Interior doors made of glass


Choose doors - not as easy as it seems. They should be trauma-safe, reliable, durable, practical, easy to care, and not bad if they are beautiful and inexpensive. Agree, that is another list of requirements. What is strange, the most part is the glass interior doors.

Advantages and disadvantages

To decide to put glass interior doors or not, you need to know about their merits and disadvantages. Let's start with the listing of advantages:

  • The geometry of glass doors does not change from moisture, no on temperature. Everyone knows the problem with wooden doors: with high humidity, they swell and close them is problematic, with low - on the contrary, they become smaller and need a latch to keep them in a closed state. The stability of the size of glass interior doors allows them to be used in wet rooms: in bathrooms, shower, pools, winter gardens, parilots.

    Interior doors made of glass

    These can be glass interior doors ... This is the question of the variety of design options

  • Easy care. You can wash with any detergent non-abrasive drugs, you can rub the brush (if it allows the finish, the glass itself - without problems).
  • Over time, do not change the appearance.
  • Light skip well. If there are glass interior doors in the apartment or house, in the afternoon in the corridor or hallway without windows will be light.
  • Environmentally friendly material without any secretions in the atmosphere.
  • Fireproof at height.
  • A large number of appearance options. There is a glass transparent, matte, patterned, tinted. In addition, you can apply a photo printing on the glass, handle sandblasting, sticking the patterned film, etc.

List of positive characteristics impressive. This is really a good choice. Interior glass doors are one of the most reliable options that will serve for years. There are disadvantages:

  • If you choose a transparent or glossy glass, the handprints will be visible on it, that is, rub them often. Matte, tinted, milk glass - these models do not require such attention, but it will be necessary to wipe the surface more often than those of the same wooden.

    Interior doors made of glass

    Matte surfaces lighter in care

  • It is difficult to make glass doors light-tight. Even dark toning skips light. Exit - use rolled curtains or blinds.
  • High price. If you look only on the door leaf, then the price is low. But without fittings you will not hurt. And accessories for glass doors is not cheaper (and often more expensive) than the canvas. So the cost is considerable.

Many still add fragility in negative qualities. In fact, more fragile cheap doors "under the tree", which are fully in the construction market. Here you can punch a fist or legs. And how easy it is to smash the glass interior doors to talk in the next section.

Types of glass interroom doors

Interior glass doors by opening method are:

  • Swing. Like the usual doors, they open either "on themselves" or "from themselves." The loops are attached at the top and bottom of the door canvase. With a high height of the sash and / or large mass, they can put a third loop in the middle. One edge of the loop is attached to the doorway, the second to the wall or door box. Such doors are good because if desired, it is possible to ensure good sound insulation (put the seal around the perimeter of the opening).

    Interior doors made of glass

    Swing type

  • Pendulum. The sash can open in both directions. Convenient when you do not need to think, pull your doors or push you. The loops for pendulum glass doors are two species. One are attached to the ceiling and the floor, others - to the doorway. The second option is more expensive, since the loop mechanism is more complicated. The first also has a drawback: it is folded in the installation. In any case, the pendulum glass interior doors are very rare, since in any case they are much more expensive than two other types.

    Interior doors made of glass

    Pendulum doors put in places with great permeability

  • Development glass interior doors. When opening, they shift to the side. Basically, they are "away" to free space next to the doorway. Such a device is simpler, although it is necessary to ensure that there is a free space next to the door and prevented anything to open them. There are still options with internal installation. When the wall make a niche in which the sash hides. It is more convenient during operation, but the installation is more complicated and expensive.

    Interior doors made of glass

    Sliding Glass Doors - Strong Solution

  • Folding. Consist of several canvases, moving bonded with each other. When opening, they develop as a book or harmonica (there are two types). Comfortable and compact option, but there is one "but". They cannot give sufficiently sound insulation. Therefore, it is commonly used to separate the "public" premises: dining room, living room, etc. They will be good in the studio apartment - for separating recreation area (beds).

    Interior doors made of glass

    Folding Glass Interior Doors - Rare Phenomenon

According to the method of opening, these are all kinds. There is still division by the number of flaps - single-furnished, bivalve. But with this and so everything is clear. If the doorway is wider than the meter, it is better to put bivalve doors, if less - one sash is enough.


Glass interior doors can be performed in several design solutions. They are:

  • Frameless. Frameless glass doors are only glass with accessories installed on it. Many people like it out: look more "light" just because of the lack of a frame. It looks more fragile, but in fact they are no less vandal-resistant than frameworks. Sometimes even more persistent, as thicker glass is used.

    Interior doors made of glass

    Door canvas without frame

  • Frame. In the profile of wood, plastic, metalplastic or metal is inserted with glass. It turns out in the frame, hence the name. The same category includes double glasses (two glasses are inserted into the profile). There may be two types:
    • without imposts (a big glass in the frame);
    • with imposses (some glasses separated by thin profiles).

      Interior doors made of glass

      Glass door can be framed into a frame of metal, wood, plastic

  • With a hidden aluminum profile. In this case, the glass is glued to the profile so that it and the edges of the sash are flush. This system occurs infrequently, although the doors look interesting, and the most vulnerable part of the tempered glass (end) turns out to be more or less protected.

    Interior doors made of glass

    A special profile to which glass is glued on both sides. Good version of soundproof

In addition to different designs of sash, glass interior doors have different types of door frames:

  • with door frame;
  • without box.

Interior doors made of glass

Installing glass doors can be directly in the door span, without a door box

The second option gives the most sensation of "lightness", and still saves money. And that's how. We usually put aluminum boxes with glass doors (wooden - leads, they crack, swell, etc., plastic usually do not pass through the aesthetic criteria). And they cost about half the cost of the door canvase. So put the glass interior doors without a box profitable. The only limitation: the bearing ability of the walls should be sufficient to withstand the mass of the sash.

Dangerous or not

Glass doors look fragile and many attend doubts about their reliability. But in vain. The fact is that the glass doors use not ordinary glass, but special. Use two types:

  • Tempered. The glass canvas is heated to high temperatures (480 ° C), and then, with the help of air streams, they quickly bring to normal temperature. As a result of this processing, glass becomes more stronger. On the plane, you can even beat the hammer. There will be nothing. The only weak place of such crafts is an end strike. In this case, glass can crumble. But the fragments will not be sharp, the injury will not seriously work. But the doors will be needed new. This is yes.

    Interior doors made of glass

    The difference between ordinary and calene glass

  • Triplex. These are two glasses, between which the polymer film is laid (they are also called laminated glasses). Technology is such that the transparency of such a design is no worse than the usual glass. To break it need to make serious efforts. Even if efforts are crowned with success, fragments will not scatter, but will hang on the film. So such glass is also safe.

Despite the fact that according to the description it seems that the triplex is more reliable, in fact, it is better to withstand shock loads tempered glass. So if you are worried about reliability, choose it.

Glass Interior Doors: Photos of Interesting Ideas

The choice of glass interior doors is complicated by the fact that they have their own bright individuality. In fact, it is an element of decor and it must be selected, coordinating with the style of design of the room, and it is not easy even for professional designers. What to say about those who develop interiors independently. To help, we have collected some interesting ideas that we hope can help you in choosing glass interior doors specifically for your requirements.

Interior doors made of glass

Wide frame of wood looks good in the interiors of the classical or ethnic direction

Interior doors made of glass

Opening method one, but how different this two interior glass doors look different

Interior doors made of glass

If some drawing is applied to the cloth, consider glass doors as an art object and select the color and drawing to the setting (or vice versa, order the doors, and then select the rest of the design)

Interior doors made of glass

Thin black imposes - this style is suitable for the Scandinavian direction, good in the loft, modern and modern interiors

Interior doors made of glass

If in the design there is a deliberates underlined wooden elements, it makes sense to make the door frame from wood (or plastic) of the same color

Interior doors made of glass

This one option is the sliding doors when the canvas leaves to the wall

Interior doors made of glass

There are options for the classics

Interior doors made of glass

Raisin in properly selected glass

Interior doors made of glass

If the seco on the door is color, the box should be in the same range. May be darker or lighter - from the desired result, but the gamma is one

Interior doors made of glass

Interesting combination of textured glass and aluminum laminated profile

Interior doors made of glass

In the corridor will still be light

Interior doors made of glass

An interesting option of sliding doors: both halves go in one direction

Interior doors made of glass

And it is rather a glass partition, although ... there is an opening. Just he is very wide

Interior doors made of glass

This glass interroom door is attracted. That is why the wall is white, and the rest of the interior items are most likely neutral. For rare exception

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