How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room


The representatives of the beautiful floor always want them to be a big and spacious dressing room. It is possible to achieve such a result, only by buying a wardrobe or makes it easier for your own hands right in the house a special room for all accessories. So, if you live in the apartment and you have a storage room, then it can be very easy to re-equip under the dressing room. For example, to make a wardrobe with different shelves, hangers and hooks will not make much difficulty, but to set the door-coupe on it you need to have some experience.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Choose doors in the dressing room


Consider from which such a door is:

  • The upper guide, which serves to hold the door canvas. More often it is produced with two grooves, but happens with one. Fastened directly to the upper part of the structure.
  • Lower guide. Her task is the direction of the door itself. These parts also exist with a different amount of grooves and are installed at the bottom.
  • Profile knob installed vertically.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

The door leaf is divided into two types:

  1. A symmetric profile - can be installed not only on the closet, but also on the doorway between the rooms, since it has the same structure on both sides.
  2. The asymmetrical type of profile has the same purpose as the first, but the place for which can be opened, is only on the one hand. Therefore, applied only for chiffoniers.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Most often, vertical profiles are found from aluminum and there are such shades: under silver, cognac, gold or champagne. There are also painted under wood or attacked PVC films having a large color gamut.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

The profile consists of:

  • the upper frame that is attached to the canvas horizontally and the top wheels are attached to it;
  • the bottom frame that will be attached to the bottom of the door and in which the lower wheels are inserted - the height is adjusted with them;
  • the lower roller, which consists of wheels with ball bearings and carries the entire load of the door leaf;
  • top roller serving to fix the door in the upper guide;
  • the seal, which is placed on the edge of the canvas to mitigate the impact when opening or closing;
  • The stopper, which is placed on the guide located below (this is a very important element of the design, as it fixes the door in the closed position).

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How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Photo design can be seen below.

Installation doors-coupe with your own hands

We purchase everything you need for door mounting:

  • The tool that needs when assembling: a screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw for metal and wood, roulette;
  • All components of the door itself: Door canvas, Vertical and horizontal profiles, guide top and bottom, rollers.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Now you can start setting. First, the top and bottom tracks for which the wheels will move. Upper guide screwing close to the edge of the top of the dressing room, cabinet or storage room. Then the bottom - everything is fine with it. It must be screwed taking into account the departure from the upper line of the upper guide - 18 mm for one-sided doors with an asymmetric profile, and 9 mm for double-sided with symmetrical.

If you do not want to spoil the floor covering, then the lower track can be fixed on double-sided adhesion, and not on the self-tapping screw. Then the stopper-positioner is put in the lower part.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Build door web

If you purchased a ready-made door-compartment, for example, such as in the photo, you can start installing it in the grooves of the tracks. If you decide to make it with your own hands, you will have to take it first by the assembly of the canvas.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

First you need to choose from which material there will be a door leaf. It can be:

  • plywood,
  • Laminated chipboard
  • glass,
  • wood.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Now you need to make measurements of the doorway of the dressing room, storage room or closet with a tape measure and cut it out of the material that you chose, in size, the door canvas. After that, attach all the parts in the assembly to the cloth:

  • videos from above and below,
  • horizontal profile on both sides,
  • Bottom and upper frames.

Installation of the door leaf

After all design elements are installed and secured in their places, you can start installing the web in the doorway of your dressing room, pantry or wardrobe.

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To insert the door-compartment in the opening, it must first start the top rollers in the top track - it will go there easily. Then you need to install the lower rollers in the bottom track, but it is possible to do it, only holding the wheels inward the lower frame of the door web. Make it easily, as the rollers are based on the spring plate. The photo shows how it is done.

How to put the door-compartment in the dressing room

Adjustment of a coupe

Adjustment is carried out using a screwdriver or a special hex key by turning the screw, which is located at the bottom of the side profiles. How to install a dressing room, you can see on the video.

Now you have your own comfortable dressing room with a door-coupe. Thanks to the successful design of the door, its operation is comfortable and it does not take up much space.

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