How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions


How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

Each hostess seeks to perfect purity in his home. It is impossible to leave without the window. The most important pollution on the windowsill should be considered - dust from the street and traces from the pots. You can spend a lot of time cleaning the contaminants, especially on whitening yellow spots to give the windowsill a beautiful view.

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How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

Windows made of plastic is less whimsical than wooden. But the only disadvantage of plastic windows is the excessive formation of a yellow fly under the influence of water contact with it, as well as ultraviolet rays.

How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

The most important thing in the elimination of stains and dirt on the windowsill is a correctly selected cleansing agent. Of course, if the stains are not so stagnant, then you can try to clean them with a soap solution. But if the stains are no longer rubbed, various domestic products come to the rescue. Several species differ, each of which deserves special attention:

  • Melting
  • Spray
  • Cleaning

At the moment, on the shelves you can find a variety of efficient, cleansing agents. The most accessible and universal cleaning agents are Domasestos, Mr.proper, Comet . They will perfectly help to get rid of spots after mounting foam and yellowness.

How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

Spraying facilities for plastic will also help clean the windowsill from stagnant yellow spots. They are convenient to use, as they protect their hands from direct contact with the chemical, as well as suitable for instant purification of strong contaminants, because they contain ammonia alcohol. For example, Firm Edelweiss. The only disadvantage of spraying means is the caustic smell. The detergents include: CIF "," Pemiolux "," Sanelit. They have a favorable surface from stains, quickly foam and perfectly washed off with water. Each tool requires a careful execution of its intended instruction.

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How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

You should know! Cleaning the plastic window sill is recommended by a soft sponge or cotton cloth, in order not to scratch the surface of the window sill when cleaning.

Plastic, like any other material, requires its specific cleaning manual. Consider the main stages of the purification of plastic windowsides:

How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

  1. It is necessary to start cleaning windows with the purification of dirt and dust on the surface of the windowsill. It is necessary to initially wipe with a dry cloth, and after already wet. If a lot of dirt accumulated, you can sleep with a sill with a broom.
  2. After surface cleansing, you need to take a specialized cleansing agent and following the instructions, you need to apply a means to the windowsill with a cloth with light circular movements. After cleaning, you need to rinse the windowsill with the same damp cloth and leave it until complete drying.

How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

It is worth remembering! The longer the stains remain on the plastic windowsill, the more difficult it will be cleaned.

Folk recipes: what to whiten the plastic window sill

If there are children in the house or people live in the house, who have allergies to household chemicals, folk remedies come to the rescue. And besides, not to spend big money on the purchase of shopping cleaning products, you can prepare from the subwoofers no less effective ways to purify the windowsill at home. Consider some of them:

  1. The most common means is a mixture of soda and washing powder. It is necessary to take soda and powder in equal amounts. Apply to the light lifting movements with a rag. After that, it will be necessary to wash off the residues of the mixture. To do this, you can use the same well-absorbed cloth, which before it needs to be slightly soaked with water.
  2. He copes very well with yellow alcohol. But when used, you should follow a specific instruction. During cleaning you need to use rubber gloves. And as the alcohol is very toxic, during the cleaning of the window sills you need to air the room for weathering toxins and the disappearance of the unpleasant odor. You can use any alcohol. After the procedure, you need to wipe the windowsill with a damp cloth.
  3. You can use acetone or liquid to remove varnish. But care must be taken, since some types of material can be dissolved in acetone. Wash your cotton disk or wool in acetone and light, surface movements in the horizontal direction to start wipe the windowsill.
  4. Excellent assistants in the struggle for the snow-white windowsill are also the economic soap, dental powder and chalk. They are used, as a rule, in simple cases, rather than with stagnant fives. Any of these funds does not require any increased caution during cleaning. Each of these funds should be applied separately, and in some cases, you can try to use them together. After cleaning from yellow spots, the windowsill should be wired slightly damp cloth.
  5. A mixture of soda and vinegar is used to remove old, stagnant yellow spots on the windowsill. At first, a small amount of soda pour into spots, and then a sponge that was previously looked into vinegar, rub the stains with circular movements. For a long time to leave the soda on the windowsill, it is not recommended, since it is possible that the appearance of white spots, which will differ from the main color of the window sill.

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How to whiten the yellowed plastic window sill: step by step instructions

It is worth knowing! If after cleaning the window sill with various, both folk and shopping agents, it does not acquire a noticeable cleansing and is not washed away, then you can buy a self-adhesive film.

How to wash plastic windows: video

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