How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home


How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

The problem of eliminating the specific smell of feline urine in the apartment worries many lovers of these animals. With appropriate care and knowledge of the methods of eliminating unpleasant odors, catfects, the content of these pets will not be difficult. Knowledge of the psychology of cats and methods of combating the negative consequences of their help with a domestic pet needs in the wrong place will allow once and forever eliminate this problem in the future.

Ways to eliminate odor from cats in the apartment

With the first appearance of a fluffy pet in the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of its proper behavior associated with the malfunction in the reserved place. The main thing about this issue is to achieve reliable elimination of the urine odor of the animal in an unauthorized place for its toilet.

Attention! If you cannot immediately eliminate these flavors, then it will be difficult to correct the wrong behavior of the cat, and the problem will repeat, and the unpleasant fragrance it will be impossible to withdraw finally.

The main cause of the high resistance of the smell of liquid floweries of these gifts is their fast crystallization. The urinary crystals are very difficult to remove with the surface of objects with detergents and special drugs, since they are practically insoluble in water.

To eliminate odor, you can use special preparations, ozonizer or homemade products that are no less effective than professional odor neutralizers.

Effective homemade means to destroy the smell of cat urine are:

  • chlorine-containing substances (leaf lime, or chlorine);
  • Solution of ammonic alcohol;
  • citrus essential oils (lemon, orange);
  • Fresh lemon juice;
  • aqueous solution of food acetic acid;
  • sodium bicarbonate (food soda);
  • Manganese-oxidant potassium (mangartee);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine;
  • Ethyl alcohol solution or vodka.

When choosing home remedies, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the use of each drug and the place of appearance of the stain from the urination of the animal.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

How to use chlorine

One of the feline and feline and feline amber is the usual chlorine lime (chlorine). Strong caustic chlorine is able to reduce the intensity and even drown in urine fragrance for a while, but the chlorine-containing solution is not able to dissolve the urinary crystals. After evaporation of the chlorine-containing fraction, the smell returns.

Chlorine-containing means ("whiteness", gels for the toilet "Sanita", "Domasetos") When removing urinary spots should be applied to the evaporated place and wipe in a sponge or rigid brush. To prevent pet poisoning with chlorine couples, cleaning should be carried out during its absence in the house.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that chlorine is the strongest oxidizing agent, it is toxic and in careless use can harm a cat having a sharp smell. In addition, on the surface of the floor or furniture, the chlorine solution can leave white traces, which will lead to their irreversible damage and deterioration of aesthetic species.

Given the strong oxidative properties of chlorine and its negative impact on the human body and animals, it should be used with great caution. It is permissible to use a chlorine solution of weak concentration for primary surface treatment, after which it is necessary to carefully check the room and continue the processing of stains from urine by other means.

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How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home


Many cat owners use in the fight against the traces of the urination of the pets in unauthorized places of ammonia alcohol. If the pet challenges in secluded places for their dark divisies, then you should find these places and close them. It is best for this cotton balls 2-3 cm in diameter, impregnated by the ammonia that need to be decomposed on all corners of the apartment and its "catcakes". This method works well - the balls scare the cat and rescue the "protected" housing.

Spots and smells of pets of pets Many kitdels are trying to neutralize with the treatment of a labeled surface with a solution of ammonia. For this, the ammonia solution is applied to pollution and is maintained for 1-15 minutes.

However, the use of ammonium hydroxide to eliminate the finished problem - fragrance from the consequences of cat urination is very doubtful. This is due to the presence of ammonia in the composition of the ammonic alcohol (as in the feline urine), which will provoke the animal, and will lead to new facts of feline "crimes".

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

Getting rid of smell with citrus

Caught feline fragrance can be eliminated using citrus plant fruits. To do this, it is necessary to use a mixture of lemon or orange. It is possible to prepare it as follows: get juice of one lemon or orange and stir it in 150 ml of water. With fresh feline offenses, it is sufficient to moisten the evaporated surface of a sponge dipped in a cooked solution, slightly wipe the surface. In the case of more long-lasting stains, the solution should be applied for 10-15 minutes. Flush the solution is not necessary, since the specific smell of lemon and other citrus fruits reliably scares the cat.

The animal will scare away from dark places, comfortable for the toilet, citrus fruit peel, unfolded in various places of the apartment that the cat chose for their unacceptable affairs. The dislike of cats to the smell of citrus is explained by the presence of essential oils in their composition. This aroma of cutting even for a person, and a sensitive feline nose simply does not tolerate him.

Attention! If lemon and orange peels are crushed and mix them with coffee grounds, then it turns out a means that satuled pets hate. This fact should be taken into account in the process of their upbringing to adjust behavior and scare from visiting places that are not allocated to the toilet.

The use of citrus is one of the effective methods for solving this problem.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

Using lemon juice

You can bring off the desire for a pet to arrange the toilet in the corners and secluded places of the apartment by placing in these places of cotton balls moistened in a concentrated solution of lemon juice. Cats are very sensitive animals with a sharp smell, and a sharp citrus fragrance will scare them, preventing urination in the wrong place.

To this end, it is possible to use a water solution not only with lemon, but also orange, grapefruit juice, or with any citrus essential oil. Sharp and acidic smells of pets do not like, so if the furniture obtained from the sprayer is made from the sprayer (chairs, sofa) in the apartment will spread a pleasant fragrance that animals will avoid. It will encourage them to direct themselves in a calmer and not annoying place, namely - in your toilet.

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Moderation should be observed in the use of this method, since the strong aroma of lemon can cause irritation and allergic reaction from cats.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

Vinegar as a remedy for unpleasant aromas

A vinegar solution is a universal means to eliminate odors.

To prepare a solution, it is necessary to use aqueous solution of vinegar. It is preparing simply: the vinegar is mixed with water in the proportion of ¼. After that, the solution is applied to the stain. The next step is a thorough drainage of the contaminated surface treated with acetic solution, a paper towel to a complete absorption of the mixture. The loan stain is sprinkled with food soda powder for neutralization. The mixture must be brushed on the surface of the pollution, rinse with water, remove the residues with a clean sponge. If you have urine residues, the procedure should be repeated.

The advantage of this method is the rapid evaporation of vinegar and a high degree of neutralization of the unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

How to get rid of the "aroma" of cats in the apartment with soda

Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent tool that effectively solves the problem. Food soda is an abrasive means, so it is not recommended to be used to clean glossy surfaces.

On the floor it is necessary to disinfect the blurred surface with chlorine-containing means or hydrogen peroxide.

However, if the "puddle" is left on the carpet, especially color, soda will help clean the pile of products and do not wash off the paint.

To destroy an unpleasant ambre, a number of simple ingredients will be required:

  • 3-9% solution of ethanne (acetic) acid;
  • sodium bicarbonate (food soda);
  • liquid soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

At the preparatory stage, a mechanical removal of urine from the carpet is performed using a paper or tissue napkin. The more it will be removed, the more successful will be cleaned. Press all the liquid from the carpet will help the placement of gravity as a press at the site of the measurement, pre-covered with a tissue napkin. You can just get up on a stain with a napkin and stand on it. Under the weight of weight urine it will be better removed from the carpet pile. If the stain drags, it should be pre-tedded with water and dry in the same way. Then the vinegar, diluted with water in the 1: 3 ratio, you need to impregnate the stain and leave for a long time, up to 3 hours.

Attention! When using vinegar, care should be taken. Before starting the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room, for which all windows in the apartment should be opened.

After drying the carpet after acetic processing, it is necessary to process pollution from urine food soda. Soda solution is prepared according to the recipe: 1 teaspoon of liquid soap or dishwashes washing, a third of a glass of hydrogen peroxide solution. The resulting mixture is applied to soda using a sprayer.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

Additional means

Well established itself in the folk practice of eliminating the smells of mangartee-acid potassium (mangartee), hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide, hydropyritis), iodine, vodka, ethyl alcohol.

  1. Manganese. Beautiful shredder smell of excrement of satuled pets. To get rid of their unpleasant amber, you need a solution of potassium permanganate to rinse the stained area. This method is suitable only for flooring, but not suitable for fabric surfaces (furniture and carpets). After completion of the surface processing procedure, it should be cleaned with a soft cloth moistened with water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. It is used to remove odors and cleaning fresh spots from the vital activity of pets. 3% solution is used to prepare a cleansing agent. It is not recommended to use it on lacquer surfaces.
  3. Iodine. Strong SMAD from pets can be removed using a iodine solution that has oxidative properties. The substance is dissolved in water in the ratio: 15 drops on 500 ml of water. The surface of the furniture or carpet is treated with the resulting mixture.
  4. Vodka or ethyl alcohol. Effective to scare the cat, this is the main role of these funds. The substances that are part of the vodka are very like a feline, and after processing the surface by this means, you can not worry about repeated pet returns to the crime scene.

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Solve the removal of unpleasant odors from domestic pets will be helped by well-known and used substances in everyday life: a household soap, sleeping tea, dental rinsing.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

Feline stores "Fragrances"

Professional preparations for solving these problems are absolutely reliable. Their composition includes special enzymes (enzymes), the cavity of the damaging crystals of uric acid and neutralizing the unpleasant odor.

Among the owners of cats are well-deserved funds from foreign manufacturers ("URINE OFF", "Just for Cats Stain & Odor Remover" from Nature's Miracle, "Pet Stain & Odor Remover" from Hartz, Odor Kill & Stain Remover from ATX) and domestic products "DEZOSAN ", Bio-F and Zoosan.

Feline puddles and disgusting urine smell can effectively eliminate the household ozonator. It is possible to eliminate the consequences as follows: cover the evaporated place with a plastic film and under it to take the device hose, leave in working condition for 1-3 hours. This method allows for forever to eliminate the feline of the stench with the evaporated place.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

What you need to do so that the cat is no longer fortunate on the floor

  • Tip 1. Provide normal conditions for its toilet (relaxed room for cleaning needs, clean and comfortable tray), lack of stressful situations.
  • Tip 2. Develop a steady-negative attitude towards unauthorized places for feces. To do this, treat risk zones with substances unpleasant to the cat (vodka, citrus, vinegar, bow).
  • Tip 3. Positive motivation. Praise the animal for the correct behavior when it goes into your tray, and feed.
  • Tip 4. In unauthorized places where the cat shook the cat, it is recommended to place bowls with its feed. By virtue of the innate instinct, the pet will never be a good reason where its food is.
  • Tip 5. Find out the reason for the wrong behavior of the pet. Deviations from the usual urination in the tray can be caused by diseases of the genitourinary system. To eliminate them, you need to refer to the veterinarian.

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment at home

How to get rid of the feline smell of urine in the apartment, tells this video:

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