List of equipped furniture for bachelor


Freedom, parties, friends, empty fridge, unexpected guests - all this is about the life of a bachelor. Not just choose an apartment and wallpaper color when to help no one . What to talk about furniture, kitchen utensils and decor for home. This article will help decompose everything on shelves with free men, and will answer all the most important questions!

What apartment to choose?

It is worth noting that the best solution for the Bachelor of Residence - Studio Apartment, Spacious, Bright, Comfortable. The apartment can be divided into several zones, it is not necessary to build new walls, it is enough to put small partitions, they will perfectly complement the design of the apartment, become a real art object.

The most necessary furniture!


Place for recreation, gatherings with friends, meals. D. Ivan should be great, soft enough and bright! To find the same, you do not need to wander on furniture stores, it is enough just to contact the city furniture showroom.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

Puffy, pillows

Do you like to collect large companies in the apartment? The sofa will be a little! It is worth adding several soft and volumetric puffs, for recreation and relaxation. They will add the interior of originality without leaving your friends flashed on the floor.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor


Storage space for decorations, games for parties, musical instruments . It is useful to bachelors with taste to diversify the design of the apartment, it is impressed by all coming.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor


Large, comfortable, very, very soft. Place for sleep, rest, privacy.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

We need completely all except for desperate bachelors who will prefer to sleep on the sofa.


Must be large, spacious . So much to be removed there all things lying on their places in the case of unexpected visits of guests.

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List of equipped furniture for bachelor

Dinner table

Do not lunch alone - a wonderful rule, therefore, it is important that the apartment has a place where you can eat both one and take guests, and everything is beautiful.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor


Excellent solution if you need a place for guests, or a temporary wardrobe. It is better to have a few, so that there was enough in unforeseen situations.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor


Desperate bachelors sometimes prepare breakfasts. Without a stove can not do. If desired, it will be able to replace the microwave.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor


Place for storing the most delicious food. Perhaps the second most important thing, after the sofa.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

What will be superfluous?


It would seem that the beautiful detail of the interior, in fact, is perfectly useless. It will take place in the apartment, will collect dust.


The desired thing for those who read books. It is much more efficient to place a subscription to the online library, and put the gift editions to the shelves of the rack.

Big kitchen

Countertops, majestic oven - unnecessary if you are not fond of culinary art.


Collect dust. They are completely useless, especially if you already have a fantastically beautiful rack.

Interesting accessories


In a large apartment, the projector will not be superfluous. Films on it can be found in the company, alone. Nice to have a real cinema.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

Board games

Night will be superfluous. It seems baby fun, in fact I wonder completely all. In addition, games are very different.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor


The necessary thing for young mothers, and bachelors, of course. Porridge for ten minutes, dinner soup, sophisticated culinary masterpieces for dinner - everything can be cooked in it.

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

Bachelor life is full of bright events, impressions.

It is very important to have a cozy, warm, favorite apartment that will reflect the entire inner world. The main thing is to invest in the creation of an apartment, love, then everything will work out!

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Design Apartment for bachelor 80 sq.m. Room Tour (1 video)

Furniture for bachelor's apartment (12 photos)

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

List of equipped furniture for bachelor

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