How to remove glitter with trousers from long socks


Many have to notice that in the process of socks, trousers begin to glorify, "brilliant" sections appear on the fabric. Such a thing looks untidy, and you no longer want to wear it. Why does a gloss appear on the fabric? This happens for two reasons: incorrect Ironing of the product and too active exploitation of things. How to remove shine with trousers? To solve the problem, you can use one of the proposed methods.

How to remove shine with trousers from socks

How to remove glitter with trousers from long socks

When the reason for the appearance of undesirable gloss on the fabric is frequent use of the thing, this can be determined by the location of the plumbing spots. As a rule, they appear in the area of ​​the knees, hips and buttocks. What can be done in this case and what means to use to get rid of shine? The task is not so complicated, as it seems. Apply one of these ways, and the thing will look flawless again.


This method will give the desired result only if the thing is not very worn. When the gloss on the fabric appeared for a long time and "wobbly" looks like large parts of the material, disappearing is useless.

So, to remove the shine on the trousers and get rid of the trace of wear, you will need to do the following:

If the pants absorbed not a lot of moisture, you can dry them with the iron.

How to remove glitter with trousers from long socks

Laundry soap

Prepare a solution of soap and warm water (do not use bars with aromatic additives and dyes, you need a normal alkaline option). Soft clothing brush gently wipe the problem areas. After processing, we rinse the thing and send to dry.

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Dissolve the 4 teaspoons of the ammonia in the liter of water and abundantly moist the fabric napkin in the resulting means. Wipe Las, and then wrap the pants moderately hot iron using gauze. If, after the work done, the shine came out not completely, repeat the procedure by adding a tablespoon of salt to the ammonic solution.

Black tea

Wire strong tea and cool the liquid. Then moisten a piece of fabric, a sponge or cotton swab and treat the freezing clothes. After that, send the trousers to dry, and when they dry, endure through the gauze.

Boric acid

Prepare a means of 200 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of boring alcohol. Treat the plug-in areas with a sponge or tissue napkin, rejoicing it in solution. Then leave a thing for 20-30 minutes so that the tool has enough absorbed. After carefully rinse the clothes and send to dry air.

How to remove glitter with trousers from long socks

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The ugly gloss on the fabric may appear as a result of the wrong ironing, for example, when the iron was too warm or not used march. It is possible to remove the tracks by steaming over hot water, as well as with the help of girlfriend.

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Purified gasoline and ammonia alcohol

Gasoline helps not only in the fight against greasy stains, but also when the recovery sections of the fabric are restored. To enhance the effect of cleaning, the ammonia alcohol is needed. To bring the trousers in order, you will need to do the following:

  • Mock a piece of cloth in gasoline abundantly (preferably woolen).
  • Wipe the means of problem spaces so that the solution is well absorbed.
  • Then treat Las with a tissue napkin, impregnated with a solution of ammonia (1 part of the ammonic alcohol on 5 parts of water).
  • Rinse the pants in warm water and send to dry.
  • Dry clothing clean the soft brush.

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When processing the plumbing fabric, act neatly, do not rub the gasoline and the ammonia solution with an effort - this will lead to the formation of rods on the surface.

How to remove glitter with trousers from long socks


This tool is perfect for the removal of the gloss from the clothes from colored fabrics. Clean the bulb and grind it to the state of the Cashitz, using a meat grinder. In the resulting mass evenly apply to problem areas of the fabric and leave 1.5-2 hours. After that, post the thing and air in the air to remove the specific smell. If you do not want to use the onions, you can apply the lemon slicker, smearing the necessary places with it.

Raw potatoes

Using natural products, you can not fear to spoil the thing. Cut the crude tuber in half and treat problem areas on a slice. If there was a "stupid" on the place of the cut, and you have not finished work yet, make a fresh cut, removing the erased area of ​​the tuber. After processing, wait until the cloth dries, and clean the pants with a soft pile. If necessary, wake up clothes using a piece of gauze.

Newspaper or Pekme.

This method is unsafe and suitable only for products from dense materials. Apply pembol or emery paper in cases where the thing is strongly worn out and none of the above methods helped. Applying these means to remove Las, do not trite fabric too much, otherwise you risk getting a rapid thing.

How to iron so that the pants do not glisten

Any problem is easier to prevent how to look for ways to solve it. In order not to spoil the thing when ironing and subsequently do not struggle with the brilliance of the fabric, follow these recommendations:

Applying these tricks in practice, you can avoid the appearance of brilliant traces from the iron on your favorite trousers.

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