How to make lamps from cups do it yourself


Very often, the owners of apartments or houses want to decorate their interior and make it unusual. To do this, it is often enough to add to the classic unremarkable interior one item that will create a special accent in it. The overall impression of the entire decoration of the apartment can radically change.

How to make lamps from cups do it yourself

Beautiful and unusually looking lamps, made of cups with glued saunts.

One of the new modern design solutions, which only begins to gain popularity, is the secondary use of all known and familiar objects with an unconventional way. For example, you can make lamps from cups with your own hands.

The lamps made of dishes are a popular trend among environmental fighters. In addition to the cups for this purpose, various items of everyday use can be used. But make the lamp from the cup is the easiest way. It can cope with even a beginner.

Necessary materials

How to make lamps from cups do it yourself

From the cups you can make not only the flaf for the lamp, but also the base.

It is recommended to immediately prepare everything that may be required for work. You can use any cups - tea or coffee. You can make a chandelier with harmoniously combined flames from the old service.

In addition to the main subject - cups - auxiliary materials will be required:

  • Frame of an old chandelier;
  • Drill with diamond drill for ceramics and glass;
  • glue pistol;
  • Various decorative elements at the discretion and to taste the wizard (beads, hooks, pendants, chains, etc.).

As elements of decor, you can use everything that is running at hand. Those who want to create a lamp in a certain style, and there was no suitable decor, it is possible to look into the store with goods for needlework or selling chandeliers and lamps, there you can purchase all the necessary accessories, starting from the decor for fasteners that will necessarily need when working.

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In addition, you need to buy candles in glass cups. They can be easily replaced, the chandelier does not have to disassemble.

Production features

How to make lamps from cups do it yourself

Crystal cups are well suited as a chandelier lamps.

Depending on the materials prepared, the course of work may have its own characteristics. Cups can be glued to metal stakes on the frame chandeliers for ceiling. Glasses with candles are installed in the glued cups. You do not need to drill the glass. You can screw the lamps in the designated places and use the chandelier if desired - to create electrical lighting or light the candles in it.

If you need to install the lamp in the lamp, you will need to drill the bottom of the cups to spend the wire through the hole. It is worth considering that not any material can be drilled. For example, tempered glass with such an attempt split into small pieces. It is recommended to pre-train on an unnecessary cup.

For drilling ceramics, glass and crystal, it is necessary to use a tubular diamond drill.

You need to drill on high speed. To prevent cracks appearance, you need to constantly cool the product. For cooling, you can pour a small amount of water into a cup. Before drilling, the cup needs to fasten well. You can drill from the inside and from the outside. In the drilled cup you need to install a cartridge with a lamp and secure the lamp on the frame.

Recommendations of specialists

For better and safe work, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations of experienced masters:

  1. It is best to use ceramic cups. Optimally, they are made of soft porous clay. Porcelain is too fragile for these purposes.
  2. It is desirable that the tool to be performed by the holes was light and comfortable. For example, rechargeable drill.
  3. At the time of drilling it is recommended to wear special protective glasses and gloves. This will avoid injuries applied by fragments of dishes.
  4. If the edges of the hole are obtained by sharp, then they will need to be cleaned by the emery.
  5. If you need to replace the lamp, then it will be necessary to keep it a cup, but a cartridge.
  6. The place of attachment of the chandelier to the ceiling can be decorated with a non-standard chandelier cup, but the same object of dishes, as well as used for the manufacture of ceiling. This will allow you to withstand the chandelier in a single style.

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Thus, you can create an unusual and original subject of the interior with your own hands from the old dishes. Such a chandelier will be a highlight of any environment.

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