Children's toy storage systems


What would seem bad when children have a lot of toys? And the fact that they are scattered throughout the rooms and their owners are not very fond of collecting them. Proper storage of toys in an apartment or house - a pledge of order and tranquility (mom first) because even simple maintenance of order in this case is the task of increased complexity. It is possible to alleviate it. To do this, you will need furniture for children's toys - racks, shelves or cabinet, as well as a decent number of boxes, drawer, bags and bags.

Furniture for storing toys in children's

Furniture in the nursery is needed from the first days of life. And most often it is a chest of drawers and a rack. Only, first they are engaged in the main linen and children's clothing, and toys take a little space. But gradually funny things - rattles, bears, cars, hubs, etc. It is becoming more and more, for them it takes a separate place, and sometimes not one.

The most convenient option is the rack. No wardrobe with doors, namely, a rack with open shelves, on which boxes can stand. Storing toys in this form is optimally - and the child is convenient to get them, and remove them quickly.

At first, you can buy or make one rectangular rack and preferably with square cells. Now you will understand why ...

Children's toy storage systems

Rectangular Rack with Square Cells

While the child is small, it can be put "lying" - as in the photo, the long side on the floor. So for a small child it is more convenient - it will first master what is downstairs, then goes to the top shelves. And safer - grown children can use the shelves as a staircase, and in this position will not be raised high))

After a couple of years, the child will grow up, the toys will become more. You will be able to flip the rack and put it "in height", and to install the second or make the shelves on the vacation place. Combining several racks of different heights get a children's toy storage system.

Children's toy storage systems

Different racks are going to toy storage systems

You can grow volumes gradually: buy a single rack or as they used to say - the shelf, then another one. The whole charm of the nursery is that they don't even have one color. And if it cares you - paint them or choose neutral color "under the tree".

Children's toy storage systems

Favorite toys can be stored in the grid on the back of the bed

Children's toy storage systems

Just a dozen buckets and you have an original toy shelf

Children's toy storage systems

Gradually one shelving turns into a wall with toys

Children's toy storage systems

Cardboard boxes, sealed cloth, look great

Children's toy storage systems

This is the whole wall for children's toys.

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Children's toy storage systems

Different baskets - plastic or wicker

Children's toy storage systems

Simple and convenient, and the modular system allows you to increase the size as needed

Children's toy storage systems

Plastic dressers in the nursery - convenient and hygienic

How to organize toy storage: ideas

You can put different boxes in the racks in which the small and not very toys are shred. Immediately consider the wooden boxes (or from plywood, chipboard and other similar materials) for small children - not the best option. They are too heavy, trying to get toys. Children often injure their fingers. Also, they also have rigid attendant angles that can, of course, round a little, but still they remain hard. Such boxes are suitable for schoolchildren. They already have more strength, and coordination is better developed. And the storage of toys for kids is better to organize in softer and not such traumatic plastic containers / baskets or in dense drawers, colored paper or cloth.

Children's toy storage systems

Heavy boxes better replace light

Furniture for injury to buy or do not so much difficult, but to teach the child to put your toys there - this is the task more complicated. For girls, the rack can be issued in the form of a house. Then she will resettle "residents" and create conditions for them.

Children's toy storage systems

Rack for toys in a nursery for a girl

With boys, this option will not pass. They usually have a lot of cars and the main task of storing the boy's toys - to place the typewriter. To do this, you can make a whole wall garage. These are long narrow shelves, on which the entire fleet is located. More options are transparent pockets on the fabric (sold as shoe storage systems) or shelf collected from plastic pipes.

Children's toy storage systems

How to organize storage machines (wall garage)

In order to stimulate the desire to "drive" the cars into the garage, on the floor, you can make the markup on the floor, according to which "after the shift" they drive to the parking lot.

Children's toy storage systems

Road to the parking lot

In principle, such pockets can be used for storing collections of dolls and for soft toys.

Children's toy storage systems

In the pockets on the wall it is convenient to place dolls and soft toys

When the places on the shelves and racks in the nursery are not enough, you still need ideas. In addition to pockets, you can make retractable boxes (large) under the bed or table.

Children's toy storage systems

Boxes under the bed - places do not occupy, but you can hide there already boring toys

So that in large drawers did not lay all in bulk, plastic baskets can be put under the smallest. So everything will be faster than in the common heap.

Children's toy storage systems

Storage toys need to be organized correctly

Boxes can be installed in racks not only on the shelves: it is possible to hang them. To do this, the grooves are cut into the side walls, in which baskets and baskets are simply inserted. Baskets can be taken plastic (if you find with sufficiently rigid sides), and it is possible metallic - from a complete set of dressing rooms or wardrobes.

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Children's toy storage systems

How to install basket for toys in the stele

The biggest free surfaces in the room are walls. They can be used. For example, attach to the wall (the side wall of the cabinet, lamp lamp lamp, etc.) the strip of the velcro. Soft toys on the backs to sew also small pieces of such a tape. They will easily hang in place and shoot. And the decor will at the same time will become more diverse.

Children's toy storage systems

Velcro - one of the simple ways to find a place for soft toys

You can hang mesh chests from wire or plastic on the walls. They, too, are remarkably there are small bunnye dolls or cars.

Children's toy storage systems

Instead of colors in Kashpo lay toys

You can borrow the idea and from the kitchen: fix on a horizontal tube different bags. In order for the necks to be tougher, you can tighten them to the hoop or insert elastic wire.

Children's toy storage systems

Pockets or bags on the pipe - another idea for storing toys in the children's

Pockets make on wooden bases. It can be cut out of plywood, paint, nail a few hooks, pockets and bags. Mini storage system of toys is ready.

Children's toy storage systems

One of the options of pockets for toys

But not everything can be attached to the walls. Some things require baskets or boxes. For example, sports - all the balls, balls and other shells. It is convenient to store them in wire junk baskets.

Children's toy storage systems

Wire basket for storing sports equipment and large toys

If you wish the basket, you can attach on the walls and train to fall into the basket (away from beating items and windows).

Storage of toys from discharge "cheap and angry" - Folding plating baskets. Of course, they are inexpensive, they look good, but very quickly rush. Especially mesh: the toy hooked, the child jerked her .... Dirka.

Children's toy storage systems

Folding Material Toys Storage Baskets

No matter how hard the parents tried, children do not really want to remove toys. Rather, do not want at all. In this sense, just the perfect version of a bag-rug.

Bag-rug for quick cleaning

This is a brilliant solution: on the edge of the round rug, a small height of the "wall" is sewn, along its upper edge, a row is made to which the cord will be extended. To remove toys, you just need to tighten the cord. The edges of the rug will rise and the rug will turn into a bag.

Children's toy storage systems

Quick toys quickly

Then these bags can be put somewhere near the wall or hang on special hooks. Really perfect option.

Boxes for toys do it yourself

Looking at at all children's prices for cute wicker or plastic baskets in stores, think about what the idea of ​​making colored boxes for toys do it yourself is not so bad. You will need cardboard boxes of dense (not corrugated) cardboard, most likely from under household appliances. You can try happiness from acquaintances: many manufacturers provide warranty repair only in the presence of packaging. Here are the boxes of the box. The warranty period has long passed, and throw the packaging forgotten. Here are these boxes and is the best for the children's option.

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Another option is to ask in the industrial stores. They also often receive goods in rigid packs. For example, in such pampers, napkins, etc.

Warm paper

From found boxes Cut the lid. In the side walls (narrow) cutting holes-handles. All joints are sizing from the inside of scotch.

Children's toy storage systems

At the box cut off the lid, we do hole pens in the sides

Take multicolored paper. Great fits perfectly, in which gifts pack. It is dense, there are a large number of different drawings. You can use and paper for scrapbooking. If the finish is from the paper of different colors, cut into the bands equal to the width, if we bumble with one pattern, measure the strip in the height of the box.

Children's toy storage systems

We glue paper

We take glue (PVA), lubricate the surface of the box with a brush and begin to glue the corner. We try to glue without bubbles, smoothing paper gradually, from the edge to the edge. The next leaf is put with a small occasion not previous. So, until you get all the surfaces.

Children's toy storage systems

We decorate the handles

Looking at the light, cut the handle with scissors. To the edge be more accurate, we glue the cuts of the handle with a thin strip of paper. Also, the stripes make up the upper cut.

Children's toy storage systems

Finished homemade box for toys

We are wearing a cloth

In this case, all corners of the box can be sickling with a scotch from two sides - it will be longer. Next, we take the fabric and cut the two sets of blanks in size. One strictly in size, plus the seam allowance, the second one is 1 cm less and also with the allowance. On the seams add 0.5-1 cm on each side. You can cut the workpiece immediately with the form of a cross, but so the flow consumption is obtained more - separate pieces of savings))

Children's toy storage systems

Cut from the fabric double set of blanks and sew them

We sew the details first in the form of a cross, then making the bag from the billet. We try on the box. One (more) stretch outside, the second is straightened inside.

Children's toy storage systems


Now we take universal glue and glue the cloth around the perimeter of the bottom inside and outside. Then we sample in the corners. So the fabric will not shift.

Children's toy storage systems

Gift fabric on the edges of the box

The edges of both bags are weaving inside, we are handing over the perimeter by hand.

Children's toy storage systems

We are wearing the top of the drawer for toys, cut the handles

With the help of scissors cut the handle. Just do not cut large pieces. We must leave about 1 cm "extra" fabric. It is wrapped inside, labeling the handle.

Children's toy storage systems

Stitching handle

Placing a handle, get a ready-made toy storage box.

Children's toy storage systems

Box ready

Decorated self-adhesive film

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