How to hang Roman curtains: fastening methods


Designers of all levels do not silence talk about the fact that the Roman curtains have become a hit design of interiors. This is not surprising: the Roman curtains together with simplicity have a very attractive appearance and excellent functionality. And if we take into account the richness of the paints and the huge selection of materials, the existing trend of the popularity of these porter will only progress. So, you visited the store and acquired them, came home and wondered: how to hang the Roman speed right?

How to hang Roman curtains: fastening methods

We can hang the Roman curtains inside the window opening and above it, the differences will be only in the markup under fastening.

Detailed instructions for fastening such jewelry can only exist when the user has been determined with the method of location. And there may be several of them: you can hang the Roman scope both inside the window opening and in the inside of the room, like ordinary curtains. In any case, you will need for this following tools:

  • construction level (to use the level of medium size);
  • Perforator;
  • Brackets, anchor and dowels (all this is sold complete with a curtain);
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer.

And now consider each way of location of the Roman curtains separately.

How to hang the Roman corter inside the window opening?

How to hang Roman curtains: fastening methods

Scheme Removing the size of the window opening.

First, you need to make careful measurements of the window opening, and quickly do this task. There are advice that measurements should be measured in the upper, bottom and middle part of the window and choose the smallest of them. So, they say, the curtain will function correctly. It is more logical to check the verticality of the side planes of the opening and with its impairment to be aligned. When the side walls of the opening are located with a deviation from the vertical, the Roman Curtain will only emphasize this defect and herself will look extremely inestore.

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So, the window opening is given in proper condition, and it is possible to measure its height. According to this size, and to buy the Roman scope or make it independently. By the way, when choosing a color should not pay attention to too bright colors, as is often recommended under the guise of the next fashionable direction. Everything should look in the room as a whole, so the Roman sound is chosen taking into account their own taste and the overall interior of the room.

And now we will have a chart in the window opening. And again we use the ruler: it is necessary to make measurements from the window fittings so that the curtain does not hurt them during its operation. It is recommended to hang roman curtains at a distance of 5 cm deep into the wall plane. So you will provide free space for the work of the curtains. Yes, and externally it will look stylish. But the "deep" landing should be avoided - the room will seem wider, but also more empty.

For accurate mounting, it is necessary to retreat from the edge of the upper window of the window to the specified distance and make the markup, in which you will continue to make holes for the brackets. The brackets under the scope are performed by various configurations, so the exact location of their attachment is very individual. Always act about the situation.

How to hang Roman curtains: fastening methods

Diagram of the cornice device for Roman curtains.

But when buying should be carefully considered the brackets for the location of the attachment points. Close of their mutual accommodation should alert you: if the walls are made of not very durable material, then the fastening with this location will be unreliable. After fixing the brackets, you can hang Roman curtains according to the instructions attached to them.

Note that the roman curtains inside the window (or door) opening is not always obtained, since the bearing elements of the construction of the entire structure are most often located in these places. From here it follows the conclusion that it is better to arrange the chart near the window opening.

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How to hang a classic Roman cloth over the window opening?

The Roman Curtain looks perfectly in this position: the classic will always be relevant, and new-fashioned trends are not a hindrance. And ordinary curtains look beautiful, and especially the Roman curtain! Regarding the performance of the work itself, here you will not see any innovations: all the same tools and practically the same actions. The difference only in the method of markup for the brackets and in the location of the working tool.

So, you have to choose the place of attachment and the width of the new-fashioned curtains themselves. From the point of view of modern fashion, the curtains should be wider than the window itself 10-14 cm (5-7 cm on each side). If you do already - it looks "poorly", and if wider - the curtains too attracts attention and violates the overall decoration of the apartment. And another advice: the curtain window should perform on the same 10-14 cm. As for the bottom of the lower part, no recommendations exist - it all depends on the personal desire to buy a curtain.

It should be remembered that in the houses of the old building wiring stacked inside the wall.

Therefore, when installing brackets under Roman curtains, it is necessary to know exactly the location of the wiring in the house. True, at the specified altitude, the electrical wiring window could hardly be laid, but it is impossible to exclude such a probability.

Other methods for fastening the Roman curtains

How to hang Roman curtains: fastening methods

Mounting scheme Roman curtains.

If you did everything according to the instructions, then you would not be Slavs. What is it? Yes, that even in Roman products, our person is able to add something. Thus, the variants of the Roman porter on the strings on the tubular cornices and velcro appeared.

The easiest and most optimal version is tubular cornice and curtain with textile velcro. For such an attachment suits the usual eaves. It can be from any material and any year of release, because it will not be visible at all.

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And for the mounting to it, the curtains produce a small upgrade: one part of the velcro is sewn at the top of the curtains, and at a certain distance from it - the second part.

The distance between the elements of the velcro depends on the diameter of the cornice. Here it is quite possible to simply take advantage of the selection, so that the curtains do not have sagging, tightly wrapped the cornice.

Such a mount has a number of advantages: the curtains are very easily removed for washing or dry cleaning and as easily attached. If you wish, you can experiment yourself and come up with something more original.

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