Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door


In any house, cottage, the guarantor of protection and reliability is the entrance design of the door. But even the most beautiful door will look caviar and unprepacently, if you do not make a right slope over the door. Usually, the door does not happen to the outside of the problems; Masters-installers are always beautifully decorated with a doorway. But on the inside there is just a nightmare: bricks, naked walls. In order to hide all this, you need to install slopes.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

Where to begin?

Preparation options

Today on the Internet there are many firms that can perform a service for finishing the slopes of the entrance door. But the amount will have to lay out a rather big one. It becomes a shame - the decoration of the doors of the door is not difficult process, it does not constitute a special difficulty to accomplish it, therefore, having looked at the video on the Internet, you can easily cope with this task yourself.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

Insulation of slopes

For what you need to decorate the doorway:

  • aesthetics;
  • Masking of fasteners from the door frame;
  • improving the quality of the strength of the structure;
  • Finishing of slopes of the entrance door and its facing options;
  • applying a solution, finishing with plaster;
  • Installation of material for decoration per solution.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

Facing Karcas

Today it is possible to use a variety of materials for the design of slopes. For this purpose, almost all finishing coatings will be suitable.

Before closeing the slopes, it will not be a lot of work to choose the material. You will stand more important tasks - the choice of a method for installing slopes with your own hands.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

Finishing of slopes of the entrance door with the most popular and efficient way - climbing with a solution. Despite the fact that for designers it is the most boring option, we will get a solid finish that will not be fed and does not form emptiness.

Decoratively will look like a slope, if we embellish it with texture plaster. Additional effect can be stained in some color of the plastered surface. This option is the most decorative, as you can get a different appearance.

An interesting solution will be to install on the surface of the separation of the finishing material, however, it is not necessary to do without costs. We will have to prepare and install the framework.

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Preparation of work before finishing

Whatever you choose the method or method of finishing your doors, the work surface will have to prepare first. First you need to protect the box and door leaf from pollution. For such a goal, the perfectly construction film or greasy tape is suitable. The surface of the slope is leveling, cleaning and ground.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

If you are planning the installation of lamps in the hallway, do not forget to pave the power cable at this stage.

Finishing of slopes input door and plaster

Closeing of the slope can be placed on the surface. In order to conveniently and accurately apply the solution, be sure to install beacons. Use better as a solution of gypsum constant, it is not necessary to wait for a long drying. After the gypsum solution serves you, start filling the slope by the cement mixture. Prepare it will not be much difficulty. The composition of cement and sand mixture. After applying the solution, you need to wait about a day before it is complete drying. Then proceed to putty. After the work is completed, the masters advise you to check your work on the formation. To do this, cover the door and tighten along the opening.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

Finishing material as a slope

In the event that you have chosen some modern finishing material for trimming, secure it or on the glue, or per solution. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the normal focusing under the material of the trim. You can perform such a task with screws. You just need to screw into the wall of screws into the wall, and our finish will be based on. First, the first layer of cement mortar is applied. After drying, you need to apply glue, which is applied to the surface of the slope and the material of the sheat. During operation, it is necessary to follow the installation correctness. It is advisable to use a special level for it. It is possible to correct the error in irregularities only until the solution is frozen.

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Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

Installation of finishing for slopes on the frame

The finishing canvas can be not only glued, but also to be installed on a special skeletal structure can be created from undergraduate materials that remained after construction. In this case, metal profiles are suitable, and bars of wood. All frame elements in relation to the wall must be very tight. The frame design is easier to cast screws.

In order for your crate design is very reliable, use sure to jumpers between the frame parts. The shell canvas and the process of fastening the trim will depend on the material you choose, for example, a plasterboard canopy with self-drawers. The remaining gap fill in the solution. An interesting option will be possible if you are using beautiful platbands on top of the plasterboard. The jokes of drywall are easiest to close with a special construction ribbon. Beautiful appearance of plasterboard can be given by wallpaper or painting.

Independent finishing of slopes and opening of the entrance door

In the event that you used MDF for cladding, excellent strength quality is guaranteed. This material does not require processing, since its appearance is always aesthetic. This material is installed with self-drawing, and the corners are masked by platbands. Finishing in the form of casualaries is most often attached to liquid nails.

Alternatively, laminate is often used to finish slopes. The installation of such a finishing material can be held in two options, across or along. In the event that you choose a longitudinal fastening, you are creating a canvas in the center and around the edge. By analogy with laminate, you can install plastic lining or slope. After the lining is installed, remove the film from the door cloth and the box.

Options for discovery today are diverse, the decoration of the door slopes will not be much difficult, it is necessary to correctly navigate in the method of finishing, and it is recommended to correctly choose a finishing material.

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