Orange color in the interior: bedroom, children's, kitchen (42 photos)


Orange color in the interior is joy, optimism and positive energy. In the orange spectrum is located between red and yellow. From the first he received the ability to activate mental processes and maintain a total tone, from the second - to positively influence the mood and stimulate optimism.

Orange color in the interior

Psychologists scientifically proven that this color:

  • creates a cheerful situation;
  • restores mental energy after transferred stress;
  • struggles with chronic fatigue and apatine;
  • helps to concentrate on making a right decision;
  • stimulates creative and speech activity;
  • contributes to the manifestation of emotions;
  • Improves appetite.

Orange color in the interior will help make the room joyful, light and warm. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it - some bright neon shade in excessive amounts can cause irritation, migraine and strongly tired.

Basic property - this color displaces all the others, except red. When you enter the room, the view first of all is delayed precisely on objects of orange.

Orange color in the interior

That is why it is used to avoid any aggressiveness, it is applied dosage to make expressive accents using accessories and objects of textiles. Even on the furniture, wallpaper or floor will be decided not everyone, but all together are exactly too much. He also visually brings objects and increases their volume.

Do not try to make the room wider, it is useless. On the contrary, the bright orange wallpaper in a small room will be pressed on the psyche.

Orange color in the interior

Orange is only warm shades. It will never be cold. It is even able to create a heat sensation, warming winter. Remember that this color "throws the reflections", visually changing the tone of nearby surfaces and objects.

Combination with other colors

  • White. The "sterility" of white muffles the brightness and enjoy the interior. Orange softens his coldness, making it similar to the shade of ivory. The room will be light and warm. Extravagant combination - with brilliant black.

Orange color in the interior

  • The black . Very aggressive combination, causing associations with predators and poisonous insects. Against the background of glossy black orange begins to just shine, completely blinding. In addition, it has been almost 50 years old, as not in fashion.

Orange color in the interior

  • Blue . At first glance, the combination associated with the summer and tropical beach seems strange. But some of the warm shades of blue is remarkably suitable for peach and apricot. These are additional colors in the spectrum.

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Orange color in the interior

  • Blue. Yes, but only turquoise and Berlin azure. These are the only cold tones with which his bright shade is somehow combined. Any other, even heavenly blue, will look faded and brightened.

Orange color in the interior

  • Green . Another combination created by nature itself. Almost any shades are appropriate - light olive, mint, lime, pistachio, salad, emerald and so on. Swamp and conifer-green tones will lead to the fact that the rooms will turn out expressive, but tiring. Use live plants and green curtains as expressive accents.

Orange color in the interior

  • Yellow . Only a warm shade of butter. It is recommended to "dilute" a combination of neutral tones. The solar-yellow and egg yolk color will overload the interior due to proximity. Cold neon will not fit.

Orange color in the interior

  • Red . Dark muffled and scarlet shade or brighter than orange. In this case, orange wallpaper and red furniture or curtains will look pretty harmonious.

Orange color in the interior

  • Beige and brown . The most harmonious combination. Any tone is from light cream and caramel to coffee and chocolate, as well as a natural tree and imitation for it. The interior looks very noble and cozy.

Orange color in the interior

  • Purple . The combination is not suitable for anyone, except for extravagant specimen, inclined to clutch and comfortably feeling in a futuristic interior. The brighter you use orange, the more saturated should be purple (and on the contrary). It can be done a little harmonious atmosphere, and silver notes, on the contrary, will strengthen the feeling of madness.

Orange color in the interior

  • Grey . A good combination of both a matte tint and silver-steel. They do not conflict - gray never seeks to reach the fore. The situation will be harmonious and not boring. It looks good natural stone and its imitation.

Orange color in the interior

  • Pink . Strange impression. Press on the psyche, without giving relaxing and focusing. The same applies to Fuchsia. Partially save the position can some other bright shade - green, yellow, blue in the form of small strokes.

Orange color in the interior

In what premises use orange?

Based on the description and psychological characteristics, orange color is appropriate in the interior of common room - hallway, living room, cabinet, kitchen. You will create a setting, setting up interesting conversations, creative activity and positive emotions. Bright orange - perfect accent, calmer shades - a wonderful general background. His simplicity is deceptive.

To create a harmonious interior, you need to know several rules:

  • Bright orange and any other neon shade are badly combined, it is very tiring for the eyes;
  • Dilute large areas with ornaments, paintings, drawings, outdoor vases. Fully orange wallpaper quickly tired, and then cause only deaf irritation;
  • In small rooms, use it only as an emphasis;
  • Due to the orange color, you can harmonize the volume stretched in the length of a narrow room with a high ceiling, painting it or gender

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Orange color in the interior

Consider the location of the rooms. From the south side orange in excessive amounts causes a subconscious feeling of overheating, or even choking. If the room is sunny, this color is visually fissing, and at sunset will acquire a sinister bloody shade. In the cool rooms with windows to the north, it will help to warm up those who often frown, it will be light into the room. Infeit this orange curtains or lampshades on floor lamps. You will not suit this color in my pure form if you create a classicism setting, Ampire or Rococo. Use muffled terracotta or hidden.

Orange color in the interior

On the contrary, it is appropriate in the premises weathered in the style of retro sixties, the Arab East of African Ethno, Art Deco, Minimalism, Avangard, Futurism, High Tech, Country, Pop Art.

Use as an addition to the room design. Unscured woven furniture, mats and mats made of natural handmade fibers, autumn compositions made of dry flowers and leaves, baskets with fresh fruit. Pay attention to the floor vases of all shades of beige and brown.

Orange color in the interior

Living room

Solving the living room in orange color is now one of the most popular destinations. This decision is suitable for those who want to create something unusual in the living room, but very warm, cheerful and cozy. If you want an orange wallpaper in the living room, stop at the muffled gentle shades - salmon, peach, grapefruit, amber, hidden. Bright orange bright only the wall, which is more often behind you, based on the placement of furniture.

Orange color in the interior

Selecting bright orange furniture for the living room, select olive, sand, cream wallpaper. A good complement will be small splashes of bright blue or light blue (for example, curtains).

Little window in the living room can be visually enlarged, hanging the translucent curtains of this color.

Orange color in the interior

As a supplements in the living room, greens are relevant (do not be afraid to overdo it with indoor plants) and accessories of neutral shades (lamps, wall panels, floor vases, frame frames, curtains). The classic black and white interior of the living room is bright orange, coral, carrot, pumpkin pillows or rugs will add informality.

Orange color in the interior


Orange in the bedroom copes with fatigue accumulated per day, helps to overcome apathy and gain mental balance. But an excess of bright shade will not fall asleep. Do not brush in this color ceiling, not a glue wallpaper. And dark orange floor in combination with beige or light brown (or carpet of the same shades) is a good solution.

Use point splashes - curtains, lamps, pillows, rugs, paintings. Pay attention to the accessories of copper, honey, hidden, rusty, amber color.

Orange color in the interior

It looks good in the room weathered in creamy-beige or light golden tones Bed linen of pinkish shades - grapefruit, salmon, peach.

Article on the topic: White shades in interior design

Orange color in the interior


Mandarine in the nursery is appropriate for both the boy and for the girl, in a place allotted for games, sports and study. Use curtains, appliques and wall stickers, pillows and soft toys, table lamps. This color will help indecisive and apathetic from nature to a child immersed in itself. He will add energy to him, will create a correct emotional attitude and will help to form a positive attitude to life.

It is completely contraindicated, if the child is unable to a long concentration of attention, let's light and hyperactive. It is not very suitable for both children of preschool age, when the psyche is only formed.

Orange color in the interior

You can walk such wallpapers only on one wall, and the rest are made by white, cream, olive or light gray. An interesting solution is a wall in a vertical or diagonal strip. Discard the presence of orange from all shades of red, pink, purple and purple. Furniture Choose a simple, natural tree or imitation for it. Paul is also better to make neutral - beige or light brown.

Orange color in the interior

Orange kitchen

Orange color in the kitchen interior is bright tones, causing associations with food. Choose carrot, apricot, peach, grapefruit, orange, pumpkin. They excite appetite and add comfort. Wallpaper Pick up softer tones - honey, terracotta, hidden. In combination with dark wood furniture, you will find a kitchen in a rustic or olive style.

Orange headsets in combination with gray, white or beige - a wonderful option for the kitchen. Pay attention to the household technique of these neutral shades. Especially suitable such a solution for the kitchen in the style of minimalism and high-tech.

Orange color in the interior

In the kitchen, weathered in neutral shades, purchase bright orange dishes, towels, tapes, curtains, napkins. Hang some still life in the corresponding colors. Put on the table a basket with citrus. The design of orange cuisine will become more original with the addition of apple and green and bluish. Put this tiled floor or wall next to the sink or stove. Purchase covers on chairs or stools. The main thing is not to overdo the brightness.

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

Orange color - a shade of joy (+42 photos)

Orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior

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