How to insulate a tap pipe in a private house


How to insulate a tap pipe in a private house

Why do you need warming insulation?

Strong frosts do not spare anyone and nothing. Under the influence of reduced temperatures, both durable metal pipes and high-tech metal-plastic products may be damaged. No exception and water supply in a private house. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out insulation of water pipes. Otherwise, water can freeze, as a result of which the pipes simply burst and have to be changed. How to insulate a water pipe?

How to insulate a tap pipe in a private house

Diagram of the warning insulation device: 1 - membrane, 2-insulation, 3-pipe.

The process of insulation is carried out in two stages: thermal insulation of pipes in unheated rooms, thermal insulation of the external pipeline.

Most often, the insulation of the water supply is carried out with the help of thermal insulation materials. They must meet the following requirements:

How to insulate a tap pipe in a private house

Diagram of the device of insulation of water pipes polyurenellotan.

  • Simplicity and ease of installation. More often work independently, so it is better to choose a material that does not require any special professional skills;
  • The possibility of repeated use. It will be a big plus if the insulation after parsing the pipeline can be used again;
  • Long service life. The material must be resistant to moisture, temperature drops. If the service life is small, then in a short time you will have to change the insulation. And this will require not only additional expenses, but also the need to re-dig a trench, insulating the pipeline;
  • Fire resistance. Water pipes are sometimes located not only on the street, but also at home. Therefore, it is desirable to use non-combustible materials;
  • Design tightness. The thermal insulation should not pass moisture, as many materials lose their properties from it. As a result, the insulation will cease to perform its functions.

Of course, for many, an important factor is the cost of the insulation. Too cheap material is unlikely to provide reliable and durable service. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice at the mean price when the most optimal value for money is provided.

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Insulation for water pipes

How to insulate a tap pipe in a private house

The diagram of the insulation of pipes by foam.

For insulation of water pipes, various thermal insulation materials are used. Consider the main insulation:

  • Glasswater. It is manufactured from glass production waste. Small glass fibers have excellent thermal insulation properties. Such material is best suited for the insulation of metal-plastic water pipes. Called with a small value, is easily mounted. Sold insulation in rolls or plates. The material is stacked around the pipe and fixes. The disadvantage is the need for additional isolation, which increases the cost of insulation and labor costs;
  • Vata from basalt. This is a fibrous insulation, which is made from molten rocks, most often from the basalt. Such material is produced in the form of finished cylinders of various diameters, which simplifies its installation. It may be covered with aluminum foil, which significantly increases the service life. However, the cost of such thermal insulation is significantly higher;
  • mineral wool. The material has high thermal insulation properties, durable, easily stacked and fits well to the pipes. However, Minvata is more expensive than glass gamble. Also requires additional insulation by rubberoid, folotic or pergamine;
  • Polystyrene foam (foam) is an excellent option for insulation of water pipes. It is produced in the form of a finished shell, which is well grumbling pipes. The material provides good thermal insulation, it can be mounted as an additional coating and without it. When parsing the pipeline, the foam can be reused. The insulation is distinguished by a small price, you can use on the street and at home. The only drawback is to combust.

May be used as a heater of the water pipes from foam polyethylene, polyurethane foam. According to their insulation properties, they look like polystyrene foam, as well as on the installation technology.

Montage insulation on pipes

Installation of the insulation depends on its type, material. Foam and basalt shells are set as follows. First, they are installed on the heating pipes of the shell of the required diameter. At the same time, halves should be attached with a displacement for the adolescence of 10-20 cm relative to each other. The shells are fixed using special skotcha. In places of turns, taps and installation of cranes, either special segments are used, or they are cut out of the shell. The shell on street areas is additionally protected with insulation (rubberoid, permane or pholoization).

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If you use rolled materials, the installation is carried out as follows. The material is tightly wound around the pipes. For convenience, it should be chopped into pieces of the desired size. The position of the insulation is fixed, too, with the help of special tape. On top additionally, insulation from rubberoid or other similar materials can be laid.

In general, to carry out the insulation of the water supply with the help of thermal insulation is quite simple, no special skills are required. This method of insulation is the most common and easy. However, there are other methods of thermal insulation of the water supply, which will be considered further.

Other Water Hacking Methods

For insulation of the water supply, various ways can be used. The easiest is the laying of pipes below the depth of the fruit of the soil. For Russia, as a rule, the depth of more than 2.5 meters will be required. However, there will be quite a few time and labor costs for the digging of such trenches. And, moreover, the 100% result is not always given. Therefore, it is extremely rare. To lay the water supply, trenches are arranged, but less depth.

How to insulate a tap pipe in a private house

Mounting diagram of pipe insulation.

The most common method is thermal insulation by insulation (see above).

Another way of insulation is an air layer. In this case, the water pipes are stacked into propylene sewer pipes. They differ in their low cost, provide good thermal insulation. In addition, the replacement of water pipes is carried out without the excavation of the trench.

And another way of insulation, which saves the plumbing into particularly severe frosts, is heated by an electric cable. This method implies laying the cable under the heat insulation shell. During severe frost, the cable is connected to the power supply, so that the water pipes are heated. Depending on the wire shell, it can be paved both outside and inside the pipeline. With the outer installation of the wire you can wind up the pipes.

For convenience and adjust operation, you can set the relay that will include and disconnect the heated cable depending on the temperature.

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When installing the heating cable, it is necessary to comply with the safety equipment, since work with electricity is always associated with a certain level of danger.

Thus, various methods can be used for insulation of water pipes. The most common and simple - the use of heat-insulating materials. In which method to give preference, depends on the operating conditions, personal preferences and the possibilities of the house owner.

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