How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home


How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

The carpet on the floor is beautiful and practical. Going on it nice and adults, and children. And the kids and play comfortable. But, like any other thing, the carpet needs proper care. And not only with the help of a vacuum cleaner. So that he served for a long time and retained appearance, it periodically needs more serious cleaning from dust, dirt, smells. It is important to know here:

  • A carpet is made from natural or artificial fibers;
  • there is spots on it, and what;
  • Fresh spots or solar.

Cleaning folk remedies at home

There are many different methods for cleansing carpet products, allowing you to do without acquiring special expensive shampoos and stains. Practical craftsmen using the method of trial and error collected a whole piggy bank of recipes. For example, you can use vinegar, soda, or vinegar with soda, salt, teaweed, sawdust and gasoline, a solution of ammonic alcohol, washing powder and kerosene, conventional snow and other substances, sometimes very unexpected.

Important! Before starting cleaning the carpet, it needs to be carefully spent. First you need to do with the inside of the product. If you start with the front side, then the dirt that has accumulated under it will penetrate outward through the fibers, which will only aggravate the situation.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

Vinegar to purify the palaces

If you need to refresh the color of the palace, remove small surface contaminants or kill unpleasant odors (and their darling surface absorbs very intensively), you can resort to the help of vinegar. The effect will surprise you.

To remove stains in 700 mg of water, dilute 2 spoons of the cutlery. With the help of the brush, start intensely brushing the contaminated places with this solution.

When you just need to give the product a fresh look, there will be a sufficiently more gentle concentration: on a liter of water - a tablespoon of vinegar. Moisten the brush by this composition, go through the pile and dry the product. After conducting the smell of vinegar, they will evaporate with other outsiders, and the Palace will turn fresh look again.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

How to clean the product with soda and vinegar

These substances can be used both in turn and together.

Method 1. Cleaning due to absorbent properties.

Sprinkle a contaminated product with soda, and after 30-40 minutes, remove it with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Now sprinkle a pile from the sprayer with a solution cooked from warm water (1 liter) and vinegar (1 spoon). After another half an hour, clean the rug rigid brush. Soda will absorb dirt, and the vinegar refreshes the color and smell.

There is another option - it will be suitable if the dirt has been drove deep into the pile.

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Method 2. Cleaning due to chemical reaction.

Any chemist knows that soda and vinegar, if they mix them, react with the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide - from here and many bubbles. It is these bubbles that will help you cope with mud. Well, in the struggle for the purity of the beloved rug, you can feel for a brief and chemist.

You will need a little hot water (a little more than half a compartment), 4 spoons of vinegar, one spoonful of soda and washing powder. Mix these ingredients and immediately apply on the product, actively flying the brush. It is necessary to clean the contamination in this way, while the composition comes and foams, that is, a chemical reaction is underway, otherwise it will not be effective. Therefore, if you need to handle a large surface, make a solution several times.

Important! To preserve the appearance of the carpet longer, it should always be cleaned in the direction of the pile.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

How to clean the palace with soda and salt

Use soda. A stall of soda, dissolved in several liters of warm water, are also able to cope with a dirty pile of the product. Such a solution is needed using a sprayer to apply on the surface to be cleaned and leave for several hours. During this time, soda will make his pure matter, and the carpet will dry. Now you need to thoroughly speaking it several times to remove all particles of a dry culinary baking powder.

Dry cleaning soda. If the contamination is small, then the problem can be solved easier. Dirty areas you just need to fall asleep soda for 20-30 minutes, and then process the carpet with a brush and speuthes.

Dry salt cleaning. The usual cook salt is also able to return the purity of your Palace. True, provided that in front of the procedure, large and old stains were bred from it.

The salt (preferably fine) is poured onto the surface of the surface and is recovered by a broom. Repeat this procedure until the salt remains clean. Then the product needs to be pressed.

If the degree of pollution is small, then it is as simple to remove its salt as simply as with the help of soda dry method. Only to sweep the salt from the pile in this case is better than a wet broom, and after the procedure, the product must be dried.

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Soda and salt are great for white products. But the next recipe, on the contrary, will help clean only dark colors. And not only from dirt, but also from different spots.

Important! If there are local stains, they need to be removed before cleaning the entire palace. However, most industrial shampoos and speakers for carpets are intended only for synthetic materials. Remember that they can thoroughly harm! The same applies to home tools. Always spend a sample on a small area. Before cleaning the whole carpet.

Fresh Palace Cleaning Welding

For this, only fresh tea welding is suitable, since the old can award favorite coating with new spots. Welding, while she is still wet, crumble on the stains, wait for her complete drying and collect a vacuum cleaner. Together with the chains from the carpet, stains are removed. And the color of the product will again become fresh and bright.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

How to clean complex pollution with sawdust and gasoline

If there are spots from plasticine, wine, chocolate, watercolor, watercolor or even urine on the carpet, it is, as they say, a difficult case. But not like. How to do without a visit to dry cleaning? Pay attention to the "rattling mix" of sawdust, gasoline and a strong soap solution.

Dissolve gasoline in soapy water in proportion 1:10. Soak by this composition of sawdust and decompose them with a thick layer on the carpet. When sawdust is completely dried - weigh them with a broom. The only inconvenience of this method is the smell. Product We'll have to destroy long on the street.

How to clean the carpet floating alcohol at home

Another girlfriend, which will be found in any first-aid kit ammonia. He is ammonia.

To prepare a cleaning composition, take two teaspoons of the ammonia and one - washing powder. Add them in 500 ml of water, stir. Apply the resulting composition on a stain and work with a soft brush. Thoroughly wipe the dry cloth and leave until complete drying in the ventilated room.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

Cleaning snow

In the summer, most owners do not arise a question where to clean the dilated flooring. Of course, on the street: and dust can be taken out of it, and the stains are lighted easier, especially if substances with a specific smell are used. Yes, after such "aromatherapy", the carpet is also needed on the street.

And in winter? Also on the street, if the weather is snowy and frosty. Snow cleans and refreshes your carpet is no worse than soda or ammonia alcohol. Such cleaning is suitable even to white mats.

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Put the product on the snow face down and choose a good way. Then turn out, shift to clean snow. Take it out of the snow and consider it a broom several times until the rug stops soaking it. The main thing is that the snow is dry. Wet will penetrate the fibers together with mud, making it only worse.

After such a cleaning, the product can be immediately driven into a drying room. BUT You can leave on the frost overnight to die dust tick.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

Powder and kerosene instead of "Vanisha"

Perfectly cleans the palaces and removes stains a mixture of washing and kerosene powder. "Vanish" will definitely not need.

Divide the powder as for washing, and add a small amount of kerosene into solution. Wash in this lineup a soft sponge and process stains. You will notice that they just melted in their eyes. The only drawback of this method is a sharp specific smell that will have to weathered for several days.

How to remove dirt from the carpet

You already know dry ways to purify rugged rugs. By the same principle, starch and ... a stale bread!

But this is not the entire arsenal of folk craftsmen. They recommend, for example, the following means:

  1. Soak half an hour in the soap solution of sawdust. Distribute them on a dirty carpet, energetically get a broom. Repeat to the desired result, then spending the surface.
  2. Boil wheat bran. Squeeze them and put on a thin layer on the carpet. Get the brush, refresh the carpet with acetic solution and spend.
  3. Sattail on a large grater purified potatoes and spread it across the carpet. Rub it up with a brush to be contaminated, then change it to clean, until it stops dumping.
  4. Rinse the sauer cabbage and lay out a smooth layer on the carpet. Rush it on the surface. When the cabbage is painted - rinse it. Repeat this procedure repeatedly until the result arranges. Next, the carpet needs to be dried and speaking.
  5. Dissolve in several liters of warm water in equal proportions crushed economic soap and turpentine. Use the brush to apply the mixture to the entire surface of the carpet. Clean it several times with a damp cloth. Then be sure to dry. This method helps to withdraw even the fat stains of fat. Minus the same smell.

How to clean the carpet of soda and other means at home

Cleaning carpets with soda is shown in detail on the following video:

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