Alignment of floor under laminate plywood


High-quality laminate laying should be made only on the perfectly smooth and very strong floor surface. Even the best laminate can lose its high performance, if it is laid on a poorly prepared foundation. The slightest irregularity of the floor may cause strong screening and deformation of the coating, as well as a significant reduction in the duration of its service.

Alignment of floor under laminate plywood

The laminate should only fit on the perfectly smooth surface, so you first need to produce the floor leveling process.

Therefore, today any floor repair work starts precisely from leveling its surface. Nowadays, the easiest and most affordable way to eliminate any irregularities is the alignment of the floor with plywood. This method is deservedly enjoying great popularity, since it does not require special knowledge and skills or large material investments.

Methods of alignment

Floor alignment for subsequent laying of laminate with plywood can be performed in several different ways. If you, for example, are planning to put the plywood onto the floor of wooden boards, you should simply fix the phaneer on the old coating using for this self-tapping screw.

Alignment of floor under laminate plywood

The device of technological gaps when laying plywood sheets.

In this case, it will be necessary to use a sufficiently strong Paneur, the thickness of which is at least 1 cm. But it should be remembered that before proceeding to the execution of such a technique, you should carefully check how long the old wooden coating is.

Much more complex, but at the same time, and a more thorough way of aligning the surface is the installation of floors from plywood on the lags. Its main advantage is the ability to achieve perfectly smooth floor of plywood sheets, which is suitable for laying any floor covering, including laminate.

Required requirements

Before starting styling plywood sheets on the base made of concrete, it is necessary to properly prepare this surface. As is known, concrete is a material characterized by rather high humidity. Therefore, before starting repair work, you should measure the level of moisture in the room and make sure that it does not exceed the norm.

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Alignment of floor under laminate plywood

Floor alignment technology plywood on lags.

To protect the sheets of plywood from the harmful effects of humidity and low temperatures, it must be covered with a layer of a special antiseptic agent. This will avoid the formation of mold and fungus and thereby protect Phaneru from premature destruction. If you are not sure which plywood is best suited for floor alignment, it is recommended to acquire plywood lists of category IV. Such plywood is more accessible for the price, besides processed by special compositions that will help protect the material from the harmful effect of moisture. In addition, it is absolutely harmless to humans and is ideal for aligning floors.

How to align the floor plywood: Step by step instructions

File alignment technology plywood does not represent much difficult. Therefore, work can be performed independently without resorting to the help of specialists. To make floor alignment, the following tools will be required:

  • Hammer of medium sizes;
  • Perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • big roulette;
  • level;
  • Electric jigsaw.

Alignment of floor under laminate plywood

Floor repair scheme plywood.

Initially, it will be necessary to prepare a concrete basis, following all the recommendations that were described above. The surface of the floor must be carefully dried and cleaned from dust and other contaminants.

Now draw on the surface of the wall line, which will be a guide when installing a new floor. This border must pass around the perimeter of the entire room and be carefully extinced by the level in order to prevent even the slightest inaccuracies. Now the lags should be prepared. For this purpose, ready-made bars from pretty durable natural wood are best suited.

Today, ready-made wooden lags without any problems can be purchased in almost every building store. When choosing a lag, it is best to give preference to those made from thoroughly dried wood coniferous trees. The size of such lags in the section should be approximately 40x100 mm. In addition, it will be necessary to prepare special gaskets, which are also made of wood and are installed directly under the lags. These gaskets must have a width of about 10 cm, and a length is about 20 cm. As for their thickness, it should be at least 2.5 cm. When performing lag laying it is important to remember that they must be located across the beams of light falling from Room windows. Lagged follows 50 cm from each other.

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Alignment of floor under laminate plywood

File alignment diagram plywood.

During the laying of Lag, there will be free space between them, which can be filled with various sound and thermal insulating materials, for example, mineral wool or basalt insulation. Thanks to this, you will get a very warm and absolutely silent laminate floor in your room.

It is important to remember that the lags cannot be placed close to the wall surface. Between the wall and the lag should be maintained a small gap of about 2-3 cm. This will reduce the flooring from the laminate from the deformation, which often occurs during the expansion of the material caused by the weather change. In the course of laying lags, constantly monitor the system to be mounted at the same level that was previously noted as the border of the new floor. If some lags were lower than you planned, you can correct this situation, just substituting wooden wedges for them. We should not forget about the mandatory soundproofing lining from soft material that must be installed between lags, wood strips and creeks.

Alignment of floor under laminate plywood

Floor alignment diagram by moisture resistant plywood.

Linoleum or layer of foamed polyethylene can be used as such a lining.

Initially, wooden lags should be laid around the perimeter of the room and only after that start laying the transverse bars. After the whole docrete is ready, you can start installing plywood. Plywood sheets should be cut into an electric jib to the equal parts with the sides of 75x75 cm. These squares should be screwed to lags in such a way that they are not close to each other, and at a distance of 2-3 mm. If you mount Phaneur to lags without this mandatory gap, then over time the floor will begin to creak very much.

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Depending on the level of moisture or air temperature, the tree can very much change its original volume. And this can cause the laminate to "walk". It is in order to compensate for such an expansion or narrowing of the tree and it is recommended to leave small gaps between the sheets of plywood and between the lags and the surface of the walls. Phaneur is best screwed to lags using self-tapping screws that need to be placed at a distance of 50-100 mm from each other.

If the alignment of the floor plywood is performed in the hallway or in the corridor, then the lags should be laid in such a way that they are perpendicular to the movement of people.

Such a simple reception will help make the floor from laminate more durable and reliable.

The alignment of the floor under the laminate plywood using Lag is the most suitable option when there is a need to hide a large height difference between different parts of the floor, which ranges from 5 cm or more. Such a floor of plywood sheets will become a truly strong and reliable basis for any modern flooring. The real birch plywood is absolutely safe both for humans and for the environment, which distinguishes it from OSP, chipboard and fiberboard.

In the case when the high-altitude surface drops range within 1 cm, the installation of plywood sheets can be carried out directly to the concrete floor, without using wooden bars. With this type of work, plywood must have a sufficiently large thickness constituting at least 18 mm. In this situation, a dowel or special adhesive mastic can be used to secure plywood to the floor. With such a method of laying plywood, the floor surface is prepared according to the same rules as before installing wooden lag. To apply glue layer on a concrete surface, you need to use a special toothed spatula.

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