making the interior for a teenager or two boys of this age, buy inexpensive wallpapers. If your son likes to listen to music, buy a music center. After a couple of years it will become uncomfortable and you will change the interior together.

Children's teenager

Children's room design for a boys in the marine style: sizes 10 and 12 square meters. M.

Choosing the design of the space for the young man who has joined the ripe age, talk to the Son, convince him that it is better to such, and not another room design, if it offers a very extravagant option.

Many adolescents are modern, and specifically High-tech. For this style, the minimum of furniture is characterized, it is simple. Colors Pleasant Natural: Classic black and white, discreet gray in combination looks stylish in more bright.

Boys on the walls hang photos in the beautiful framework. Lighting saturated. In addition to the chandelier, the room can be supplemented with several sconces, flooring. It is not necessary to put a bed, a sofa is comfortable.

For two boys, put not wide long beds in parallel with the walls. Curtains can be replaced with fabric blinds. Good decoration of a children's room for a boy Roman curtains. Simplicity, rigor and taste - the interior is wonderful. Not so difficult to issue a design in the interior.

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