Characteristics of defects and repair of floor tie


When performing capital repairs in the premises of any purpose, special attention requires the technical condition of the floors. After long-term operation, the coating may have a number of defects, fix that can only help overhaul the floor tie.

Characteristics of defects and repair of floor tie

After a long use of the concrete floor, it can get both minor damage, and to be covered with large cracks, fix that can only be fully replaced by the screed.

Classification of defects

The easiest way is to completely dismantle the existing coating to the very base and arrange a new screed. Such actions justify themselves in the event that there are no more ways to restore the old screed. Under normal conditions, this is unacceptable for a number of reasons:

Characteristics of defects and repair of floor tie

Damaged damaged floor screed circuit.

  1. Most often, the old floor covering can be repaired and updated without resorting to such cardinal methods.
  2. The disassembly of old screeds in the conditions of the residential premises is a very noisy and extremely pollutant event, in the process of work, cement dust will be distributed throughout the apartment.
  3. Dismantle the existing screed is necessary to the very base, otherwise the procedure loses its meaning. However, it is unknown, in what condition is the basis itself. The case may be completed by repair of carrier reinforced concrete structures, which is very expensive. Ideally, using a scrupulous approach to the question, it is necessary to act in order to ensure the safe and durable room operation. But in the short term, this approach may be unreasonable.
  4. Repair of the floor screed through its complete replacement is the most expensive way of all available.

It will be more correct to remove the first flooring of the floors, clean the surface of the existing screed and visually examine it, determining the amount and size of defects. In the process of study, the entire area of ​​the concrete surface is recommended to gently catch up with a hammer for the presence of hidden emptiness in the thickening screed as a result of detachment. Deaf sound will definitely indicate such a defect. After all the damage and their number are determined, you can proceed to the choice of the method of their elimination.

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There are several types of wear of old concrete floors:

Characteristics of defects and repair of floor tie

The detachment occur due to temperature drops and the impact of moisture on concrete.

  1. Cracks of different depths and degree of disclosure over time arise in the thickness of the coating as a result of loads and temperature effects.
  2. Thought and recesses appear during operation after constant mechanical effects on the concrete layer. It may be the movement of heavy furniture or musical instruments (for example, piano) or a vibration load from a washing machine. In the industrial premises, the spectrum of loads on the floors is very wide.
  3. The detachment of concrete on a certain area is formed with the simultaneous impact of moisture and temperature drops.
  4. The low strength of the surface layer of the screed is the result of an initially low grade of cement-sandy solution or concrete. On such a surface, dust cement and sand from the slightest mechanical exposure is constantly present.

Elimination of small damage

Repair of small cracks begin with the fact that they reveal them in width and depth. For this purpose, an angular grinding machine with a cut-off circuit on stone and concrete is used. From two sides of the defect, the screed cut the circle to a depth of up to 5 cm in such a way that after removing pieces of the old solution, the groove of a rectangular cross section 2-3 cm is cleaned. It is cleaned and dust is removed to estimate the sufficiency of the cut depth. If it turns out that the crack goes to the very base, then you will have to perform the same work as in the case of through wide cracks.

Characteristics of defects and repair of floor tie

Screed repair sequence.

Close up of a cutting groove is made after applying primer on its walls, which will dedust and strengthen the existing layer of concrete. It is possible to primitive will have several times, especially when it is noticeable that the surface is strongly absorbed by the applied composition. To fulfill the last stage of repair, you need to prepare a special cement-sandy solution on PVA glue. The recipe is: the stirring of glue with water in a 1: 3 ratio is made, after which the solution, the ratio of cement and sand is mixed on this basis - 1: 3. Since the volume of work is small, it is preferable to make it preferable to do in a plastic bucket (can be made of ink with a micro-powered electric drill. If the latter is missing, you can apply a piece of wire with a diameter of 6 mm, one end of which to get up or in the form of a ring, and the second to fix in the cartridge of the power tool.

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Using the trimmer and the rules, the separated crack is filled, and the surface is smoothed by removing the residues of the solution. Subsequent work can be made no earlier than 20 days after the end of the repair, this applies to all types of screed recovery work. In the same method, you can close the seed and other mechanical damage in the surface of the concrete screed.

Technology sealing deep cracks

Characteristics of defects and repair of floor tie

Scheme of sealing cracks in a concrete screed.

Cell-cutting wide cracks are expanding to the very base using a perforator, broken pieces of an old solution and dust are removed. For this purpose, it is best to use compressed air to blow all the extra garbage. If a pillow from rubble is discovered as a base, it will be necessary to compact it in the area of ​​the cutting place and pour liquid cement milk. At the same time, the milk should fall under the separated edges of the screed, after which it is necessary to give time to frozen. The base in the form of a reinforced concrete plate must be across with the edges of the resulting groove.

Further repair of the screed is to fill the groove with a special composition. You can perform this work, prepare the same solution as in the previous case, and swinging it by the rule. But it should be understood that the cracks of such dimensions do not arise in the screed simply and may appear again, so it is recommended to withstand technology. In this case, it is not necessary to save on independent preparation, it is better to purchase a ready-made thixotropic mixture to repair the floor in the trading network, at the same time buy a special damper cord-seal, such is used for the deformation seam device.

After stirring, the mixture is filled with all the separated niche, while the vertical markers made of fine steel wire are installed along the entire crack. When the thixotropic mixture is grabbed, the markers can be pulled out so that they are easier to come out, they should be pre-lubricated with solidol.

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The next stage is the mint of the damper cord, which is cut through a narrow groove of a depth of 5 cm. After this operation, the groove is closed with a plastic sealant based on silicone or polyurethane. As can be understood from technology, the result of such a repair is a deformation seam device on the site of a large floor crack. Whatever the reasons for its occurrence, new defects will not appear in this place.

Concrete bundles in the thickness of the screed can be eliminated by injection. Once all the places with this defect are detected, it is necessary to drill holes in the screed with a perforator and a boom with a diameter of 12 to 20 mm, the distance between the holes is 250 mm. Next, they should neatly pour a special composition based on epoxy resins. If it is possible, it is better to use the syringe. Pouring to produce until all empties and pores are filled, to do with breaks, giving the composition to absorb concrete. Repair of the tie of the floor This method is the work is not difficult, but requiring attention and patience. After soaring epoxy glue, which will occur during the day, you can proceed to further work.

The weakened surface layer of the screed can be made stronger with modern building deep-perky compositions based on polyurethane. Such impregnations allow you to raise the screed solution with M50 to M300 to the necessary depth. After the floor is treated with polyurethane compositions, the formation of cement dust will be stopped, and a protective film with a thickness of up to 200 microns will appear on the surface of the concrete.

By performing the restoration work of concrete flooring, it is possible to significantly save money that will inevitably be spent when dismantling and a new screed device.

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