Causes of severization smell in the toilet


An unpleasant smell may appear in any room where there is a sewage. Most often, such problems are in the toilets, less often - in bathrooms and in kitchens. In order to get rid of an unwanted flavor, the inhabitants of the apartments abundantly use air fresheners, cleaning chemicals and other achievements of civilization, but they can only disguise the sewage smell for a short time without eliminating its cause.

Causes of severization smell in the toilet

To prevent unpleasant odor, as well as large blocks, it is necessary to carry out prophylactic cleaning of the pipeline twice a year.

If it smells unpleasant in the toilet, then it is necessary to find out the origin of the smell. Almost always his reason is a malfunction in the sewage.

Causes of severization smell in the toilet

Types of drain in the toilet.

The source of poor smell in the bathroom can become:

  • improper installation of the sewer system;
  • malware malfunctions;
  • the presence of leaks in the sewage;
  • pipe clogging;
  • Problems with ventilation.

To establish the exact cause of the occurrence of the disgusting smell from the toilet and eliminate it can only a specialist, so do not attempt to solve this problem without assistance. After the source of the appearance of poor smell in the toilet is known, it will be necessary to remove the breakdown. If the source of the stench is defined correctly and is timely eliminated, then after the repair of unpleasant flavors you can forget for a long time.

Wrong mounting of the pipeline

Causes of severization smell in the toilet

Device drain tank.

Errors when installing sewage pipes in the list of causes of the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the bathroom occupy the main place. Eliminate these missions is quite difficult, for this you need to spend time-consuming work. If maliciousness from the toilet is caused by violations in compliance with the construction norms, then the owners of the apartment will have to establish a new pipeline, which will lead to great inconveniences and financial spending.

Even more difficulties will arise if it turns out that the smell from the sewage enters the apartment as a result of non-compliance with the necessary sling standards during the installation of pipes. Because of this, the contents of the toilet bowed to the water cannot normally move along the pipes and is stored in the sewer system, causing an unbearable smell in the toilet. To get rid of him, the owner of the apartment will have to hold a complete dismantling of pipes, there are no other ways to install under the right bias.

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Causes of severization smell in the toilet

The design of the toilet: 1 - nozzle, 2 - bowl, 3 - hydrotherapy, 4 - sewasonal sewer network, 5 - release.

Sometimes it happens that the smell of sewage indoors appears due to a loose pipe connection. This malfunction is eliminated much easier than previous ones. If cast iron pipes are installed in the sewer system, then it will be necessary to bog their joints in a new way. And on compounds of plastic pipes, special sealing cuffs are installed.

Alone to eliminate the problems associated with improper installation of the sewer system, not recommended. Call specialists for this purpose, as this work is very responsible and for only experienced plumbers. Installation of sewage pipes by own forces will result in new problems, among which the poor smell from the toilet is not the worst.

The smell caused by violation in the work of the hydraulic

Design of the hydraulic assembly: 1 - bolt, 2 - lid, 3 - tee, 4 - Caid nut.

Often unpleasant flavors in the toilet may arise due to the problems with the hydrotherapy (siphon). The hydraulic washing is a smooth curved tube filled with water. It is located under a plumbing device. The liquid in it prevents the mixing of two tightly bordering the gas spheres, as a result of which the sewage smell from the toilet can not penetrate the room. If the operation of the siphon is broken, unpleasant air is freely seeping from the sewer and firmly settled in the toilet.

Causes of hydraulic fault:

  1. Increased air pressure in pipes located behind the siphon. In these cases, the smell from the sewer system penetrates the toilet with a splash of liquid, noise or nearly noticeable air bubbles.
  2. Filling in the wastewater of the entire pipe of the pipe, which is why the liquid in the hydraulic manner under the influence of discharged air will fall into the sewer system. The absence of water in the siphon will cause the penetration of unpleasant smell from the pipeline to the apartment.

Wastewater can fully fill the hydraulication when clogging sewage. The only output in this situation will be the cleaning of the pipeline with a special cable. If the sewage system is arranged so that the pipes pass through the attic or strongly cooled areas, then in severe frosts can occur icing communications, as a result of which the block is formed. To establish the work of the siphon, in the toilet form you need to pour several buckets of hot water. It will melt the ice, and waste liquids, and with them and the unpleasant smell will leave your toilet. Sometimes the drains cannot normally pass into the sewer and fill the hydraulication due to the small diameter of the pipes. To eliminate this problem, the owners of the residential premises will have to contact the specialists and change the pipes.

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A clogged siphon can also become a culprit of the appearance of smell from the toilet. The residues of fat, hair and debris are settled on its walls and become an excellent medium for reproducing bacteria causing the stench. In this case, it is possible to get rid of unauthorized unpleasant flavors from the toilet bowl independently without resorting to the services of Plumbers. It will help you in this "doll" - a homemade device for cleaning of siphones. It is possible to make it from a piece of tight fabric, sand and rope. From the cloth, Slowly the bag that can freely go to the toilet. Fill the bag with sand and tightly tie the top of the rope. Doll is ready. Holding a device for a rope, lower it into the toilet funnel and drain the water several times. Let the "doll" as closely fall into the pipe. Under the power of water, it reliably clears the hidrokeeper clogged with garbage. After completing the work, pull the sandbag over the rope and throw away. He has already fulfilled his mission.

Small leaks in pipes

The smell of sewage can occur in the toilet due to small leaks, which form a barely noticeable puddle, but sometimes they can be at all invisible. Since the limited space of the toilet is often filled with plumbing communications, it is quite difficult to identify the place of leakage. To find a weak plot in the pipeline, arm yourself with a flashlight and check all the pipes, best paying the places of their connection. Sometimes a defect indicates the formation on the surface of communication of a small cluster of moisture droplets. To get rid of the bad smell, the location of the leaks should be sealed or completely replaced with a poor-quality pipe. In order for leaks in the bathroom as little as possible, carry out the following preventive measures:

  • Use pipes and sanitary facilities in your apartment only the highest quality;
  • timely conduct waterproofing of the floor and walls in the toilet;
  • When installing the pipeline, make sure that the joints on it can as little as possible;
  • Do not install plumbing communications in hard-to-reach areas.

Clogging of sewage and ventilation

Devolition scheme with vague and plumbing cable.

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Unitaza stench often indicates a clogging of sewage. Most of all, this problem is familiar to residents of the first floors of apartment buildings. The only way out of this unpleasant situation will be the cleaning of the pipeline. You can clean sewer pipes with two methods: chemical (simpler) and mechanical. For chemical cleaning, ready-made products sold in household chemical departments are used. Most often, they simply need to fill in the toilet and for several hours not to use it. However, chemicals are capable of clearing not all types of blockages. Mechanical disposal of pipes of pipes implies the use of special cables or vessels. But when the zoom in the sewage is very strong, you should not try to cope with it yourself, but to resort to the help of professionals.

Seasoning sewage can be prevented if you follow the main rules of its operation:

  1. Do not throw in the toilet with dense paper, the remains of food, rags, garbage, not pouring into it chemicals and fatty solutions. The use of sewage is not intended is the most common cause of pipes.
  2. We use protective lattices that prevent the pess penetration into the sewer system.

An unpleasant smell in the toilet may occur not only because of the problems with pipes. It may indicate malfunctions in ventilation. The presence of ventilation of the room is a prerequisite for buildings equipped with water supply and sewage. In modern high-rise buildings, a ventilation system is installed on a natural traction. If you felt an unpleasant smell in the toilet, and it was not possible to identify problems with the pipeline, check the health of the ventilation in your apartment. Apply a sheet of paper to the ventilation lattice. A normally working system will immediately attract it. If the paper falls, it means that the problem of the occurrence of a bad fragrance in the toilet is clogging of ventilation channels. You do not care their own. In charge the solution to this problem to specialists, in the arsenal of which the equipment needs everything for this purpose.

The appearance of poor smell from toilet bowl is a certificate of malfunction in the sewer or ventilation system. Determine the reason for its appearance, and then take measures to eliminate the defect. Do not forget to repair the pipeline timely. And then unpleasant flavors will forever disappear from your housing.

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