How do you build a house of foam house?


There are people who the expression "house of foam" seems stupid and not all capable of being taken seriously. In some kind, this phrase is right, because the buildings of the house are used precisely blocks of foam, which are further reinforced with concrete.

How do you build a house of foam house?

We erese a house of foam

To date, one Japanese company offers the consumer kits for the construction of a foam house with their own hands. Such Japanese houses, in their opinion, have a lot of advantages, one of which is resistance to earthquakes. This manufacturing company loudly called its Japanese houses with housing of the 21st century.

The technical features of such a unique material are shown in the table.



Density11-35 kg / m3
Compressive strength0.07-0.25 MPa
Dry thermal conductivity0.038 W / (M * K)
HumidityNo more than 1%
Time of independent burning4С.
Water absorption in 24 hours2%
Class of Culture3-4

Further in the article we will talk to you in more detail about foam structures, and we will tell you what positive qualities such a covering can boast. We will also reveal the secret of working technology, after which you will be able to build housing from foam.

Advantages of the house of foam

How do you build a house of foam house?

Build a house of foam

To tell you about buildings from foam, it is worth highlighting a number of advantages that the building from foam blocks can boast:

  • Foam blocks help to build a very warm facility

Such a heater, as it were, envelops profiles from reinforced concrete on each side.

  • The house of foam blocks are able to perform the function "Thermos"

Such a building can in sufficient to hold warm air not only during the cold season, but also keep cool on hot days.

  • Available opal

The formwork is not all the long-term familiar shields that need to strengthen and exhibit. In essence, it is the blocks of foam, in the middle of which there is a cavity. According to some characteristics, such material is very similar to the slag block, and they do not differ from each other at all. When building buildings from block foam, you fill it with the insides with a concrete mass, installing the reinforcement in advance.

  • Ability to use a non-removable formwork

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This formwork is presented as a full material. Technology of installation works Same: Install blocks, mount reinforcement and pour a concrete solution there. In princespi, such a formwork can be represented in 3 species: as plates, blocks, or a Tsendar panel formwork, which is fixed with each other with specialized jumpers. The use of a shield formwork is the most accessible option from a financial point of view, but, working according to such a scheme is not as easy as I would like.

The most suitable way out when independent construction work is the use of blocks that are so reminiscent of a long-familiar slag block.

Also, the foam and concrete structure has some negative moments, the most significant of which is considered the effect of the "thermos". It is possible to overcome it only by installing a high-quality system of forced ventilation in the house, which gives greater high costs performed by the work.

Another, no less unpleasant moment is the environmental friendliness of the structure, which, even with a dense clogging of plaster and speech can not be. It is also worth noting the possibility of fire ignition, after which, with combustion, toxic substances will be released, which can even kill a person.

As you can see, not everything is so rosy, as it may seem at first glance.

Build a house of foam

How do you build a house of foam house?

Polyfoam's house do it yourself

Basically, all buildings, it does not matter from what material, it is built according to a single technology:

  • Foundation is laid;
  • walls are erected;
  • The design is covered with a roof.

The only difference can only be seen when the walls are erected, what we will tell about more detailed further.

Well, the technology of execution of work is carried out in such a sequence:

  • The base layer of formwork from foam places on a thoroughly prepared foundation, which is pre-insulated from moisture.
  • Immediately, fittings are mounted on the blocks of foam, which is not mounted in every cavity. A better reinforcement will be required in the corners.
  • The abolition of bandages and speech can not be, so it will have to act likewise, as if you are placing brick. Polyfoam will need to be laid with a small shift, and each second tier is put perpendicular to the previous one. Additional strength such a bundle will not differ, but the insulation features of the design will rise at times.
  • In the upper part of the design, it is necessary to pour Armopoyas, the height of which should be at least 200mm. For these purposes, the panel non-removable formwork is most often used.

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It seems that everything is all nuances and features that you need to know when erecting surfaces from a non-removable formwork. The most important point that you want to mention is that the cavity of the blocks need to pour concrete well, without leaving the slightest lumen.

Wall decoration

How do you build a house of foam house?

We will be erected by the walls of the house of the foam independently

Early overlapping from foam blocks with their own hands is only one half of the case. When concrete freezes, the walls will have to be covered with plastering. Watching technology is slightly different from the usual performance of work and has this kind:

  1. On the walls of the walls stretch the metal plaster grid (for which it is worth picking up durable materials), which is naked to concrete. This process is very laborious, so for quality work with your own hands you will have to work a little.
  2. In the next step, the mesh glue with special glue to foam blocks. Such work has similarities with the process of throwing a fur coat. The glue is applied by throwing on the surface of the wall, after which the surplus is cleaned with a spatula.
  3. Then the beaches are installed, which are glued along the vertical level.
  4. After the work done, you can use stucco from a mixture of sand and cement. It is allowed to apply it, both with their own hands and a specialized car.

Note that some varieties of the wall facade panel can not be installed on the frame, but glue immediately to the surface of the walls.

In conclusion, I would like to still mention such a method of building buildings from foam, as a construction of a skeleton house. By this principle, with your own hands, it is much easier to build a building than the aforementioned. In essence, it is a familiar building on the basis of a solid framework, in which the role of the insulation took over the foam.

That's all what I wanted to tell. On the one hand, build housing from foam with your own hands - a good solution, but as soon as you remember the effect of the "thermos", I don't really want to move into such a building.

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But, we all have our own opinion on this, and it is quite likely that for someone such buildings will become the only and ideal solution. In no case, we will not discharge you, the choice, as always, remains for you.

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