How to soften hard water in households


The problem of hard water is relevant for residents of apartment buildings and private sector. How to soften hard water at home? What is needed for this?

Before moving on to the question, how to make water soft, you should deal with what is meant by hardness.

What water is called tough

"Tough" is called water that contains calcium and magnesium salts in large quantities. In addition to salts, there is a high content of heavy metals and other substances. Some chemicals decompose in the boiling process, the other retains the initial formula.

How to soften hard water in households

Why do you need to soften water? The fact is that tough water gives the hostess such household inconveniences as the formation of a strong scale and a limescale, due to which the service life of the washing machine and an electric kettle is significantly reduced. In addition, such water reduces the effectiveness of the foaming agents for washing and washing dishes.

The substances contained in rigid water worsen the condition of the skin and hair. If you drink such water for a long time, it leads to different violations in the work of the kidneys and the urogenital system.

How to check the rigidity of water at home

There are a number of methods with which you can define the rigidity of water at home. You can do the following:

  • Take advantage of the "express test". This is an indicator that determines the rigidity of water, which can be purchased in medical equipment stores or pet stores.
  • Measure rigidity using the TDS meter (conductor). In the people, this electronic device was called "Slemer", and the principle of its work is that it measures the electronics of water. This indicator is directly related to the amount of salt contained than it is higher, the tougher water.

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How to soften hard water in households

It is necessary to establish that water is hard, and without special means. The definition of its quality is possible with the help of people's ways:

You can soften the water in different ways, for this there are special means, but folk methods can also be applied.

How to soften hard water in households

How to soften water from the well

Water in the well is not always good quality, often the content of saline impurities and metals exceeds the norm. How to make such water suitable for household needs, bathing and cooking? Apply one of these methods:
  • Boiling. Under the influence of high temperatures for 40-60 minutes, most substances decompose, and the remaining elements are settled at the bottom of the container as a result of the subsequent settling. Such water is suitable for drinking, cooking and bathing.
  • Settlement. This method is used in cases where it is necessary to pour room flowers and cultures on the household plot. As a rule, the owners of private houses take water in the well for this. A large capacity is filled with water, which should be stretched at least 24 hours.
  • Freezing. Water is better freezing partially by filling its plastic bottle and placing in the freezer. When an ice-crust is formed near the walls of the vessel, the irremorable water is poured, and the ice leaves the ice. Talay water is suitable for drinking and watering plants.
  • Mixing. It is possible to reduce the rigidity by mixing the water from the well with a soft, bought or melt.
  • Silicon. Minerals are washed in running water and placed in the tank. Then water is poured into the vessel and covered with a cloth. Need to defend at least 2-3 days.

Water for cleaning can be softened with the help of calcined soda or ammonia alcohol. This will help neutralize salt and increase the amount of foam from detergents.

How to soften water at home with reagents

To make water soft and improve its quality, use various substances, for example:

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It must be remembered that when using chemicals it is important to strictly follow the dosage.

How to soften hard water in households

Water mitigation

To soften the tap water and remove harmful impurities, a number of special means can be used. These include:
  • Filters-jugs. As a rule, the container accommodates approximately 3 liters of water, the cleansing occurs by the filter cartridge, which delays the salt and various impurities.
  • Reverse osmosis. Such a filtering system costs considerable money, but is the most acceptable option. The device is connected directly to the pipes, and the filtering occurs with special concentrated solutions. Water, purified in this way, is intended for swimming and economic needs, but it is not suitable for drinking, since the active substances involved in the process of purification are "killed" not only harmful, but also useful components.
  • Ion exchange softeners for water. With the help of these devices, you can not only clean the water from impurities, but also enrich its composition with useful minerals. This water is suitable for drinking and bathing.

Magnetic water softener

How to soften hard water in households

To soften the water for washing machines, use magnetic balls. This is a kind of filter that neutralizes the molecules of salts and metals, due to which water softening occurs. The use of such a method of mitigation of water will allow you to maintain a household appliance, reduce the amount of lime plates on the internal parts of the unit, and increase its service life.

This is an effective means for mitigating water, the principle of its work is to change the composition of the liquid due to the effects of magnetic fields. In addition, by this softener, harmful impurities are eliminated in water.

The filter is a cylinder equipped with permanent magnets, due to the effects of which salts and metals lose the ability to "stick" to the heating elements of various devices, and the existing deposits are loosened and easily watched.

So that the water cleaning is effective, the pressure should not be stronger than 4 m / s. Most often, magnetic softeners are installed in boiler rooms.

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How to soften water for watering houseplants

Salts and metals contained in a rigid will are destructive for plants. How to soften water for watering colors?

  • You can use resistant and melt water, as well as use liquid cleaned with silicon.
  • Also, water is softened by peat. You will need to prepare a solution in a proportion of 100 grams of peat per 10 liters of water, thoroughly stir and pour plants.
  • In addition, wood ash (30 grams of water) are added to prepare a solution for irrigation (30 grams of 10 liters of water). The ingredient is dissolved and allowed to strengthen within an hour, and then watered plants.

How to soften water for washing hair at home

For safe hair washing, boiled, thalu and water-softened water or "lemon" are used. In addition, you can use such recipes to make "soft" water:

  • Prepare a softening decoction with a seed of flax (2 tablespoons of seeds add to 1 liter of water and boil 10 minutes, after which it was insistant 40-50 minutes);
  • Make a herbal decoction with nettle or chamomile (2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), boil 15-20 minutes, then strain.

Waters on a vegetable basis not only soften the water, but also reduce hair fragility.

How to soften the water for swimming a child

Hard water can lead to the appearance of irritation on the delicate skin of the kid. To this not happen, water for swimming can be:

The listed means will help reduce the rigidity of tap water, neutralize metals and harmful impurities.

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