How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself


How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

All people in one degree or another follow their health. At the occurrence of ailment, it is necessary to measure the body temperature. This simple and safe procedure allows you to quickly and accurately determine the condition of the body.

More often, mercury hydraulic devices are used for this purpose, as they are inexpensive and more accurate than their electronic analogs. The disadvantage of glass mercury thermometers is that they should be broken.

Emerging mercury can cause serious harm to the human body, so you need to be able to quickly and correctly remove it from the surface to which she got. Despite the rarity of such situations, everyone should know how to collect mercury from the floor.

What is dangerous mercury for a person?

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

Most often mercury is bottled from the broken thermometer or lamp

Mercury is the only metal that is in a liquid state at room temperature. It is a white-silver liquid that begins to evaporate already at + 18 ° C.

To mercury turned into a solid substance, it needs to be cooled to -38 ° С, which at home is hard to achieve. From the broken thermal room, it follows in the form of balls flying along the floor in all directions. Rutty balls swam in different places at room temperature begin to evaporate, poisoning air.

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

Mercury poisoning occurs when overpaying its vapors into the human body. When air is inhaled with a mercury content of 0.25 mg in 1 m3 of air, the substance settles in the lungs.

With a larger concentration, the pair of liquid metal absorbed light and human skin.

In one sidewater, 2 grams of substances that translated into milligrams is 2000 mg. Such a quantity of mercury is able to be placed with a rapid evaporation from 6000 to 8000 m3 of air. The volume of air in the apartment of 50-60 m2 is 125-150 m3. If a thermometer crashed, then the volume of a hazardous substance may be enough for poisoning 10 people.

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

The most dangerous - mercury pairs

Poisoning at low concentrations of the substance does not occur instantly, although in some cases a weak non-resistant to mercury can get an excess dose in minutes.

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After entering the body, mercury settles in human organs, making great harm to the heart, kidneys, liver, light, brain and skin. The first symptoms can manifest a few hours later, so it is immediately difficult to disassemble the degree of poisoning.

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

Poisoning of metal couples occurs very quickly

The first symptoms include weakness and dizziness. Then comes nausea and migraine. Further, the stomach disorder begins, the pain in the throat and bleeding from the adhesion and the nose. All this leads to a strong heat, coughing and inflammation of the lungs, which are accompanied by easets, including respiratory tract. In extreme cases, mental disorder occurs when a person's consciousness can shake.

A big danger lies in the fact that mercury does not smell, taste and bright color. The so-called silver water can remain completely invisible for a person for a long time.

It is important to know that children and women are exposed to a greater degree of mercury poisoning.

Safe cleaning of mercury

Before collecting mercury from a broken thermometer, you need to quickly make a certain preparation. It is also necessary to quickly select suitable tools to completely get rid of the harmful substance.

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

Order of initial actions

If a thermometer crashed, and mercile balls rolled on the floor, first of all, it is necessary to withdraw from the place of children. Then, all those who will not participate in cleaning, including pets, should leave it.

After all the extra left the room, you need to open the windows to enjoy fresh air. The door should be tightly closed. The conductivity procedure is desirable to perform so that the drafts do not carry air to other rooms.

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

Collect metal balls with a syringe or fringe

Before gathering mercury from a thermometer from the floor, it is necessary to protect gloves and a vanity-mareline bandage. Gloves are desirable to have rubberized or completely rubber. Bandage to protect the respiratory tract can be moistened in soda solution. This will give great protection. A bandage can be made independently of bandages or gauze.

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It should not step on mercury balls, so it is better to wear some shoes on the legs wrapped in Celofan.

Before removing mercury, all fragments of the smashed thermal man are going. In order not to cut down, it is necessary to put them in a gentially in a jar with water, which will be subsequently closed with a lid and to recycle.

All these measures must be taken before the start of the collection of mercury. The most important thing will take care of the safety of others.

How and what is going to mercury

Mercury must be assembled into water tank. This is done so that the liquid metal cooled and stop evaporated. See this video more about the collection of mercury:

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

To collect mercury balls, the following adaptations are well.

  1. Sprintsovka - a medical rubber pear is very well suited for collecting malicious mercury balls. It is also tightened even by the balls.
  2. A large syringe without a needle, as well as a fringe, will well draw a malicious liquid metal.
  3. Mercury balls stick to the scotch, adhesive tape and leucoplasty.
  4. With the help of a tassel, you can remove the balls of the substance, rolling them onto a sheet of paper or foil. Then, assembled on a plate of malicious material, must be placed in a jar with water.
  5. Wadded products, moistened in water, sunflower oil or manganese, can also be used to collect mercury. She will stick to them.

The most important thing is to clean the cleaning calmly, consistently and neatly. When using funds to protect the mercury pair will not be able to harm. Therefore, by performing the initial actions in the prescribed manner, it is possible to consistently engage in the assembly of the split balls. It is important to send all the assembled elements into the water tank that you need to keep closed.

Premises processing and precautions

After cleaning the room in which mercury scattered, it is necessary to wash carefully. This can be done using chlorine-containing fluid. The chlorine solution is required to wash the floor, plinth and the wall capabilities. Chlorine solution must be left for 15-20 minutes, after which it was washed off with clean water. For details on the principles of cleaning, see this video:

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For 7-10 days, the room is required to air daily. It is advisable to maintain a high temperature indoors so that the remnants of mercury can evaporate, leave the room. Carrying is performed with a dense closed door to avoid drafts and moving potentially dangerous air to other rooms.

It is impossible to stay in the room at night until the complete end of preventive processing. Ending under the plinth or in another hard-to-reach place the mercury ball can cause considerable harm to human health.

Personal hygiene measures after cleaning

How to collect mercury from the thermometer from the floor do it yourself

Personal clothes in which cleaning was cleaned, it is necessary to hang out on the street for ventilation. Then it must be subjected to chemical cleaning.

After completion of cleaning, you need to wash your hands with soap. Then you need to thoroughly clean your teeth and rinse the oral cavity with a manganese solution. After that, you can take a shower for cleaning the entire body.

In order to prevent the person who killed mercury, up to 10 tablets of activated carbon can be taken. It is also recommended to drink during the day, as much water as possible, from 3 to 5 liters.

All other things of the interior who had contact with mercury are going and put on the street. It will be used only after chemical processing.

The first drug in mercury poisoning - activated carbon

Depending on the complexity of the situation, you can contact specialized services that will help eliminate infection. Work both government organizations based on sanitary epidemiological stations and private companies certified in this field.

As a last resort, you can contact the hotline 01 in the elimination of emergency situations to receive consultations and the procedures for the time until you get the rapid response machine.

Mercury in different amounts are contained in thermometers, thermometers, fluorescent lamps, TVs and other techniques.

If you get into the open space of this Metal Human health, it is necessary to accurately and consistently perform the entire set of actions aimed at protecting a number of people who are.

Mercury pairs are a strong poison. It is important to remember this when contacting it with beautiful white-silver balls.

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