How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home


How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

The conscientious mistress always monitors the cleanliness of the house! Especially acute is the question than and how to wash plastic windows and window sills? Find answers to these questions will help the article and master classes presented in the video.

Plastic windows care products

Top most popular cleaning products:

  • "Mister Muscle". Universal drug. Does not leave divorces and unpleasant odor.
  • "Formula 409". Preferably clears fresh spots and pollution.
  • Sanita. Does not contain aggressive chemical elements. Removes old pollution.
  • "Fossa". She erases household spots, and also removes traces of repair work.
  • "White cat". Universal rag for cleaning plastic and glass. It is enough to wipe the contaminated surface. You can simply be treated with a detergent or ordinary water.

Folk remedies can be used, namely: soap, dental powder, a solution of vinegar, citric acid, and so on. It is worth noting that they belong to the category of soft, which means that in addition to essential savings, you get a 100% safe preparation for cleaning windows.

What to use - Each hostess decides. If you decide to try a new drug, first spend the experiment. Clean the small contaminated plot according to the instructions. Exterior and material structure in order? Then you can safely use on the entire plastic and glass surface.

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

Rules of Washing

Completely wash these windows - a whole science! After all, not only the cleaning composition is important, but also the choice of first aid objects: napkins, paper towels, soft sponge. After all, with the wrong choice of plastic, it can lose the "commodity", and the windows are to scatter. A number of uncomplicated rules should be followed:
  • Cleaning on a cloudy day, So that the sun is not blinded into the eyes, and it was also possible to air the room after cleaning. Glasses dried faster.
  • Before starting to wash the glass, clean the frame. It is necessary to smeach dust, walk with a dry cloth and wipe the soap solution.
  • When cleaning the glass, evenly apply a detergent solution. Then wipe dry with a clean dry napkin.
  • When washing the glasses, choose one direction of movement. It is best to bottom from top to bottom, so the drug will be fine with a thin layer on the surface and will not leave the divorce.

On a note! When choosing a cleaning preparation, read its composition. The best tools consist on the basis of alcohol.

How to wash just installed windows?

After installation, do not rush to start cleaning - it is necessary that the mounting foam is completely dried, otherwise the surface will be damaged. Then cut the surplus of the foam and come accepted if they were not made immediately during the installation of the installers.

Getting Started with Cleaning Works, you need to remove the protective film from the profile! If it is not possible to remove it in time, the adhesive under the influence of the Sun will tightly sit down on the window frame, which will significantly reduce the life of its service, as well as spoil the "commodity appearance".

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Then dive into the bucket with several liters of water. Take the sponge and wipe the window frame, starting with the upper crossbars. After dry the surface with a dry cloth. Then wipe the glass. It should be started on the inside, then turning to the outer. This approach is most rational, since the inner windows are always cleaner.

After applying the solution, it is necessary to wipe the glass with a napkin. You can walk along it with a split, which for several movements will be moving towards the frame of surplus composition.

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

How to achieve pure glasses without divorce?

For perfectly clean glasses, additional devices may be required - wipers, steam cleaners and scrapers. They completely remove traces of the solution and do not leave behind the divorces. Consider on the example: if the window is dusty, you need to walk a damp sponge over the surface to remove excess dirt. Then with a soap solution to handle the glass. After a scraper with a rubber nozzle, we remove the remnants of the water. Divorces will not! It remains only to wipe it all with a napkin (pay attention to the fabric: you need suede or microfiber).

The secret of the hostess! If there are strips from the scraper, you can polish the surface of the glass with a napkin or crumpled newspaper paper.

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

How to clean old spots?

Often, not only fat stains are sitting on the window, which are enough to wash off with water, but there are more complex situations, for example:

  • Glue. Traces from the sticker can be removed by the people. Apply vegetable oil on sticky place and wait 20 minutes, then wipe the napkin. To remove stains, you can apply detergents for washing dishes. Traces from Scotch are also removed.
  • Rest of mounting film. Only a steam cleaner can quickly remove the dried film. Under the influence of hot air, glue turns and easily rubs off with a varnish removal fluid.
  • Plaster. A recent repairs will help remove a solution made from soap and water. It is worth noting that the window will have to wash several times, since the plaster must soften.

Recommendations for washing:

  • Use verified tools. Universal preparations do not always include plastic in the range of their capabilities.
  • Do not use "aggressive" means containing heavy chemicals. With an unfavorable outcome, the surface will be connected, and the protective layer is destroyed.
  • When cleaning window frames and glass, do not resort to such means as a knife, screwdriver. You will apply mechanical damage to materials.
  • Do not use a rigid sponge. It scratches the surface. Small cracks accumulate dust microparticles and complicate subsequent cleaning.
  • Not wash iron elements - Otherwise, the rust will appear!

Often, young and inexperienced hostesses ask a question how to wash the glass outside. It is easy to assume that in the same way as inside! The means and methods of washing windows are used alone. It is important to have a safety net, especially for those who live in a house with whole windows.

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

Washing window sills made of plastic

The detergent for them is easy to choose. Show-windows of household stores are clogged with all sorts of means to clean the easiest and most difficult pollution.

Manufacturers of cleaning products guarantee getting rid of dirt, primer, mounting foam, spots, glue and tape sticky. There are also preparations from "children's pranks" - traces of markers, markers and plasticine. Housewives recommend:

  1. Mr.Proper;
  2. Cilit Bang;
  3. Sanita;
  4. Domestos;
  5. "Pemiolux";
  6. "Mister Muscle";
  7. Szop.

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Please note that when installing such windows, various materials are used: some rough, other smooth. Each texture has its own characteristics and care requirements. Consult the installers as you need to care for a specific material.

But what to wash the frames? Use means for cleansing PVC window sills. The material and structure when installing the window complex is used the same.

Often, when repairing the owners of the apartment and the masters forget to cover the windowsill with protective film. After repair, there are unpleasant traces - drops of water-emulsion, small dirt, primer. It is enough to breed soap in water and walk along the surface with a soft sponge. If the stains and dirt do not go, wet the towel and spread it along the windowsill. Wipe it with a solution of soap and remove excessive moisture with a napkin.

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

How to wash strong pollution: dirt, primer and yellowness?

Repair is constant cleaning. Especially at the initial stages when the wizards only install windows. Dirt and primer flies in all directions. Remove the following steps:

  • Cleaning plugs. It is in these places that the maximum amount of dirt is accumulated.
  • Immediately remove traces of primer and plaster. The primer dries out 25 minutes after use, in two weeks it finally hardens, and only a specialist can delete it. Remove the plaster helps the means containing abrasive substances.
  • Remove the mounting foam with plastic will help a rigid brush, It is enough to lose in the area of ​​pollution.
  • Wash the windowsill with soap solution.

Attention! All the above manipulations must be done every day until the end of the repair!

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

How to remove household spots?

Spots and yellowness are the simplest "troubles" that may arise on the surface of the windowsill. Clear plastic will be easy, it is enough to purchase a special preparation that will solve all your problems. The most efficient funds in the market:

  1. Mr.Propeer. - Universal remedy for all types of plastic coatings. It is enough to dilute three spoons on five liters of water, and wipe the frames and the windowsill. Then everything wipe wet, and then a dry cloth. It is worth paying attention to what to wipe dry, otherwise the remaining solution will attract all the fine dust in the house to yourself.
  2. Cilit Bang. - Can remove any stain. Sprayed above the pollution center and wipes dry. After cleaning it is necessary to ventilate the room, since the tool has a sharp smell.
  3. Sanita. - Perfectly rubbing fat stains and soot from a plastic surface. After applying, it is necessary to leave "Filing" for half an hour, after which it was washed off with plenty of warm water. Be sure to ventilate the room.
  4. Domestos. - Perfectly removes rust and yellowness. The contaminated area is covered with a solution with a solution for 20 or more minutes, washed off and wipes dry.

On a note! These cleaning formulations are the most effective, but domestic substances can also remove spots, such as soap solution or soda.

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How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

Folk advice

How to save after washing the natural whiteness and glitter of surfaces and avoid divorces? The answer is one: it is necessary to comply with simple rules for care and use drugs in accordance with the instructions.

  1. If unpleasant yellow divorces and serious spots manifested themselves, it is necessary to handle the surface of these places. It is enough to walk once soapy water.
  2. If whiteness is required and plastic brilliance - use the washing powder. Mix it with water to a porridge consistency, then apply to the surface with a sponge (use a harsh side), leave ten minutes. Remove the mixture and wipe the surface with warm water, then wipe dry.
  3. The most economical option for the appearance of noble white on the windowsill is soapy water. Use the remnants of soap pieces and dissolve in hot water. Apply the solution to the windowsill and wash.
  4. Food soda and vinegar will help to get rid of the old pollution. Apply the soda with a thin layer on a stain, then Tritte with a sponge, in advance in vinegar. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only in gloves! Acetic acid corrosive hands.
  5. The starch solution is also suitable for washing glass with traces of old mud.
  6. Use chalk and tooth powder. These are the most "soft" means that are safe to use and available in any store. It is impossible to spoil them a plastic and glass surface. To use them, you need to mix a spoonful of chalk / dental powder with a spoonful of water. Apply the resulting mass on a stain and leave for 15 minutes, then remove the frozen mixture and wipe the surface of the wet, and then the dry cloth.
  7. Newspaper paper is a "Dedovsky" way to finish with mud for a long time. After washing the window, roll the newspaper in a lump and wipe the glass dry. Traces and divorces from detergent will not remain.

Remember! To wash plastic windows, it is categorically impossible to use the means in the content of which it includes alkali and acid. This destroys the material structure (polyvinyl chloride).

Tips from experienced housewives for care:

  1. If you left a spot on a plastic surface - remove immediately so that it does not absorb. The longer the dirt "dries", the harder it is to bring it. This is especially true of chemicals!
  2. After cleaning, treat the windows with a vinegar solution to remove the cutting odor. Also, a solution of acetic acid is capable of preserving the purity of the glasses longer.
  3. When processing, use protection tools - gloves. It will save the skin from chemicals and will not allow damaging the skin.
  4. If the glass is often flawed even with weak frost, apply a solution of salt and water in a ratio of 2 spoons per 1 cup.
  5. In no case do not put on the plastic surface of the container with hot content! It is necessary to put the tap or towel that will be removed the windowsill from mechanical damage.

Remember! If the surface of the frames and the scapper of the scapper, melted and has traces of cigarette "burns", it is worth seeking help for professionals that are engaged in installing PVC windows. Only specialists can polish everything to shine and remove unevenness.

How to wash plastic windows and window sills at home

How to wash plastic windows without divorces, tells the video:

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