How to choose the electrical screwdriver?


Screwdriver is an integral tool of any experienced master. Therefore, it is necessary to approach his choice very carefully. In today's market there are many different types of electrical screwdrivers that are designed for different works.

How to choose the electrical screwdriver?

Scheme of the device of the screwdriver.

To choose a professional screwdriver to choose for yourself, decide what your work will be concluded. It is necessary so that it does not work so that the tool is purchased for big money, is used and now lies and no longer needed in the farm.

To properly choose a professional screwdriver yourself, you need to focus on several basic parameters. It is meal, speed and torque, cartridge characteristic, reverse and additional features. Consider all this in more detail.

Characteristics of power sources

The main indicator of the maintenance of the tool is the power source. As a rule, before the screwdrivers were taken to divide on the battery-type devices and operating exclusively from the network. But now all electrical screwdrivers have a battery of a certain species. Therefore, it makes sense to separate the tool to the power sources.

How to choose the electrical screwdriver?

Types of nozzles for a screwdriver.

First of all, you need to check the plug. The best - collapsible. Their advantage is that when breakdown, they can be promoted and fixed. A solid plug in the event of a malfunction will require a complete replacement with the cord.

The second important characteristic of the power source is the type of battery. Even the network operating screwdriver uses battery charge. There are now three types of batteries that differ in power and their environmental safety.

So, the lithium-ion type of battery is considered the most powerful for the screwdriver. Because of this, it differs quite high cost. Such batteries still perfectly carry recharge and are able to keep charge for a long time. The main property is the lack of memory. Even with an incomplete landing of the battery, you can easily put it on recharging. In this case, the container will not decrease.

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However, there is here and its cons. For example, the batteries of this type are poorly carrying sharp temperature differences. Moreover, the cold is unfavorable. Therefore, to use such a screwdriver under constant cold conditions is undesirable. And the effect of self-drawing in batteries is quite weak.

The second type of batteries is nickel. They are with the addition of either metal hydrides, or cadmium. There are practically no differences between themselves. But the batteries of lithium-ion type differ strongly. These batteries have lower power, have a memory effect, which makes fully discharge the tool until the next recharging.

How to choose the electrical screwdriver?

Screwdriver cartridge diagram.

It should be noted that these batteries are very dangerous in the environmental terms, as they contain strong-toxic elements. Therefore, to use a screwdriver with a battery of this type in everyday life, it is necessary extremely careful. For the same reason, it is impossible to dispose of self-spoiled batteries or screwdrivers of this type.

But they have and pluses are resistance to temperature change, withstanding even the most severe frost without damaging the characteristics of the tool, as well as the low price. Due to the value of the screwdrivers with such batteries, a lot more enters the market than with lithium-ion batteries.

Choosing a good patron

The following characteristic is the type of cartridge. As a rule, either key or quick-inspected cartridges are assumed for the screwdrivers. The quick-mode cartridge makes it possible to clamp the drill pretty quickly without using a special key. It is good to save time, but bad on the other side, since more likely to depart the drill. The cartridge can be with one fixing clutch or two. Of course, it is better to purchase a bimuft cartridge.

The key cartridges are a mechanism where the drill is fixed by turning a special key. As a result, you can even touch the clamp density. Consequently, the reliability of the mount rises several times.

So, it can be concluded that it is best to choose cartridges with the key if you intend to use the screwdriver constantly and you do not have a row to change the drill. Fastenage cartridges are justified when you need to change the drill many times. At the same time, the work performed by the tool does not represent a special complexity.

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Rotation speed and torque

How to choose the electrical screwdriver?

Table of the main characteristics of the screwdrivers.

The most important indicator is the maximum speed of rotation of the work nozzle. Depending on the speed, twist or unscrew the screws you can at a certain period of time. Accordingly, the higher the speed, the faster the work will be, and vice versa.

It is important to know what a screwdriver will be applied. If this is solely work with screws, then there will be 500 revolutions per minute. But if it is also assumed to drill something, then the speed on average should not be below 1000 revolutions.

Modern screwdrivers are equipped with special knob regulators, with which you can independently adjust the speed of rotation. Therefore, it is important to have such a regulator. After all, even with normal work with screws, one people will be more convenient to work at low speed, while others are on high.

Maximum torque Another major indicator. It determines the power of the rotational element on the body, over which work is performed. This is a more serious indicator, since it will depend on this moment the ability to work with certain sizes with screws.

How to choose the electrical screwdriver?

Tripculatory cartridge device.

As a rule, professional screwdrivers have a torque of about 10 n / m. But household instruments may also have a point of approximately 15-30 n / m. That is, in the first case, you can freely work even with the most large and massive screws, and in the second force there will be enough maximum on standard medium-sized screws.

It is very important that the screwdriver had another regulator, which will determine the force of torque. This will depend not only the optimality of working with a certain fastener size, but also the ease of twisting into materials of different hardness. Again, to work with solid grounds you need to choose a greater torque.

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Reverse and other additional features

Another important part of the screwdriver is reverse. They are called the possibility of rotating the main cartridge in the opposite direction. Of course, this feature should be integral for any type of screwdriver. But despite this, not all tools have such a property that it is important to pay attention to when choosing.

A good electric screwdriver is not only equipped with a reverse function - there is still a special switch, which allows you to block the switch button to the opposite direction. And this is very important, since when working the button may be accidentally tuned, resulting in a screw, and drill, and the base can be corrupted.

And there is a brief overview of some additional features. This includes the backlight, the spindle lock (there was already a speech above, it has a greater attitude to the reverse), and the external characteristics of the tool. As a rule, the function of the reverse is sometimes counted for additional.

As for the backlight, some high-quality screwdrivers are equipped with a small, but quite powerful flashlight, with which it is possible to work even in the dark. This is an important function for specialists whose work is associated with the continuous use of the screwdriver in the most non-standard conditions.

As for the external characteristics, the screwdrivers have a different form of the handle. So, there are tools designed for work only when they are holding in a horizontal or vertical position. This does not mean that in another position it is impossible to work. Just do it is not so comfortable. And there are also screwdrivers with which it is convenient to work always. As a rule, they have an adjustable handle.

So, the highlights that need to be considered to select a screwdriver for different works are fully considered.

Accounting for all the above characteristics will tell you how to choose the optimal tool, while not spending more than necessary, money.

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